- Author: bobodingo
- Date: May 11, 2021
- Updated: May 12, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Below you will find your Pre-Raid BiS gear along with the BiS gear for each phase. TBC Classic will be released over 5 phases and with each new phase, this page will be updated.
Pre-Raid BiS
- Head: Spellstrike Hood or Demonfang Ritual Helm
- Neck: Brooch of Heightened Potential
- Shoulders: Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders (Shadow Build) or Spaulders of Oblivion (Destro-Fire Build) or Mantle of Three Terrors (If you need spell hit rating)
- Cloak: Sethekk Oracle Cloak
- Chest: Frozen Shadoweave Robe (Shadow Build) or Robe of the Crimson Order or Auchenai Anchorite’s Robe (Destro-Fire Build – Both of which offer spell hit rating, in case you need it to reach cap)
- Bracers: Crimson Bracers of Gloom
- Hands: Gloves of Oblivion
- Waist: Sash of Serpentra
- Legs: Spellstrike Pants
- Boots: Frozen Shadoweave Boots (Shadow Build) or Extravagant Boots of Malice (Destro-Fire Build / If you need the spell hit rating)
- Ring: Ashyen’s Gift
- Ring: Sparking Arcanite Ring
- Trinket: Scryer’s Bloodgem
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Held-in-Off-Hand: Khadgar’s Knapsack (25 Badges of Justice) or Orb of the Soul-Eater (25 Badges of Justice)
- One-Handed: Blade of the Archmage (Requires Exalted with Honor Hold) or Stormcaller (Requires Exalted with Thrallmar)
- Two-Handed: Warpstaff of Arcanum or Grand Marshal’s War Staff (Alliance) or High Warlord’s War Staff (Horde)
- Ranged: Nether Core’s Control Rod
Phase 1 BiS
- Head: Spellstrike Hood
- Neck: Brooch of Unquenchable Fury
- Shoulders: Voidheart Mantle
- Cloak: Ruby Drape of the Mysticant
- Chest: Voidheart Robe
- Bracers: Crimson Bracers of Gloom
- Hands: Handwraps of Flowing Thought
- Waist: Girdle of Ruination
- Legs: Spellstrike Pants
- Boots: Boots of Foretelling
- Ring: Ashyen’s Gift
- Ring: Band of Crimson Fury
- Trinket: Scryer’s Bloodgem
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Held-in-Off-Hand: Talisman of Nightbane or Khadgar’s Knapsack (25 Badges of Justice) or Orb of the Soul-Eater (25 Badges of Justice)
- One-Handed: Nathrezim Mindblade or Bloodmaw Magus-Blade
- Two-Handed: Terokk’s Shadowstaff or Staff of Infinite Mysteries
- Ranged: Eredar Wand of Obliteration
- Helm – Cowl of the Grand Engineer, Destruction Holo-gogs, or Hood of the Corruptor
- Neck – The Sun King’s Talisman
- Shoulders – Voidheart Mantle (for T4 two piece)
- Back – Ruby Drape of the Mysticant or Royal Cloak of the Sunstriders
- Chest – Vestments of the Sea-Witch or Robe of the Corruptor
- Bracers – Mindstorm Wristbands
- Gloves – Voidheart Gloves (for T4 two piece) or Spellfire Gloves
- Belt – Belt of Blasting or Cord of Screaming Terrors
- Legs – Leggings of the Corruptor or Spellstrike Pants
- Boots – Boots of Blasting or Non-Tailoring Boots of the Shifting Nightmare
- Ring 1 – Ashyen’s Gift or Band of Crimson Fury
- Ring 2 – Ring of Endless Coils or Ring of Recurrence
- Trinket 1 – Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Trinket 2 – Quagmirran’s Eye or Sextant of Unstable Currents
- Weapon – Fang of the Leviathan or Talon of the Tempest
- Off-hand – Jewel of Infinite Possibilities or Fathomstone
- Wand – Wand of the Forgotten Star
Slot | Best in Slot | Alternative | Alternative | ||
Helm | |||||
Shoulder | |||||
Neck | > | > | |||
Back | Nethervoid Shadow Damage only | > | Healer Cloak Technically BiS, but should be healer Prio | ||
Chest | > | ||||
Wrist | |||||
Hands | |||||
Waist | = | > | BoB Only BiS if you can make use of the Hit Rating | ||
Legs | > | ||||
Feet | |||||
Ring | Ancient x2 | > | |||
Trinket | > | OR |
Slot | Best in Slot | Alternative | |
Weapon | > | ||
Off-Hand | |||
Wand |
- Head – Hood of the Malefic
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33281
- Shoulders – Mantle of the Malefic
- Cape – Nethervoid Cloak
- Chest – Vestments of the Sea-Witch
- Bracers – Bracers of Nimble Thought
- Gloves – Gloves of the Malefic
- Belt – Belt of Blasting
- Legs – Leggings of the Malefic
- Boots – Slippers of the Seacaller
- Ring 1 –https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33497
- Ring 2 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge
- Trinket 1 – The Skull of Gul‘dan
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33829
- Wand – Wand of the Forgotten Star
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/character/94bzwNRgY3HGS6Gg6MvatA/set/rMpYW8UQGKXKsA2ud1XnSg
- Main hand – Tempest of Chaos
- Offhand – Chronicle of Dark Secrets
Two hands – Zhar‘doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer
BiS Gear
- Head – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34340
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34359 (JC) or https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34204
- Shoulders – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/31054
- Cape – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34242
- Chest – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34364
- Bracers – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34436
- Gloves – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34344 +
- Belt – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34541
- Legs – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34181
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34564
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34230
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34362
- Trinket 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32483
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34429
- Wand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34347
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/hPefeBCS5xFb9k3ytPJeP4
- Main hand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34336Â
- Offhand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34179
About the Author

Sup yall! My name is Bobodingo and I've been playing wow since its release. I'm an avid player trying to make some good, quality content and share my ideas with the rest of the WoW community. I'm always down to have a conversation and bounce ideas off each other!
Any update for phase 2?
Can we get some further explanation on why we are mixxing Spellstrike and Frozen Shadoweave instead of committing to one or the other based on spec?
Hey there!
Awesome question!
Realistically, we shouldn’t be using items from the Shadow’s Embrace set if we chose to pursue the Destro-Fire build since the bulk of our damage revolves around fire damage and not shadow. However, in the case of the default (or shadow) build, every piece from the Shadow’s Embrace would be our best choice. I’ve updated the guide to better reflect gearing for the two different builds.
For the shadow build, both Spellstrike and the Shadow’s Embrace sets happen to be your Pre-Raid BiS. Admittedly, the Spellstrike set will last significantly longer than the Shadow’s Embrace Set once you start obtaining raid-level gear.
Could you please make a BiS list for fire destro? Thanks for your work!
Hey there, Eristal!
The only change in gear between the two talent builds would be in the Pre-Raid section where we would replace the Shadoweave set if we’re using the Destro-Fire build since we wouldn’t be relying on shadow damage.
For the Phase 1 BiS list, it incorporates both fire and shadow spell damage, puts you at hit cap (if not slightly above) and will carry you into Tier 5 content easily.
Edit: Missed the word shadow in the second paragraph
wich pet better for des?
For the standard destruction builds we benefit from using Demonic Sacrifice instead of using a minion/pet for DPS. Sacrificing the imp gives +15% Fire damage and sacrificing the Succubus gives +15% Shadow damage.
any updates for phase 3? Lol this site
phase 5 please