- Author: bobodingo
- Date: March 18, 2021
- Updated: February 28, 2025
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Single target and AoE rotations for Balance Druids in WoW Classic. Make sure to keep Mark of the Wild and Thorns buffs for your raid or party at all times .
Single Target Rotation
- Improved Faerie Fire
- Moonfire (let it fall off. its a dps gain to finish your last star fire and not clip your last Moonfire, even with 4 set T5)
- Starfire
- Reapply dots and Faerie Fire as it falls off
- Insect Swarm (apply when on the move and Improved Faerie Fire and Moonfire are both up)
- if you picked up Force of Nature you should cast that on CD as well)
Improved Faerie Fire decreases the targets armor and increases the chance the target will be hit by melee and ranged attacks by 3%. Insect Swarm decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and does 792 over the 12 seconds. Moonfire does initial damage of 305-358 and applies a 600 damage dot. Then just spam Starfire and reapply as needed.
Area of Effect Rotation
- Improved Faerie Fire
- Hurricane
- Moonfire
- Starfire
- Reapply moonfire and use Hurricane when it comes off CD
- Optionally use Force of Nature on cooldown as well
Improved faerie fire decreases the targets armor and increases the chance the target will be hit by melee and ranged attacks by 3%. Insect Swarm decreasing their chance to hit by 2% and does 792 over the 12 seconds. Hurricane is the druid AoE spell and it applies a debuff that increases the time between attacks by 25% on enemies in the circle. Moonfire does initial damage of 305-358 and applies a 600 damage dot. Use Hurricane when it comes off CD, reapply dots as they fall off and spam starfire.
This wildly needs a huge update – mostly incorrect
yes you would be correct, cutting out IS would be in order. ill get to fixing it asap