The best gems, enchantments, and consumables (food, potions, elixirs) to use for Balance Druid DPS in WoW Classic.
Boomkins have a great range of potential gems to choose from in Burning Crusade Classic. Based on how you want to build your boomkin there are a couple to choose from.
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3 years ago
Poached Bluefish is also a food alternative, gives the same stats as the two mentioned
cause in tbc, theres spell haste rating and normal (melee) haste rating. this potion grants the latter. wotlk combined melee and spell haste into the same stat
Poached Bluefish is also a food alternative, gives the same stats as the two mentioned
haste potions do not increase spellcasting speed
Why wouldn’t it?
cause in tbc, theres spell haste rating and normal (melee) haste rating. this potion grants the latter. wotlk combined melee and spell haste into the same stat
I will look into this more and update if need be. Thank you for letting me know!
he’s right btw
That is correct. The guide has been updated to reflect this.
salty page admins downvoting this comment, despite it being 100% accurate.