Spell Hit Rating (With Elemental Precision, your target is 164 Spell Hit Rating)
Spell Haste Rating
Spell Damage
Spell Critical Strike Rating
Spell Hit Rating – For every 12.62 Spell Hit Rating, we gain 1% Spell Hit Chance. The reason why this is our top priority is that any missed spells mean less damage for us, and if we’re responsible for kiting certain mobs and we miss a Frostbolt or Polymorph, it could spell disaster for us
Spell Haste Rating – While not too common on items in Phase 1, there are still some items that provide Haste Rating placed in your Pre-Raid/BiS gearsets. Haste decreases our casting time (it increases our casting speed) which means we get to cast more spells, quicker. It also decreases our global cooldown on spells
Spell Damage – The more spell damage we have, the more damage our spells cause
Spell Critical Strike Rating – A critical strike causes 150% damage. Having more critical strike chance means we’ll be prone to more critical strikes, increasing our damage
Intellect – Intellect provides the mana we require to cast our spells. The more mana we have, the more spells we can cast before going out of mana (oom) Intellect also provides a slight increase to our spell critical strike rating, as well.
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Long-time WoW enthusiast who can't say no to a good-old poutine.
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Vladimir Semin
3 years ago
You forgot to mention that intellect also gives you an increased spell crit chance
By default, casters need 16% Spell Hit to reach their cap. 16% is equivalent to 202 Spell Hit Rating. With Elemental Precision providing 3%, or roughly 38 Spell Hit Rating, that reduces our required Spell Hit Rating down to 164 or 13%.
You forgot to mention that intellect also gives you an increased spell crit chance
Great catch! I’ve updated the guide to better reflect this.
so its 164 hit including the Elemental Presicion? I thought if u have elemental presicion it minus 6 from 164 making it 158 needed?
By default, casters need 16% Spell Hit to reach their cap. 16% is equivalent to 202 Spell Hit Rating. With Elemental Precision providing 3%, or roughly 38 Spell Hit Rating, that reduces our required Spell Hit Rating down to 164 or 13%.