Improved Blessing of Might provides an extra 20% attack power bonus, which ends up totaling 264 Attack Power. It may not sound too impressive, but more damage is always beneficial, even if it’s only 10 damage-per-second.
Most guides don’t recommend levelling as a healer because paladins can dip into healing with gear pieces as they need to – usually they recommended finding a build specifically for levelling and then switching into healing. However I personally level as a healer because I enjoy dungeons – there’s a strategy to it in the sense that you want to take what will be most immediately effective to your levelling. As a pure healer, I would start on the Holy tree and work my way down the two necessary buys, especially because the extra int will be useful no matter what, and then I personally took the aura radius ability first because I found my tank kept getting a bit ahead, went into healing bonus, took 1 point in Lay, and then picked up the boosted blessing of wis cause I assumed I would be the only one in the Holy tree at my level. If you choose to level as Holy, my recommendation to you would be to try and think about what serves you the best in your particular situation. If you’re horde side, chances are you’ve got a Prot Pali tank right now, so they will often pick up kings and the abilities from that tree so its not as much a priority, however if you’re an ally this might be different for you and so maybe your build would benefit from having the extra damage utility from melee-hit and kings after taking the intelligence boost.
If you click here, and scroll down, you’ll see my recommended route to take for picking talents as you level. While it is true that most guides, and players, too, will suggest leveling in a different specialization (be that Protection or Retribution) as Red5 pointed out, there’s a few things you may want to keep in mind:
1. While not required, if you choose to level as Protection and switch to Holy at 70 (or 60, depending on what your endgame goals are) you won’t have the leveling process to learn your spells or how to properly manage your own gameplay. There’s certainly guides out there that help with this problem (hopefully like this one, for example) but at level 70, your learning curve will be accompanied by hard-hitting mobs in higher-level dungeons, which won’t make your life easy
2. By selecting this route of “dual-specialization,” you’ll never truly be the best any of the specializations due to the fact that you’re constantly changing up what you’re doing, without understanding that particular specialization’s actual abilities
My only edit for Red5’s comment would be that Blessing of Kings is generally something most Protection Paladins skip over, ironically because most Holy Paladins get it.
At the end of the day, while leveling, there’s no “best” strategy for picking talents since until around level 40ish, you can get away with healing as Protection or Retribution with some gear changes.
3 years ago
nice guide!! very helpful. Been 13yrs n holy pally was my alt, memory a little rusty. thanks for the guide
Why did you delete my comment? Why are you only talking about 1 build? Why not the other builds like the Shockadin build?
Your other comment triggered the anti-spam filter.
This guide is for healing paladins, we might add a Shockadin guide later.
Is there a best strategy for which talents to put points in first?
Most guides don’t recommend levelling as a healer because paladins can dip into healing with gear pieces as they need to – usually they recommended finding a build specifically for levelling and then switching into healing. However I personally level as a healer because I enjoy dungeons – there’s a strategy to it in the sense that you want to take what will be most immediately effective to your levelling. As a pure healer, I would start on the Holy tree and work my way down the two necessary buys, especially because the extra int will be useful no matter what, and then I personally took the aura radius ability first because I found my tank kept getting a bit ahead, went into healing bonus, took 1 point in Lay, and then picked up the boosted blessing of wis cause I assumed I would be the only one in the Holy tree at my level. If you choose to level as Holy, my recommendation to you would be to try and think about what serves you the best in your particular situation. If you’re horde side, chances are you’ve got a Prot Pali tank right now, so they will often pick up kings and the abilities from that tree so its not as much a priority, however if you’re an ally this might be different for you and so maybe your build would benefit from having the extra damage utility from melee-hit and kings after taking the intelligence boost.
If you click here, and scroll down, you’ll see my recommended route to take for picking talents as you level. While it is true that most guides, and players, too, will suggest leveling in a different specialization (be that Protection or Retribution) as Red5 pointed out, there’s a few things you may want to keep in mind:
1. While not required, if you choose to level as Protection and switch to Holy at 70 (or 60, depending on what your endgame goals are) you won’t have the leveling process to learn your spells or how to properly manage your own gameplay. There’s certainly guides out there that help with this problem (hopefully like this one, for example) but at level 70, your learning curve will be accompanied by hard-hitting mobs in higher-level dungeons, which won’t make your life easy
2. By selecting this route of “dual-specialization,” you’ll never truly be the best any of the specializations due to the fact that you’re constantly changing up what you’re doing, without understanding that particular specialization’s actual abilities
My only edit for Red5’s comment would be that Blessing of Kings is generally something most Protection Paladins skip over, ironically because most Holy Paladins get it.
At the end of the day, while leveling, there’s no “best” strategy for picking talents since until around level 40ish, you can get away with healing as Protection or Retribution with some gear changes.
nice guide!! very helpful. Been 13yrs n holy pally was my alt, memory a little rusty. thanks for the guide
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!