- Author: bobodingo
- Date: May 10, 2022
- Updated: May 10, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
- Head:Faceguard of Determination (50 Badges of Justice) or Felsteel Helm
- Neck:Necklace of the Juggernaut (25 Badges of Justice) or Strength of the Untamed
- Necklace of the Juggernaut does provide more mitigation and threat while Strength of the Untamed doesn’t require you to enter a raid or heroic to obtain
- Shoulders: Fanblade Pauldrons or Shoulderguards of the Bold
- Cloak: Devilshark Cape or Farstrider Defender’s Cloak (25 Badges of Justice)
- Devilshark Cape provides more mitigation while Farstrider Defender’s Cloak provides more threat
- Chest: Jade-Skull Breastplate or Breastplate of the Bold
- Bracers: Sha’tari Wrought Armguards
- Gloves: Dauntless Handguards (Alliance) or Felsteel Gloves or Gauntlets of the Bold (Horde/Alliance)
- Dauntless Handguards provide the most mitigation and threat
- Waist: Sha’tari Vindicator’s Waistguard
- Legs: Timewarden’s Leggings
- Boots: Flesh Beast’s Metal Greaves
- Ring 1: Elementium Band of the Sentry
- Ring 2: Protector’s Mark of the Redemption
- Trinket 1: Goblin Rocket Launcher or Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600
- Goblin Rocket Launcher provides higher survivability while Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600 boasts much more threat and an increase to your damage mitigation
- Trinket 2: Figurine of the Colossus or Goblin Rocket Launcher
- Arguably the best mitigation trinket until Tier 5 level, Figurine of the Colossus provides a significant amount of mitigation while also providing you the chance on use to heal every time you block
- Shield: Azure-Shield of Coldarra or Platinum Shield of the Valorous
- Weapon: The Sun Eater or Crystalline Kopesh
- Ranged: Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer or Alley’s Recurve
- Head: Warbringer Great Helm
- Neck: Barbed Choker of Discipline
- Shoulders: Warbringer Shoulderguards
- Cloak: Devilshark Cape or Gilded Thorium Cloak or Farstrider Defender’s Cloak (25 Badges of Justice)
- Chest: Warbringer Chestguard or Panzar’Thar Breastplate
- Bracers: Vambraces of Courage
- Gloves: Iron Gauntlets of the Maiden or Warbringer Handguards
- Waist: Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable
- Legs: Wrynn Dynasty Greaves or Warbringer Legguards
- Boots: Battlescar Boots
- Ring 1: Violet Signet of the Great Protector or Ring of Unyielding Force (25 Badges of Justice)
- Ring 2: A’dal’s Signet of Defense or Shermanar Great-Ring
- Trinket 1: Goblin Rocket Launcher or Argussian Compass
- Trinket 2: Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600 (41 Badges of Justice)
- Shield: Aldori Legacy Defender
- Main Hand: King’s Defender or The Sun Eater or Warbringer (If you are an Orc – it will increase your Expertise by 5)
- Ranged: Barrel-Blade Longrifle or Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer
- Head: Destroyer Greathelm or Tankatronic Goggles
- Neck: The Darkener’s Grasp or Frayed Tether of the Drowned
- Shoulders: Destroyer Shoulderguards
- Cloak: Phoenix-Wing Cloak
- Chest: Destroyer Chestguard
- Wrist: Vambraces of Courage (Threat Generation) or Wristguards of Determination (Mitigation)
- Hands: Royal Gauntlets of Silvermoon or Destroyer Handguards
- Waist: Girdle of the Invulnerable or Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable
- Girdle of the Invulnerable provides more varied avoidance while Crimson Girdle of the Indomitable provides a total of 0.47% more avoidance overall
- Legs: Destroyer Legguards or Wrynn Dynasty Greaves
- Wrynn Dynasty Greaves allow for two additional gem sockets, which can be used to your advantage
- Feet: Boots of the Resilient
- Ring: Seventh Ring of the Tirisfalen
- Ring: Ring of Sundered Souls
- Trinket: Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600 (41 Badges of Justice)
- Trinket: Goblin Rocket Launcher or Violet Badge
- Shield: Aldori Legacy Defender
- One-Handed: Mallet of the Tides
- Ranged: Barrel-Blade Longrifle or Gyro-Balanced Khorium Destroyer
BiS Gear
- Head – Faceplate of the Impenetrable
- Neck – Vindicator’s Pendant of Triumph
- Shoulders – Onslaught Shoulderguards
- Cape – Pepe’s Shroud of Pacification
- Chest – Onslaught Chestguard
- Bracers – Vindicator’s Plate Bracers
- Gloves – Gauntlets of Enforcement
- Belt – Girdle of Stability
- Legs – Praetorian’s Legguards
- Boots – Myrmidon’s Treads
- Ring 1 – Band of the Abyssal Lord
- Ring 2 – Shapeshifter’s Signet
- Trinket 1 – Darkmoon Card: Madness or Shadowmoon Insignia
- Trinket 2 – Darkmoon Card: Vengeance
- Ranged – Legionkiller
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/u9Q9FLNRrJV5fDwiVj5Eqy
- Main hand –The Brutalizer
- Offhand – Bulwark of Azzinoth
- Head –Faceplate of the Impenetrable
- Neck – Vindicator’s Pendant of Triumph
- Shoulders – Onslaught Shoulderblades
- Cape – Pepe’s Shroud of Pacification
