- Author: Kurathis
- Date: April 27, 2021
- Updated: March 26, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Classic TBC will be released over five phases. Below you will find the Pre-Raid BiS and BiS gear for each Phase. With the release of each phase, this page will be updated.
It is important to note that this guide doesn’t assume you picked a specific race or have specific classes in your party like Draenei for Inspiring Presence.
- Head: Spellstrike Hood
- Neck: Brooch of Heightened Potential
- Shoulders: Mantle of Three Terrors
- Cloak: Sethekk Oracle Cloak
- Chest: Spellfire Robe
- Bracers: Bracers of Havok or Shattrath Wraps
- Gloves: Spellfire Gloves
- Waist: Spellfire Belt
- Legs: Spellstrike Pants
- Boots: Sigil-Laced Boots
- Ring: Ashyen’s Gift
- Ring: Ring of Cryptic Dreams
- Trinket: Scryer’s Bloodgem (Does require Revered with The Scryers)
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- One-Handed: Blade of the Archmage or Greatsword of Horrid Dreams
- Off-Hand: Flamgetongue Seal or Khadgar’s Knapsack or Star-Heart Lamp
- Two-Handed: Grand Marshal’s War Staff or Warpstaff of Arcanum
- Ranged Weapon: Nether Core’s Control Rod
- Head: Spellstrike Hood
- Neck: Brooch of Unquenchable Fury or Adornment of Stolen Souls
- Shoulders: Pauldrons of the Aldor
- Cloak: Ruby Drape of the Mysticant or Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Maji
- Chest: Spellfire Robe
- Bracers: Bands of Nefarious Deeds or Bracers of Havok
- Gloves: Spellfire Gloves
- Waist: Spellfire Belt
- Legs: Spellstrike Pants or Legwraps of the Aldor
- Feet: Boots of Foretelling or Ruby Slippers
- Ring: Band of Crimson Fury
- Ring: Violet Signet of the Archmage or Ring of Recurrence
- Trinket: Eye of Magtheridon
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- One-Handed: Bloodmaw Magus-Blade or Nathrezim Mindblade
- Off-Hand: Flamgetongue Seal or Jewel of Infinite Possibilities
- Two-Handed: Staff of Infinite Mysteries
- Ranged: Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy or Eredar Wand of Obliteration
- Head: Cowl of the Grand Engineer
- Neck: The Sun King’s Talisman
- Shoulders: Mantle of the Elven Kings
- Cloak: Brute Cloak of the Ogre-Magi or Ruby Drape of the Mysticant (If you need the Hit Rating)
- Chest: Vestments of the Sea-Witch
- Wrist: Mindstorm Wristbands
- Hands: Spellfire Gloves
- Waist: Fire-Cord of the Magus or Belt of Blasting (If you need the Hit Rating)
- Legs: Leggings of Tirisfal
- Feet: Boots of Blasting
- Ring: Band of Crimson Fury
- Ring: Ring of Endless Coils
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Trinket: Serpent-Coil Braid or Dark Iron Smoking Pipe (Requires Brewfest – Coren Direbrew)
- One-Handed: Fang of the Leviathan
- Off Hand: Fathomstone or Flametongue Seal
- Two-Handed: The Nexus Key
- Ranged: Wand of the Forgotten Star
BiS Gear
- Head – Cowl of the Tempest
- Neck – Hellfire-Encased Pendant
- Shoulders – Mantle of the Tempest
- Cape – Shroud of the Highborne
- Chest – Robes of the Tempest
- Bracers – Bracers of Nimble Thought
- Gloves – Gloves of the Tempest
- Belt – Belt of Blasting
- Legs – Leggings of Channeled Elements
- Boots – Slippers of the Seacaller
- Ring 1 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge
- Ring 2 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge or Band of the Eternal Sage
- Trinket 1 –The Skull of Gul‘dan
- Trinket 2 – Serpent-Coil Braid
- Wand – Wand of the Forgotten Star
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/dBJKaxSNFyyZsdZUgs4jSM
- Main hand –Tempest of Chaos
- Offhand – hronicle of Dark Secrets
- Two hands – Zhar‘doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer
- Head – Cowl of the Tempest
- Neck – Hellfire-Encased Pendant
- Shoulders – Mantle of the Tempest
- Cape – Shroud of the Highborne
- Chest – Robes of the Tempest
- Bracers – Bracers of Nimble Thought
- Gloves – Gloves of the Tempest
- Belt – Belt of Blasting
- Legs – Leggings of Channeled Elements
- Boots – Slippers of the Seacaller
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33497
- Ring 2 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge or Band of the Eternal Sage
- Trinket 1 –The Skull of Gul‘dan
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33829
- Wand – Wand of the Forgotten Star
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/dBJKaxSNFyyZsdZUgs4jSM
- Main hand –Tempest of Chaos
- Offhand – hronicle of Dark Secrets
Two hands – Zhar‘doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer
About the Author

Long-time WoW enthusiast who can't say no to a good-old poutine.
