- Author: Kurathis
- Date: July 27, 2021
- Updated: August 2, 2021
- Expansion: TBC Classic
In this section we will cover the rotation for Assassination Rogues in TBC Classic. Admittedly, it is a pretty basic rotation.
The main abilities Assassination Rogues will be using in their rotation are:
First, we’ll want to ensure that our weapons have Deadly Poison applied. At this time, if you have a Shaman with Windfury Totem, it does override the Poison on your Main-Hand weapon, so making sure that Deadly Poison is applied to your Off-Hand weapon in this case is important. Without a Shaman, you want to ensure BOTH weapons have Deadly Poison applied to them.
We’ll begin the encounter in Stealth, allowing for our opening ability to be Garrote to apply the Damage-over-Time (DoT) effect.
To generate combo points we will be using Mutilate.
After 3-5 combo points, we’ll want to use Slice and Dice.
At 5 combo points, use Rupture and aim to have this maintained throughout the entire fight.
Only if Deadly Poison is about to fall off the target, you can use Shiv.