Generally, Beast Mastery Hunters have a very simple rotation. One, in fact, that can be predominantly maintained through the use of one macro with a few key abilities tossed in to increase our DPS.
Thanks to äppelpak in the comments section, we now have a working Steady Shot macro for Live TBC Classic servers! Thanks a ton, äppelpak!
Aimed Shot (If you are facing a mob/boss that does heal or gets healed – an example of this may be Watchkeeper Gargolmar in Hellfire Ramparts)
Steady Shot (This will be most of your rotation being spammed)
Kill Command (Because this relies on a critical strike, it’s recommended to use whenever you can – especially since it doesn’t affect the Global Cooldown)
Bestial Wrath (This allows your pet to increase its damage by 50% for 18 seconds and become immune to various Crowd Control methods!)
Rapid Fire (Increases our attack speed by 40% on a 3-minute cooldown)
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Long-time WoW enthusiast who can't say no to a good-old poutine.
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A Sad Hunter
3 years ago
This macro is now dead. It no longer works on the TBC Beta.
You are correct. Currently on Beta it does seem that every macro that Hunters were able to utilize to make their lives easier is not functioning properly. I have updated the page accordingly. I hope to see the Hunter community brainstorming ideas for a new macro sometime in the near future.
3 years ago
Considering the macro doesn’t work you should specify more on the 1:1 and 3:2 rotations and put Steady Shot higher on the priority list.
this is the best working steady shot macro, sometimes your auto shot will crit first hit and you need to press this macro twice but other than that its the perfect one
I have the same issue with Prince. it actually breaks my interface so none of my abilities work even if I click them out of my spellbook. I have found that I can hit my feign death macro though and breaking combat or feigning seems to fix it. I have had it happen a few other times 2, but it’s deff the most constant on prince. Probably because its a longer fight and I spam the crap out of it?
I also have noticed this happening where my macro will eventually not work, it’ll cause my character to do the initial animation of drawing the bow and then repeat that. I haven’t seen my other abilities rendered unusable yet, so I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. I found your solution to work (I just press “ESC” and essentially reset the process)
I’m currently in the process of looking into why it works for a bit, then stops, and then works again after we reset our combat engagement. I’m not sure if it is based on the length of a fight, or if it’s something that players can’t control – behind-the-scenes, server side. I have tried using the macro with and without addons active, and I get the same result.
the macro stop working all together, you still auto attack but pressing it to SS does nothing and when KC procs pressing it for that does nothing as well. It seems to break if I spam it and works just fine if I press it after each SS cast
You really need to take that one macro fits all off. You need to do the difference between 1:1 and 3:2. That macro is going to lower your overall dps at different attack speeds.
I found with a 1.67 speed, the 1:1 macro would provide 1100 dps while a 2.01 speed with that same macro would provide 1200 dps. I have yet to find a macro for 3:2 that actually works properly. What were your DPS findings in your testing?
I’m going to leave the above macro in since it does work and is extremely helpful.
Edit: Forgot to mention my Hunter is in full beast lord and decent pre-raid gear, enchanted and gemmed properly for these tests with 9% hit achieved.
Last edited 3 years ago by Kurathis
3 years ago
What sort of rotation guide is this, only thing you provide in terms of rotation is the SS macro. You should either update this or ask for it to be removed since this a shit post.
This macro is now dead. It no longer works on the TBC Beta.
You are correct. Currently on Beta it does seem that every macro that Hunters were able to utilize to make their lives easier is not functioning properly. I have updated the page accordingly. I hope to see the Hunter community brainstorming ideas for a new macro sometime in the near future.
Considering the macro doesn’t work you should specify more on the 1:1 and 3:2 rotations and put Steady Shot higher on the priority list.
What are you referring to in terms of 3:2 rotation?
Lol. Why are you even writing this guide if you don’t know that? Especially in the Hunter Rotation section.
i heard that the macro started to work on the beta servers towards the end
That’s great news. I’m still having trouble getting it to work myself.
is it working now at live?
Seems we have a working macro now thanks to äppelpak below!
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cast !Auto Shot
/cast [@pettarget,harm,nodead] Kill Command
/cast Steady Shot
/cast [@pettarget,harm,nodead] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
#showtooltip Steady Shot
/cast !Auto Shot
/cast [@pettarget,harm,nodead] Kill Command
/cast Steady Shot
/cast [@pettarget,harm,nodead] Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
this is the best working steady shot macro, sometimes your auto shot will crit first hit and you need to press this macro twice but other than that its the perfect one
Thanks for letting us know! I’ve updated the guide to include this and have referenced you for the macro!
Has anyone figured out why this macro breaks at Prince?
What seems to break?
sometimes the macro just stops working
What do you notice that stops working? Do you just stop attacking, for example?
I have the same issue with Prince. it actually breaks my interface so none of my abilities work even if I click them out of my spellbook. I have found that I can hit my feign death macro though and breaking combat or feigning seems to fix it. I have had it happen a few other times 2, but it’s deff the most constant on prince. Probably because its a longer fight and I spam the crap out of it?
I also have noticed this happening where my macro will eventually not work, it’ll cause my character to do the initial animation of drawing the bow and then repeat that. I haven’t seen my other abilities rendered unusable yet, so I’m sorry you’re experiencing that. I found your solution to work (I just press “ESC” and essentially reset the process)
I’m currently in the process of looking into why it works for a bit, then stops, and then works again after we reset our combat engagement. I’m not sure if it is based on the length of a fight, or if it’s something that players can’t control – behind-the-scenes, server side. I have tried using the macro with and without addons active, and I get the same result.
I’ll update this comment when I find an answer.
the macro stop working all together, you still auto attack but pressing it to SS does nothing and when KC procs pressing it for that does nothing as well. It seems to break if I spam it and works just fine if I press it after each SS cast
Ty so much!
god bless you
You really need to take that one macro fits all off. You need to do the difference between 1:1 and 3:2. That macro is going to lower your overall dps at different attack speeds.
I found with a 1.67 speed, the 1:1 macro would provide 1100 dps while a 2.01 speed with that same macro would provide 1200 dps. I have yet to find a macro for 3:2 that actually works properly. What were your DPS findings in your testing?
I’m going to leave the above macro in since it does work and is extremely helpful.
Edit: Forgot to mention my Hunter is in full beast lord and decent pre-raid gear, enchanted and gemmed properly for these tests with 9% hit achieved.
What sort of rotation guide is this, only thing you provide in terms of rotation is the SS macro. You should either update this or ask for it to be removed since this a shit post.