- Chest – Onslaught Chestguard
- Bracers – Vindicator’s Plate Bracers
- Gloves – Gauntlets of Enforcement
- Belt – Belt of One-Hundred Deaths
- Legs – Onslaught Legguards
- Boots – Vindicator’s Plate Greaves
- Ring 1 – Band of the Abyssal Lord
- Ring 2 – Shapeshifter’s Signet
- Trinket 1 – Darkmoon Card: Madness or Shadowmoon Insignia
- Trinket 2 – Darkmoon Card: Vengeance
- Ranged – Legionkiller
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/vJXZHr6xajMxKpUxJ6V1F2
- Main hand – The Brutalizer
- Offhand – Bulwark of Azzinoth
- Head –Faceplate of the Impenetrable
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33296
- Shoulders – Onslaught Shoulderblades
- Cape – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33484
- Chest – Onslaught Chestguard
- Bracers – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33516
- Gloves – Gauntlets of Enforcement
- Belt – Belt of One-Hundred Deaths
- Legs – Onslaught Legguards
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32345
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33496
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/29297
- Trinket 1 – Darkmoon Card: Madness or Shadowmoon Insignia
- Trinket 2 – Darkmoon Card: Vengeance
- Ranged – Legionkiller
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/vJXZHr6xajMxKpUxJ6V1F2
- Main hand – The Brutalizer
Offhand – Bulwark of Azzinoth
- Head – Faceplate of the Impenetrable
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33296
- Shoulders – Onslaught Shoulderguards
- Cape – Pepe’s Shroud of Pacification
- Chest – Onslaught Chestguard
- Bracers – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33516
- Gloves – Gauntlets of Enforcement
- Belt – Girdle of Stability
- Legs – Praetorian’s Legguards
- Boots – Myrmidon’s Treads
- Ring 1 – Band of the Abyssal Lord
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/29297
- Trinket 1 – Darkmoon Card: Madness or Shadowmoon Insignia
- Trinket 2 – Darkmoon Card: Vengeance
- Ranged – Legionkiller
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/u9Q9FLNRrJV5fDwiVj5Eqy
- Main hand –The Brutalizer
Offhand – Bulwark of Azzinoth
BiS Gear
- Head – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34400
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34178
- Shoulders – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34192
- Cape – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34190
- Chest – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34394
- Bracers –https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34442
- Gloves – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34352
- Belt – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34547
- Legs – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34381
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34568
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34213
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34888
- Trinket 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34473
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33830
- Ranged – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32325
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/u9Q9FLNRrJV5fDwiVj5Eqy
- Main hand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34164
- Offhand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34185
BiS Gear
- Head – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34354 (eng)or https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34345
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34178
- Shoulders – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34192
- Cape – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34190
- Chest – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/30976
- Bracers – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34442
- Gloves – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34378
- Belt – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34547
- Legs – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34381
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34568
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34213
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32261
- Trinket 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34473
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/31858
- Ranged – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34349
70 upgrade link:https://seventyupgrades.com/set/vJXZHr6xajMxKpUxJ6V1F2
- Main hand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34164
- Offhand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34185
About the Author

Sup yall! My name is Bobodingo and I've been playing wow since its release. I'm an avid player trying to make some good, quality content and share my ideas with the rest of the WoW community. I'm always down to have a conversation and bounce ideas off each other!
