- Author: bobodingo
- Date: May 10, 2022
- Updated: May 10, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Below you will find a complete list of both Pre-Raid BiS and each phase’s BiS. As each new phase is released, this page will be updated to reflect the items available.
Pre-Raid BiS (+ Other Options)
- Head: Helm of the Claw
- Neck: Choker of Vile Intent (25 Badges of Justice)
- Shoulders: Wastewalker Shoulderpads
- Cloak: Vengeance Wrap
- Chest: Primalstrike Vest
- Bracers: Spymistress’s Wristguards (If you need hit) or Primalstrike Bracers
- Hands: Fel Leather Gloves
- Waist: Girdle of the Deathdealer
- Legs: Fel Leather Leggings or Midnight Legguards
- Boots: Fel Leather Boots
- Ring: Shapeshifter’s Signet or Kaylaan’s Signet
- Honorable Mention: Due to the difficulty in obtaining Shaffar’s Band of Brutality thanks to being loot from a summonable boss, and the fairly low drop rate, we’ve left this ring to the Honorable Mention section
- Ring: Slayer’s Mark of the Redemption
- Honorable Mention: Due to the expectant high price tag, Ring of Reciprocity also remains in the Honorable Mention section. Although, if you find it on the Auction House or a player selling it and can afford it without going completely bankrupt, we’d recommend picking it up
- Trinket: Bloodlust Brooch (41 Badges of Justice)
- Trinket: Hourglass of the Unraveller
- TBC Swords Build
- Main–Hand: Vindicator’s Brand
- Off–Hand: Latro’s Shifting Sword
- TBC Fist and Sword Build
- Main-Hand: Claw of the Watcher or Reflex Blades
- Off-Hand: Latro’s Shifting Sword
- TBC Dagger and Sword Build
- Main-Hand: Riftmaker (Requires Exalted with the Keepers of Time) or The Night Blade
- Off-Hand: Latro’s Shifting Sword
- Ranged: Veteran’s Musket (Requires Exalted with Honor Hold) or Marksman’s Bow (Requires Exalted with Thrallmar)
- Honorable Mention: Barrel-Blade Longrifle
- This weapon provides 16 agility with two red gem sockets
- Honorable Mention: Barrel-Blade Longrifle
Phase 1 Best-in-Slot (BiS)
- Head: Mask of the Deceiver or Netherblade Facemask
- Neck: Choker of Vile Intent
- Shoulders: Netherblade Shoulderpads or Wastewalker Shoulderpads
- Cloak: Drape of the Dark Reavers or Vengeance Wrap
- Chest: Netherblade Chestpiece or Chestguard of the Conniver
- Honorable Mention: Terrorweave Tunic is technically the Phase 1 BiS chest piece, but it will likely have a hefty price tag attached to it for players interested in buying it
- Bracers: Nightfall Wristguards or Spymistress’s Wristguards (If you need hit)
- Hands: Netherblade Gloves or Fel Leather Gloves
- Waist: Girdle of the Deathdealer
- Legs: Skulker’s Greaves or Netherblade Breeches
- Boots: Edgewalker Longboots or Fel Leather Boots (If you need hit)
- Ring: Ring of a Thousand Marks
- Ring: Garona’s Signet Ring
- Honorable Mention: Due to the expectant high price tag, Ring of Reciprocity also remains in the Honorable Mention section. Although, if you find it on the Auction House or a player selling it and can afford it without going completely bankrupt, we’d recommend picking it up
- Trinket: Bloodlust Brooch
- Trinket: Romulo’s Poison Vial
- TBC Swords Build
- Main–Hand: Spiteblade
- Off–Hand: Latro’s Shifting Sword
- TBC Fist and Sword Build
- Main-Hand: Big Bad Wolf’s Paw
- Off-Hand: Latro’s Shifting Sword
- TBC Dagger and Sword Build
- Main-Hand: Malchazeen
- Off-Hand: Spiteblade or Latro’s Shifting Sword
- Ranged: Veteran’s Musket (Requires Exalted with Honor Hold) or Marksman’s Bow (Requires Exalted with Thrallmar)
- Honorable Mention: Barrel-Blade Longrifle
- This weapon provides 16 agility with two red gem sockets
- Honorable Mention: Barrel-Blade Longrifle
- Head: Deathmantle Helm
- Neck: Choker of Vile Intent
- Shoulders: Shoulderpads of the Stranger or Deathmantle Shoulderpads
- Cloak: Drape of the Dark Reavers or Thalassian Wildercloak
- Chest: Bloodsea Brigand’s Vest or Deathmantle Chestguard
- Wrist: Vambraces of Ending
- Hands: Deathmantle Handguards
- Waist: Belt of One-Hundred Deaths or Belt of Deep Shadow
- Legs: Deathmantle Legguards
- Feet: Edgewalker Longboots
- Ring: Ring of Lethality
- Ring: Band of the Ranger-General
- Trinket: Dragonspine Trophy or Tsunami Talisman
- Trinket: Warp-Spring Coil
- Main-Hand: Talon of Azshara
- Off-Hand: Latro’s Shifting Sword
- Ranged: Arcanite Steam-Pistol
BiS Gear
- Head – Cursed Vision of Sargeras
- Neck – Choker of Endless Nightmares
- Shoulders –Nightslayer Shoulder Pads
- Cape – Shadowmoon Destroyer’s Drape
- Chest – Slayer’s Chestguard
- Bracers – Insidious Bands
- Gloves – Slayer’s Handguards
- Belt – Belt of One-Hundred Deaths
- Legs – Slayer’s Legguards
- Boots – Shadowmaster‘s Boots
- Ring 1 – Stormrage Signet Ring
- Ring 2 – Band of the Ranger-General
- Trinket 1 – Warp-Spring Coil
- Trinket 2 – Dragonspine Trophy
- ranged- Arcanite Steam-Pistol
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/bW6eBZmh7prscs8yxaZPud
- Main hand – Blade of Infamy or Warglaive of Azzinoth(MH)
Offhand – Blade of Savagery or Warglaive of Azzinoth(OH)
- Head – Cursed Vision of Sargeras
- Neck – Choker of Endless Nightmares
- Shoulders –Nightslayer Shoulder Pads
- Cape – Shadowmoon Destroyer’s Drape
- Chest – Slayer’s Chestguard
- Bracers – Insidious Bands
- Gloves – Slayer’s Handguards
- Belt – Belt of One-Hundred Deaths
- Legs – Slayer’s Legguards
- Boots – Shadowmaster‘s Boots
- Ring 1 – Stormrage Signet Ring
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33496
- Trinket 1 – Warp-Spring Coil
- Trinket 2 – Dragonspine Trophy
- ranged- Arcanite Steam-Pistol
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/bW6eBZmh7prscs8yxaZPud
- Main hand – Blade of Infamy or Warglaive of Azzinoth(MH)
- Offhand – Blade of Savagery or Warglaive of Azzinoth(OH)
BiS Gear
- Head – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34244
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34177 or https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34358 (JC)
- Shoulders – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/31030
- Cape – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34241
- Chest – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34397
- Bracers – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34448
- Gloves – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34370
- Belt – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34558
- Legs – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34188
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34575
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32497
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34189
- Trinket 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/28830
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34427
- Bow – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34196
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/bW6eBZmh7prscs8yxaZPud
About the Author

Sup yall! My name is Bobodingo and I've been playing wow since its release. I'm an avid player trying to make some good, quality content and share my ideas with the rest of the WoW community. I'm always down to have a conversation and bounce ideas off each other!