In this section, we will be covering the traditional rotation used by Elemental Shamans to achieve the best DPS they can for both single-target and AoE or multiple-mob encounters.
Single-Target Encounters
The first thing all Shamans should do is place down their respective totems – while this is generally based on your group’s needs, we’ll generally include our Totem of Wrath to assist ourselves along with other casters
Depending on the amount of mana you have, your rotation will vary slightly:
Without additional Spell Haste Rating, we can use up to three Lightning Bolt before Chain Lightning is off cooldown, so we would look at Lightning Bolt x3 > Chain Lightning > Rinse and Repeat
While this would be the best-case-scenario, you may only be able to use 1 or 2 Lightning Bolt‘s before your Chain Lightning is off of cooldown – this will depend on your latency
AoE Encounters
For AoE pulls, it’s beneficial for us to use Fire Nova Totem due to its AoE damage capabilities
As long as there are at least three targets, we will be using Chain Lightning in combination with Elemental Mastery whenever it is available