- Author: Pride
- Date: October 8, 2021
- Updated: October 8, 2021
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Morogrim Tidewalker has proven to be one of the biggest obstacles in Serpentshrine Cavern for many guilds, with 53% fewer kills than Leotheras the Blind at the time of writing this guide.
And it is no wonder! He has 5.7 million HP, deals significantly more damage than other Phase 2 bosses, and offers a fairly harsh AoE damage check in order for your raid to kill him.
Thankfully, players have come together to develop new strategies for taking him down, which don’t involve common pitfalls like relying on 2 prot paladins for handling the adds.
This guide will offer your guild a step-by-step analysis of how to beat this ugly sea giant.
Role Summaries
Phase 1
- Stack with the raid right behind Morogrim
- Use your
Master Healthstone if you’re low after your
Watery Grave explodes so you don’t die to fall damage
- Use any AoE you have available to help kill the Tidewalker Lurker murlocs after
- Engineers, this is your time to shine – use
Super Sapper Charges on the murlocs
Phase 2
- Quickly move with your raid to your new spot, again stacking right behind Morogrim
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
Your raid can safely buff by the pillars behind Morogrim. Then, when you’re ready to pull, the MT moves to his designated spot while the raid waits behind the pillar. Morogrim has a small aggro range, so you shouldn’t be too worried about accidental pulls.
A hunter pulls with Misdirection on the MT, and when the boss is in position, the entire raid stacks right behind him, as shown in the following picture.
Phase 1
The rest of your hunters should now use Misdirection on the MT.
As soon as the MT has a healthy aggro lead on the boss, you should use Heroism /
Bloodlust and your single-target DPS players should use their damage cooldowns, as you want to burn the boss down to 25% as fast as possible, which becomes a lot harder after
Watery Graves and murlocs enter the picture.
If you’re struggling with AoEing the murlocs down in time, you can also use Heroism /
Bloodlust for killing them, particularly if it looks like you’re getting overwhelmed.
Your designated Watery Grave healers will need to keep an eye out for players getting teleported to the middle, and quickly heal them so they don’t die to fall damage or
About 40 seconds into the fight, you should prepare for the first Earthquake. Make sure nobody is below 4k HP before it comes, as even if they survive, they cannot be healed for a while afterwards, leading them to die to any minor source of damage.
If your prot paladin got targeted by Watery Grave when
Earthquake comes out, he should use his
Divine Shield immediately to get back to the raid and save his healers from certain death.
After Earthquake comes out, it is crucial that your healers do not panic and start casting AoE heal spells to top your raid off, as they will very likely get aggro on the murlocs and die.
Every single healer, except for the 2-3 paladins and priests assigned to the MT, should stop healing altogether. Your priests should get a couple of Flash Heals in, making sure your MT does not die to Morogrim’s normal damage, and then
Fade, to lose all aggro off the murlocs.
Similarly, your MT should not get aggro on the murlocs, as there’s a very high chance he will die if he gets the armor reduction debuff. That means no Demoralizing Shout,
Thunder Clap,
Commanding Shout, etc until the prot paladin has picked them up.
Just as the murlocs spawn, you want your designated Life Tap warlock to start spamming
Life Tap, and your protection paladin to spam max rank
Holy Light on him with
Righteous Fury active. This will cause him to generate a significant amount of threat and most likely be the #1 player on the murlocs’ threat table.
It also helps if you have one of your hunters drop a Frost Trap on the north entrance (the one you are closest to) as the murlocs have to cover a smaller distance getting to you from there, and you would like all of them to come at once rather than in waves, so you can AoE them down without threat issues.
Another Frost Trap on the raid can also help kiting the murlocs slightly if your healers are struggling to keep your protection paladin alive.
If your prot paladin is still taking too much damage or dying, a DPS warrior in your raid can use Demoralizing Shout and
Thunder Clap on the murlocs after your prot paladin has grabbed the initial threat. This will reduce their damage fairly significantly.
Give your prot paladin 4-5 seconds to get some threat on the murlocs, and then your casters should start using their AoE spells (Seed of Corruption /
Flamestrike /
Arcane Explosion etc). Getting aggro off 1-2 murlocs likely won’t kill them as individually the murlocs don’t hit too hard, but it helps if your 3rd tank
Taunts any stray murlocs that are going after casters / healers.
You ideally want to finish off all the murlocs before the next Earthquake is cast, as you can quickly get overrun. To that end, it can help if your shamans of all specs use their
Fire Elemental Totem, as it deals a surprising amount of AoE damage, particularly when you’re struggling.
Phase 2
When you reduce Morogrim’s HP to 25%, phase 2 starts. Morogrim will now cast Summon Water Globule instead of
Watery Grave.
Rejoice – this phase is actually easier than phase 1, provided you know how to deal with it.
As mentioned before, the Water Globules only last ~30 seconds and move very, very slowly. They always spawn in the same spot, so it is possible to move the boss to a location where the globules will never reach you, such as the north-east corner of the room, just behind the pillar where you’ve been fighting him so far, as shown below.
It is vital that your healers do not panic and stop healing while the raid moves to their new position, as it is very easy for a tank to die while moving. To help with that, your MT should use any defensive cooldowns available to them, such as Shield Wall or
Last Stand, and your protection paladin should be ready to
Lay on Hands himself if necessary.
Without Watery Grave stunning your players and requiring your healers’ attention, the fight is significantly easier. The only challenge at this point is that you’re now even closer to the north side murlocs, so your prot paladin will have to be aware of that and possibly use
Avenging Wrath / a spell power trinket (specially when healing the
Life Tapping warlock) to ensure murlocs don’t go for your healers and cause a last minute wipe.
But if you’ve gotten this far, it’s very likely that you can handle phase 2, and are now one step closer to the final boss of Serpentshrine Cavern – Lady Vashj!
Penultimate means next to last or second to last. It’s been used wrong at the end of this article