- Author: bobodingo
- Date: March 18, 2021
- Updated: February 28, 2025
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Welcome to the Balance Druid guide for World of Warcraft the Burning Crusade Classic. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Balance Druid in dungeons and raids. The guide includes talents, gems, enchantments, and rotation information.
Best Races
There are only 2 races to pick from to be a Druid, Tauren for the Horde faction and Night Elf for the Alliance faction. There is no real benefit to having a Tauren over a Night Elf when it comes to being a Moonkin.
- Tauren
- Night Elf
Best Professions
Tailoring will be your go-to profession in the early and last phase of TBC Classic. Due to the Spell Fire and the Spellstrike sets requiring tailoring to use these pieces you will need to be a tailor. Because of the fact those are some of your BiS pieces in phase 1 and extremely close to your phase 2 BiS pieces. In phase 5 the Sunfire Robe becomes available to tailors and those will become your BiS. Tailors also have the ability to make Runic spellthread a very powerful leg enchant. If you have a Profession slot or the ability to drop one it’s highly recommended you pick up tailoring or keep tailoring going into TBC.
With the enchanting skill you increase your total spell power by 24 due to the fact you can enchant both rings with Enchant Ring – Spellpower. It is also super useful to make your own enchants and it can be profitable if you get certain enchants fast enough. If you have another open slot alongside tailoring this is a great profession to switch to if you do not have it already.
There is no major benefit to going jewelcrafting on a Moonkin. The upgrades in gems from what you can get without the profession are very minor. As well as the craftables aren’t even close in comparison. Unless you really want a jewelcrafter there are other professions that will serve you far better in PvE
The main reason you would pick up alchemy is for the Sorcerer’s Alchemist Stone which gives you a passive spell power bonus (this bonus comes in a later phase) and increases the effectiveness of your potions by 40%(this comes with the first stage of the stone). Because of the fact Moonkins have major mana issues, this could be extremely useful on longer fights and you need to use mana potions on cooldown. Unless you already have alchemy, tailoring and enchanting provide far better bonuses.
Leatherworking has only 2 minor bonuses in the ability to make Drums of Battle and a pre-raid set called the Windhawk set. The Windhawk set is a decent alternative to Spellstrike and the Spellfire set. Unless you already have leatherworking or your raid lead is making you go leatherworking for drums, it is better to pick up tailoring or enchanting.
Has some general utility and decent starter headpieces. The goggles Destruction Holo-gogs and Magnified Moon Specs are not quite as good as Spellstrike Hood. They do get an upgrade in Sunwell but at that stage there are better items to choose from. The general utility is in the Field Repair Bot 110G, Goblin Jumper Cables XL. Another bonus would be the ability to create Flying Machine Control and Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control. Unless you have engineering and really want to keep it, tailoring and enchanting are going to be far better.
Blacksmithing is not worth it. It brings nothing to the abilities of a boomkin. It doesn’t have any gear. If you have blacksmithing it is worth dropping for one of the better professions for the boomkin spec.
Gathering Professions
No real benefit even if the gathering potential of Druids is extremely strong because of the instant flight form, strictly speaking with PvE content they have no bonus. Certain forms can do certain gathering professions. Flight form allows you to herb. Cat and Bear let you skin. Moonkin form allows you to mine.
the tailoring chest is available in phase 1 lol
Spellfire is, not Sunfire.