- Author: Amery
- Date: May 29, 2021
- Updated: September 19, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
As each group is different, there is not a set in stone BiS list, these are purely items I would use.
- Head: Incanter’s Cowl
- Neck: Brooch of Heightened Potential
- Shoulders: Mana-Etched Spaulders
- Cloak: Embroidered Cape of Mysteries
- Chest: Spellfire Robe
- Bracers: Bands of Negation
- Gloves: Spellfire Gloves
- Waist: Spellfire Belt
- Legs: Kirin Tor Master’s Trousers
- Feet: Sigil-Laced Boots
- Ring 1: Sparking Arcanite Ring
- Ring 2: Ring of Cryptic Dreams
- Trinket 1: Quagmirran’s Eye
- Trinket 2: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- 1H Weapon: Blade of the Archmage or Greatsword of Horrid Dreams
- OH Weapon: Talisman of Kalecgos
- Wand: Nether Core’s Control Rod
- 2H Weapon: Gladiator’s War Staff or Terokk’s Shadowstaff
- Head: Collar of the Aldor
- Neck: Brooch of Unquenchable Fury
- Shoulders: Pauldrons of the Aldor
- Cloak: Ruby Drape of the Mysticant
- Chest: Spellfire Robe
- Bracers: Bands of Nefarious Deeds
- Gloves: Spellfire Gloves
- Waist: Spellfire Belt
- Legs: Trial-Fire Trousers
- Feet: Boots of Foretelling
- Ring 1: Violet Signet of the Archmage
- Ring 2: Band of Crimson Fury
- Trinket 1: The Lightning Capacitor
- Trinket 2: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- 1H Weapon: Nathrezim Mindblade
- OH Weapon: Talisman of Kalecgos
- Wand: Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy
- 2H Weapon: Gladiator’s War Staff or Staff of Infinite Mysteries
- Head: Cowl of Tirisfal
- Neck: The Sun King’s Talisman
- Shoulders: Mantle of Tirisfal
- Cloak: Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi or Royal Cloak of the Sunstriders
- Chest: Robes of Tirisfal
- Bracers: Mindstorm Wristbands
- Gloves: Gauntlets of the Sun King
- Waist: Belt of Divine Inspiration
- Legs: Leggings of Tirisfal
- Feet: Velvet Boots of the Guardian
- Ring 1: Violet Signet of the Archmage
- Ring 2: Band of Eternity
- Trinket 1: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Trinket 2: Serpent-Coil Braid
- Weapon: The Nexus Key
- Wand: Eredar Wand of Obliteration
- Head: Cowl of Tirisfal
- Neck: The Sun King’s Talisman
- Shoulders: Mantle of Tirisfal
- Cloak: Shroud of the Highborne or Cloak of the Illidari Council
- Chest: Robes of Tirisfal
- Bracers: Cuffs of Devastation
- Gloves: Gloves of Tirisfal
- Waist: Anetheron’s Noose
- Legs: Leggings of the Tempest or Leggings of Channeled Elements
- Feet: Slippers of the Seacaller
- Ring 1: Ring of Ancient Knowledge or Band of the Eternal Sage
- Ring 2: Ring of Ancient Knowledge
- Trinket 1: The Skull of Gul’dan or Ashtongue Talisman of Insight
- Trinket 2: Serpent-Coil Braid
- Weapon: Zhar’doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer or Tempest of Chaos
- Off-Hand: Chronicle of Dark Secrets
- Wand: Eredar Wand of Obliteration
- Head: Cowl of Tirisfal
- Neck: Brooch of Nature’s Mercy
- Shoulders: Mantle of Tirisfal
- Cloak: Shroud of the Highborne or Cloak of the Illidari Council
- Chest: Robes of Tirisfal
- Bracers: Cuffs of Devastation
- Gloves: Gloves of Tirisfal
- Waist: Anetheron’s Noose
- Legs: Leggings of the Tempest or Leggings of Channeled Elements
- Feet: Slippers of the Seacaller
- Ring 1: Mana Attuned Band
- Ring 2: Ring of Ancient Knowledge
- Trinket 1: The Skull of Gul’dan or Ashtongue Talisman of Insight
- Trinket 2: Hex Shrunken Head
- Weapon: Zhar’doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer or Tempest of Chaos
- Off-Hand: Fetish of the Primal Gods
- Wand: Carved With Doctor’s Stick
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/c4Fgry5aHvNBa9fNr17Vww
- Head: Cowl of Tirisfal
- Neck: Amulet of Unfettered Magics
- Shoulders: Mantle of Tirisfal
- Cloak: Tattered Cape of Antonidas
- Chest: Robes of Ghostly Hatred
- Bracers: Bracers of the Tempest
- Gloves: Gloves of Tyri’s Power
- Waist: Belt of the Tempest
- Legs: Leggings of Calamity
- Feet: Boots of the Tempest
- Ring 1: Loop of Forged Power
- Ring 2: Ring of Omnipotence or Band of the Eternal Sage
- Trinket 1: Hex Shrunken Head
- Trinket 2: Shifting Naaru Sliver
- Weapon: Sunflare
- Off-Hand: Heart of the Pit
- Wand: Wand of the Demonsoul
About the Author

Hey guys! My name is Amery and here is a little something about me: I've been playing WoW for about 15 years now. With that experience, I wanted to share all the things I have learned over the years.