- Author: Tavon
- Date: May 11, 2021
- Updated: May 15, 2021
- Expansion: TBC Classic
These are the best gems to use to max out spell hit and spell damage. Use at least one blue (purple) gem to activate the meta gem requirement.
Low Gear Gems
- Red: Runed Living Ruby or Runed Blood Garnet
- Yellow: Great Dawnstone / Great Golden Draenite
- Purple: Glowing Nightseye
- Orange: Veiled Noble Topaz
- Meta: Chaotic Skyfire Diamond
High Gear Gems
- Red: Runed Crimson Spinel
- Yellow: Great Lionseye
- Purple: Glowing Shadowsong Amethyst
- Orange: Veiled Pyrestone
- Meta: Chaotic Skyfire Diamond
Armor Enchants
- Head: Glyph of Power
- Shoulder: Greater Inscription of the Orb
- Cloak: Enchant Cloak – Subtlety
- Chest: Enchant Chest – Exceptional Stats
- Bracers: Enchant Bracer – Spellpower
- Gloves: Enchant Gloves – Major Spellpower or Enchant Gloves – Spell Strike
- Legs: Runic Spellthread or Mystic Spellthread (For a cheaper alternative)
- Boots: Enchant Boots – Boar’s Speed
- Ring: Enchant Ring – Spellpower (Enchanter only)
Weapons Enchants
- Destruction Potion
- Super Mana Potion (Especially for early raids and progression to avoid using life tap too much).
- Super Healing Potion (This can help the healers when you use Mana Tap)
- Haste Potion
Flasks & Elixirs
- Spell Power Foods: Blackened Basilisk, Crunchy Serpent, Poached Bluefish
Haste potions do not provide spell haste.
You are missing a few consumables:
Brilliant Wizard Oil
Superior Wizard Oil
You can also consider adding Flask of Supreme Power as a potentially cheaper option to Pure Death.
Thanks for reminding us! I just updated the list!
That’s a great point about the Flask of Supreme Power since you only lose 10 spell damage and it will very likely be significantly cheaper in the beginning for sure.
Thanks again!
Under enchants you’re missing sunfire for fire destruction and flame caps consumable from zangarmarsh for the same spec. The caps share cd’s with dark runes and healthstones however so are optional/situational. Haste pots aren’t useful for casters.
Hi !!
Why not weapon enchant sunfire for the fire lock ?