I saw the prot warrior guide on Wowhead, they advice to get the T4 fury shoulders for the extra hit, would you advice against that or? Good to know before turning it in ^^
Warbringer Shoulderplates offer 13 Hit Rating – this equates to roughly 0.82% Hit. They offer roughly 0.73% Dodge Chance (Through the Agility stat) Its Strength equates to roughly 1.5 Block Value and the Stamina provides roughly 330 Health.
Warbringer Shoulderguards provide:
7.14 Defence Skill
0.29% Block
0.29% Parry
0.29% Miss
1.66% Dodge
Roughly .75 Block Value
Roughly 2.53% Total Avoidance
380 Health Points
The biggest thing to consider is that 15 Hit Rating is more or less pretty simple to achieve with just two Rigid Dawnstone. However, if you selected Warbringer Shoulderplates, you’d have a harder time achieving the set bonuses. It also makes switching around your gear much trickier since you won’t have the extra defence to fall back on.
I don’t want to speak ill of a fellow guide writer, but, no, I wouldn’t recommend purchasing the DPS shoulders even remotely, given the choice.
numbers dont speak as loud as actions, ur guide is bad
Could you elaborate as to where the guide is bad so we can improve it?
You don’t have a Meta Gem listed on a previous page. Which is the BIS for each set?
My sincerest apologies for missing that!
I have updated the Gems, Enchants, and Consumables page.
But, the BiS Meta Gem does not change for Warriors throughout the entire expansion. It will always be Powerful Earthstorm Diamond.
As an orc should i try to get King’s defender/The Sun eater or the expertise i get from the axe from Thrallmar outscale them?
That’s a great question.
If we compare The Sun Eater to Warbringer, we’ll see this difference in stats:
+10 Stamina (Roughly 105 Health)
+3.05% Dodge Chance
-6 Defence Rating (Roughly 2.53 Defence Skill)
-7 Hit Rating (0.44% Hit Chance)
So, if we chose to use Warbringer instead of The Sun Eater, we’d only really be concerned with losing out on 3.05% Dodge Chance (While gaining both Defence and Hit Rating, and the 5 Expertise from Axe Specialization) So, if you didn’t need the avoidance/stamina, then, yes, I would recommend using Warbringer over it.
If we were to compare King’s Defender to Warbringer, we’ll see this difference in stats:
+182 Armor (+0.29% Physical Damage Reduction)
+16 Stamina (Roughly 168 Health)
+10 Hit Rating (0.62% Hit Chance)
-3 Defence Rating (Roughly 1.27 Defence Skill)
-0.20% total avoidance (Miss, Dodge, Parry and Block)
Realistically speaking, King’s Defender would technically be better against melee mobs since you have higher damage mitigation but worse against casters since armor only affects physical damaging attacks. It also depends on your current hit rating before equipping either weapon, since King’s Defender does provide more hit rating, while Warbringer provides more Expertise for you. Both Miss and Expertise effectively provide similar advantages – you’re either not going to miss, or they’re not going to dodge or parry your attacks.
At the end of the day, the hard reality of it is that you can’t reach either Expertise cap in Phase 1, or Phase 2, to be honest, but you can reach hit cap. I definitely admit that Expertise is a great stat, 100%, but at the same time, if you don’t have between 5-6% Hit without the weapon(s), focusing on the Expertise isn’t necessarily the best idea because you’d max out at 11 Expertise, requiring an additional 7 Expertise to even be at the “soft cap,” which we won’t see until later into the expansion, unfortunately.
Sorry for the long response.
as Gyro-Balanced-Khoriuzm-Destroyer is not in the game yet. Which ranged weapon would you recommend excluding the Barrel-Blade-Longlife from World Boss.
Would the Steelhawk Crossbow be an option (Attumen) because of the Hit? Even if Stamina is totally missing?
