I am a Classic WoW enthusiast, maining a Dwarf Rogue from Vanilla through Cataclysm. It makes me so happy to be able to play through Classic content again, this time bringing my Prot Paladin and PvP/PvE Warlock dreams to life. The lore in Warcraft has always been appealing to me, and I am excited to be a member of the Classic community!
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3 years ago
Haste potions do not provide spell haste.
3 years ago
You are missing a few consumables:
Brilliant Wizard Oil
Superior Wizard Oil
You can also consider adding Flask of Supreme Power as a potentially cheaper option to Pure Death.
That’s a great point about the Flask of Supreme Power since you only lose 10 spell damage and it will very likely be significantly cheaper in the beginning for sure.
Thanks again!
3 years ago
Under enchants you’re missing sunfire for fire destruction and flame caps consumable from zangarmarsh for the same spec. The caps share cd’s with dark runes and healthstones however so are optional/situational. Haste pots aren’t useful for casters.
2 months ago
Hi !!
Why not weapon enchant sunfire for the fire lock ?
Haste potions do not provide spell haste.
You are missing a few consumables:
Brilliant Wizard Oil
Superior Wizard Oil
You can also consider adding Flask of Supreme Power as a potentially cheaper option to Pure Death.
Thanks for reminding us! I just updated the list!
That’s a great point about the Flask of Supreme Power since you only lose 10 spell damage and it will very likely be significantly cheaper in the beginning for sure.
Thanks again!
Under enchants you’re missing sunfire for fire destruction and flame caps consumable from zangarmarsh for the same spec. The caps share cd’s with dark runes and healthstones however so are optional/situational. Haste pots aren’t useful for casters.
Hi !!
Why not weapon enchant sunfire for the fire lock ?