- Author: Kurathis
- Date: July 17, 2021
- Updated: March 6, 2025
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Welcome to the Assassination Rogue guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade. In this guide, you will learn about playing an Assassination Rogue in dungeons and raids. The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips.
Best Races
Note: We did not take each race’s beginning stats into consideration for this list
- Human: Humans are the more common choice for melee classes – tanks and DPS alike – for
Sword Specialization and
Mace Specialization increasing their Expertise while wielding swords or maces, respectively
- Dwarf: While Dwarves do have
Stoneform, it’s not as beneficial to DPS as it would be to tanks, although there are certain fights where this can be beneficial to any role
- Night Elf: Night Elves are given
Quickness, increasing their chance to dodge attacks by 1%
- Gnome: Gnomes have
Escape Artist, which is phenomenal in both PvP and PvE scenarios. However, while doing raids and high-end dungeons and heroics, you shouldn’t be having aggro enough of the time
Best Alliance Race: Human
- Orc: Orcs have a means of increasing their Attack Power through
Blood Fury, but it does decrease the amount they receive in healing
- Troll: Trolls have the only racial to increase their Attack Speed (Haste)
Berserking which ranges from 10-30% increased speed, depending on your current health. Trolls also receive
Beast Slaying, increasing their damage to beasts by 5%
- Undead:
Will of the Forsaken can be beneficial in PvE when raiding or running dungeons and heroics since some mobs will fear random party members even if they do not have aggro
- Blood Elf: While not necessarily directly beneficial, Blood Elves get
Arcane Torrent which not only silences mobs in an AoE pattern, but also regenerates Energy depending on how many charges of
Mana Tap you currently have
Best Horde Race: Troll
Best Professions
- Alchemy: Alchemy has potential for any class and role combination since every player will use consumables like flasks, elixirs, and potions
- Blacksmithing: Blacksmithing does allow for players to craft high-level items such as
Dragonmaw, which requires Master Hammersmith, and
Blazeguard, which requires Master Swordsmith.
- Enchanting: The main appeal for PvE progression-minded players in Enchanting is the ability to enchant our rings with unique enchants only available to players with a high skill level. The two enchants that peak our interest would be
Enchant Ring - Stats and
Enchant Ring - Striking. It is also worth noting that by disenchanting items you come across that are not upgrades and selling them on the Auction House can provide decent income for you
- Engineering: Engineering allows players to craft very powerful items like
Deathblow X11 Goggles. The ability to craft these becomes available beginning in Phase 2. Apart from that, Engineering allows us to craft items like
Dense Dynamite,
Adamantite Grenade, and of course, if you’re feeling extra festive, you can craft and shoot off your own
Blue Firework (Different color variations are available)
- Jewelcrafting: One of the more common reasons to grab Jewelcrafting is, similar to Enchanting, the ability to create gems only we can use in our gear. An example of this would be
Crimson Sun which does provide much more benefit than the other, average gems available, also created through Jewelcrafting. Another item that Jewelcrafters can craft would be
Hard Khorium Choker, which will become available in Phase 5.
- Leatherworking: Because some of your Pre-Raid BiS gearset is crafted using Leatherworking, and some items are Bind-on-Pickup (BoP) choosing it as one of your professions will not only potentially save you some gold for the Bind-on-Equip (BoE) items you can craft, but also allow access to the BoP items, as well. We can also craft our own
Nethercobra Leg Armor. Also, having access to
Drums of Battle is always a bonus for your raid group!
- Tailoring: Other than being able to craft bags, Tailoring doesn’t provide you as much benefit as Leatherworking does
- Gathering Professions: As a result of leaning towards Leatherworking as our main primary profession, it only makes sense for us to also select Skinning as our second profession
I need a Envenom Weak aura tracker if anyone has, please link it
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