Heya Krashna,
The Steelhawk Crossbow is definitely an option – while it doesn’t have any stamina on it, it does provide hit rating so you can use 2-3 gem sockets for Stamina since, depending on your gems used (assuming Hit Rating) it’s either 3, 4 or 8 Hit Rating, usually. So, while Steelhawk Crossbow doesn’t provide stamina, it provides us the opportunity to gem stamina, which will actually provide more stamina than other ranged weapons.
i can see that u said TF would not be bis and it is nerfed. what are these statment based on ? is it priv serv or is it based on actuall tbc ?
i play a prot warr and i cannot say i am noticing bad treath or nerfed treath with the TF.
so im just wondering where u have ur data from, all the guides i have seen so far state the same, but personal experience dont support these statement imo
As per Patch 2.0.10 notes, “The threat generated from the spell effect on “Thunderfury” has been substantially reduced.”
thoughts on all the new resilience dps/threat gear opportunities?
Heya orcfoe!
Are you referring to the PvP gear?
yeah for sure. i’ve been seeing a ton recommend the PvP gear and I’ve worked a few pieces into my sets on both my prot pally and prot warrior. The resilience is a little better than defense in terms of crit reduction, and the added 1.2%-1.5% crit and 40-60 AP from the items make them solid for threat pieces. I use the Marshal’s boots and just got Battlescar, having a hard time thinking of many cases where I’d use the Battlescar as I’m already at my mitigation caps.
Thank you for bringing this up because this is actually a very interesting topic to talk about. I want to look at the pros and cons of using PvP gear (I presume you are referring to the blue level 70 gear, and the purple boots, belt, bracers, and not the Arena gear)
For me, at the end of the day, it comes down to what PvP pieces we’re looking at using compared to what we have available to us in PvE at the time.
Are you referring to your mitigation cap being 102.4% with Shield Block?
not really the blue gear just the non-set off pieces as well as the arena gear itself. im actually running season 1 shoulders and chest. as well as the epic boots, belt and bracers.yeah i was referring to my 102.4% crush cap. as far as causing the healers stress… we all parsing tonight baby B)
thoughts on the new resil gear combinations?
hello, i was curious because i’ve read that Latro’s Shifting Sword is a pre raid bis option was wondering your opinion on that
Heya Larry!
Latro’s Shifting Sword can definitely be used for a pre-raid gearset. The main appeal of this sword is the Expertise Rating – granting a total of 3 Expertise.
why is Platinum Shield of the Valorous better than the shield from Botanica or the Shield of the wayward Footman, i currently use the Wayward Footman and sit at 504 Defense 16.93% 16.16% parry 24.15% Block with 12154 hp unbuffed. at 6% hit (hoping for a balance druid in raids for the buff) when i swap to the Aegis of the sunbird i only gain .04 Dodge and .04 parry. i drop to 21.91% block but i gain roughly 530 armor im not sure if thats even an upgrade with the wayward footman shield leaving me at 12.2k armor (mindful im a mix of pre raid bis options and some raid gear)
Comparing Aegis of the Sunbird to Platinum Shield of the Valorous is what I would consider to be a “side-grade,” since you’re gaining some stats, while sacrificing others.
Threat-Wise: Aegis of the Sunbird in regards to the additional Block Value.
Survivability-Wise: Platinum Shield of the Valorous with more stamina, and defence (Dodge, Parry, Block, Miss)
Note: Without 9% Hit, Aegis of the Sunbird is potentially not going to increase your threat whatsoever, since you could always miss your Shield Slam. Theoretically speaking, without that 9% Hit, Platinum Shield of the Valorous can potentially provide more threat since the extra defence will increase our Dodge, Parry, and Block (Miss, too, but that doesn’t trigger Revenge) and thus will increase the amount of times we will be able to use Revenge. If we were to include the boss dodging or parrying an attack, Aegis of the Sunbird would drop some more in value since, as it did before, Platinum Shield of the Valorous could potentially lead to more uses of Revenge, even if some of those missed, or were dodged or parried.
