- Author: Amery
- Date: June 20, 2021
- Updated: September 19, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Welcome to the Pre-BiS and BiS Gear section for Discipline Priests (Healing). With the release of each new phase this page will be updated to reflect the BiS gear applicable.
- Head: Whitemend Hood or Cowl of Naaru Blessings
- Neck: Karja’s Medallion
- Shoulders: Primal Mooncloth Shoulders or Hallowed Pauldrons
- Back: Avian Cloak of Feathers
- Chest: Primal Mooncloth Robe or Hallowed Garments
- Wrist: Bands of the Benevolent
- Gloves: Bloody Surgeon’s Mitts
- Belt: Primal Mooncloth Belt or Glyph-Lined Sash
- Legs: Whitemend Pants or Pontifex Kilt
- Boots: Boots of the Pious
- Ring 1: Band of Halos
- Ring 2: Ring of Fabled Hope
- Trinket 1: Essence of the Martyr
- Trinket 2: Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon, Scarab of the Infinite Cycle, or Auslese’s Light Channeler
Weapons / Off-Hand
- 1H Weapon: Shockwave Truncheon
- OH Weapon: Tears of Heaven
- 2H Weapon: Serpentcrest Life-Staff
- Wand: Soul-Wand of the Aldor
- Head: Whitemend Hood or Light-Collar of the Incarnate
- Neck: Teeth of Gruul
- Shoulders: Primal Mooncloth Shoulders or Light-Mantle of the Incarnate
- Back: Stainless Cloak of the Pure Hearted
- Chest: Primal Mooncloth Robe or Robes of the Incarnate
- Wrist: Bands of Indwelling
- Gloves: Gloves of Saintly Blessings
- Belt: Primal Mooncloth Belt or Belt of Divine Inspiration
- Legs: Whitemend Pants or Pantaloons of Repentance
- Boots: Boots of the Incorrupt
- Ring 1: Violet Signet of the Grand Restorer
- Ring 2: Naaru Lightwarden’s Band
- Trinket 1: Ribbon of Sacrifice
- Trinket 2:Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon, Scarab of the Infinite Cycle, or Auslese’s Light Channeler
Weapons / Off-Hand
- 1H Weapon: Light’s Justice
- OH Weapon: Windcaller’s Orb
- 2H Weapon: Crystalheart Pulse-Staff
- Wand: Blue Diamond Witchwand
- Head: Powerheal 4000 Lens or Cowl of the Avatar
- Neck: Lord Sanguinar’s Claim
- Shoulders: Mantle of the Avatar
- Back: Sunshower Light Cloak
- Chest: Vestments of the Avatar
- Wrist: Wraps of Purification
- Gloves: Gloves of the Avatar
- Belt: Belt of the Long Road
- Legs: Leggings of the Avatar
- Boots: Soul-Strider Boots
- Ring 1: Band of Eternity
- Ring 2: Coral Band of the Revived
- Trinket 1: Ribbon of Sacrifice
- Trinket 2: Essence of the Martyr
- 1H Weapon: Lightfathom Scepter
- OH Weapon: Windcaller’s Orb
- Wand:Luminescent Rod of the Naaru
- Head: Cowl of Absolution
- Neck: Nadina’s Pendant of Purity
- Shoulders: Swiftheal Mantle
- Back: Shroud of the Highborne
- Chest: Vestments of Absolution
- Wrist: Swiftheal Wraps
- Gloves: Gloves of Absolution
- Belt: Angelista’s Sash
- Legs: Breeches of Absolution
- Boots: Boots of the Divine Light
- Ring 1: Blessed Band of Karabor
- Ring 2: Blessed Band of Karabor
- Trinket 1: Memento of Tyrande or Ashtongue Talisman of Acumen
- Trinket 2: Scarab of the Infinite Cycle
- 1H Weapon: Crystal Spire of Karabor
- OH Weapon: Scepter of Purification
- Wand: Naaru-Blessed Life Rod
- Head: Cowl of Absolution
- Neck: Brooch of Nature’s Mercy
- Shoulders: Mantle of Absolution
- Back: Shroud of the Highborne
- Chest: Vestments of Absolution
- Wrist: Swiftheal Wraps
- Gloves: Gloves of Absolution
- Belt: Angelista’s Sash
- Legs: Breeches of Absolution
- Boots: Boots of the Divine Light
- Ring 1: Blessed Band of Karabor
- Ring 2: Blessed Band of Karabor
- Trinket 1: Memento of Tyrande or Ashtongue Talisman of Acumen
- Trinket 2: Scarab of the Infinite Cycle
- 1H Weapon: Crystal Spire of Karabor
- Offhand: Scepter of Purification
- Wand: Naaru-Blessed Life Rod
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/4KgXiCRUwAQZYYHksfAixx
- Head: Cowl of Light’s Purity
- Neck: Brooch of Nature’s Mercy
- Shoulders: Shawl of Wonderment
- Back: Shroud of the Highborne
- Chest: Robes of Faltered Light
- Wrist: Cuffs of Absolution
- Gloves: Handguards of the Dawn
- Belt: Belt of Absolution
- Legs: Breeches of Absolution
- Boots: Boots of Absolution
- Ring 1: Ring of Flowing Life
- Ring 2: Blessed Band of Karabor
- Trinket 1: Glimmering Naaru Sliver
- Trinket 2: Memento of Tyrande
- Weapon: Hammer of Sanctification
- Off-Hand: Book of Highborne Hymns
- Wand: Wand of Cleansing Light
About the Author

Hey guys! My name is Amery and here is a little something about me: I've been playing WoW for about 15 years now. With that experience, I wanted to share all the things I have learned over the years.
Could you put locations on these and more information on how or where to get them
Leggings of Channeled Elements, Hit legs??
Thank you for point that out. Their was some weird link copy and paste error. It is now corrected with the healer legs.