Eye of Magtheridon ist not BIS!
Why do you feel that way?
Eye of Quagmirran is a better choice for sure. Mags trinket second equip is very bad, because if you’re hit capped = no resists
Unfortunately, casters will always have a minimum of 1% chance to miss, even if they are spell hit capped.
Why not Bracers of Havok?
For which set?
Phase 1 BiS
Any comment? Phase 1 bis fire. Why not bracers of havok instead of Bands of Nefarious Deeds
My apologies for the delay in my response. If we compare both sets of bracers, being a Gnome, we’ll see:
Bands of Nefarious Deeds:
Bracers of Havok:
Differences between the two (in favour of Bands of Nefarious Deeds)
At face value, Bands of Nefarious Deeds are better – BUT we are able to gem Bracers of Havok with any coloured gem. Assuming we may want to use Potent Fire Opal as our choice, the above stats would become:
Which one is better?
As far as raid-utility and survivability, Bands of Nefarious Deeds would be better:
As far as personal damage output is concerned, Bracers of Havok are potentially better.
After doing additional tests/math, I have added Bracers of Havok to the BiS list alongside Bands of Nefarious Deeds since it depends on how you look at the items to determine their value.
what about the Brooch of Unquenchable Fury fom Moroes – Karazan for the necklace?
Hey there, Firebawlin,
Brooch of Unquenchable Fury is listed under the Phase 1 BiS set 🙂
Bracers are just wrong – pvp bracers, when gemmed with Potent Noble Topaz offer 16 spell crit, and 27 spell damage. 16 spell crit > 5 spell damage, even when factoring in the intellect and stamina. I’ve yet to find a fight where ive had mana issues in P1. Anybody that doesn’t have the time to invest to get ONE piece of PvP gear doesn’t have the time to invest to get full bis.
Weapon – Nathrezim Mindblade should be listed as a 1:1 to magus blade – you sacrifice a TINY amount of spell crit for a TINY amount of int. In later phases, when most mages, if not all, will respec to Arcane, then Mindblade actually takes the edge as int > crit for arcane. Talon of the Tempest is also worth a mention, at least, although being a world boss drop I understand its exclusion.
If you are including T4 legs due to breaking up spellstrike, you should at least mention that “true bis” would be T4 helm + chaotic skyfire alongside Leggings of the Festering Swarm from Doom Lord Kazzak.(this combination actually sims higher than full spellstrike) I understand world boss loot is rare and shouldnt really be counted on and is thus excluded from most bis lists, but if you are including T4 legs, you may as well, as breaking up spellstrike set bonus is really not worth for T4 legs in any situation as fire unless you don’t have 2/2 spellstrike, which anybody going for spellstrike should realistcally have.getting 2/2 spellstrike is easier and less time consuming than getting T4 legs + Helm, but particularly because you list Spellstrike hood as BiS for head slot, it’s particularly perplexing.
Trinket should 100% be quags eye as the haste proc is far superior to a proc that can only happen on resist when the aim is to have 99% spellhit chance. Quags eye + Silver Crescent when you have an ele shammy in your party, if not then Silver Crescent + Scryers Bloodgem is most certainly bis to make sure you are hit capped.
On the subject of making sure you are hit capped, you should also include Ashyen’s gift in the ring slot as the substantial amount of hit you get makes it superior to other pieces when you lack the hit (for example if you have no ele shammy in your group [or draenei if you are alliance]) Seal of the Exorcist is also a good option, as it is ‘almost’ 1:1 with Band of Crimson Fury, and is far, FAR easier to obtain.