Shield of the Wayward Footman is a great shield that I would recommend for Protection Paladins to help them reach their crush cap since Block Rating has the best defensive conversion rate. For Warriors, because we have Shield Block, I wouldn’t generally recommend prioritizing Block Rating on a lesser piece of gear in all other aspects.
would you say the shield from shatar rep is worth getting until the gruuls shield over the one from badges so i can use badges for rings/neck?
also is warbringer really needed as an orc? is that 5 expertise really going to make a difference compared to the stats say suneater or kings defender offers? i plan on getting the ring from lower city to get the 20 expertise from there and see how it affects my tanking. but im finding it hard to want to grind out thrallmar rep for what appears to be a weapon thats not as good as sun eater or kings defender (even though its guranteed compared to rng drops)
It’s not necessarily that Warbringer is “needed” in your gearset, it’s that as an Orc, you will benefit from the Expertise that comes with wielding the weapon. If we combined the Expertise from Defiance, Shapeshifter’s Signet, and wielding Warbringer, we’d have about 16 Expertise. Because Expertise affects not only your threat generation but also your survivability, it’s generally good practice to get it if you are able.
Comparing Warbringer to The Sun Eater we would lose about 0.69% total avoidance and 10 Stamina, while gaining 1-2 Defence skill and the 5 Expertise. You may also notice with Warbringer that your Devastate is dealing slightly more damage than with The Sun Eater.
I ALWAYS recommend Warrior tanks to use King’s Defender, if they are lucky enough to have it drop for them. The Expertise from using Warbringer IS nice, but King’s Defender has more Stamina, Armor and it has quite a bit of Hit Rating which I would typically prioritize over Expertise.
Would I prioritize Warbringer over The Sun Eater?
Personally, yes, I would.
Would I prioritize Warbringer over King’s Defender?
Personally, no, I would not.
what are your thoughts on fireguard until getting kings defender?
For me, personally, it would depend on a couple of things:
Fireguard is a great choice for numerous reasons, such as the fact that we can upgrade it to Blazefury, eventually. Realistically, my answer comes down to what you would prioritize more: 0.57% additional Hit Chance and 11 Stamina for Fireguard or 0.59% additional total avoidance, 7 Defence, and the 5 Expertise for Warbringer.
Personally, I would choose Warbringer over Fireguard for my Warrior.
Edit: My apologies, the formatting didn’t carry over properly. #4-#8 are subcategories of #3. #10 is a subcategory of #9.
Hello sorry for the late reply, so i plan to replace Latros with fireguard, as i already have the mats and BS skill to craft it. and i am barely started with thrallmar rep. i plan on running kara after ph2 comes out as im not full ph1 bis and still need gear. so i hope to replace fireguard with kings defender at some point
Heya Larry,
In the case of being barely started with Thrallmar reputation, I would agree that Fireguard is a fine choice, absolutely. I would definitely support you replacing Latro’s Shifting Sword with it, too. If you haven’t reached Honored yet, I would recommend considering that eventually since Thrallmar will be selling Savage Plate Helm beginning in Phase 2 – it’s not an outstanding helmet by any means, but can help.
If I were in your shoes, my game plan would look something like this:
Once Phase 2 launches, all Phase 1 content will be nerfed, making it quite a bit easier to clear it. While this doesn’t help with the RNG side of things, it does help us ensure we kill the bosses we need for certain pieces of loot. So, I guess I’m trying to say that it improves the chances of us getting the loot by improving our odds of killing the boss(es). Hope that makes some sense.
I definitely agree with your idea/plan, 100%.
I would take into consideration your current standing in the Sha’tar reputation since the shield requires you to reach Exalted.
If we look at Crest of the Sha’tar and compare it to Azure-Shield of Coldarra, we’ll see that the only thing that Crest of the Sha’tar has over it is the ability to utilize two gem sockets. Let’s say that we use two Solid Star of Elune as our gems for this:
Crest of the Sha’tar will provide an additional 12 Stamina, while sacrificing 203 Armor, 9 Defence Rating (Roughly 0.64% Total Avoidance), 7 Block, and 9 Block Value.
If we were to consider drops from Karazhan on your way to Aldori Legacy Defender, we will see a very minute difference between Azure-Shield of Coldarra and Shield of Impenetrable Darkness; this is pushed further when Nightbane’s difficulty is taken into account and that some groups are not able to successfully defeat him.
The thing to consider regarding rings is that you are able to pick up a VERY good ring from just running Karazhan, and with each new tier of reputation with The Violet Eye brings a new rank of the ring. You mentioned that you are looking to get Shapeshifter’s Signet, so both rings would be taken care of without spending any badges on them.
Now, for the neck piece, this is a little trickier, unfortunately. It depends on your current equipment since if you are able to run Karazhan weekly, you have a chance of getting Barbed Choker of Discipline, which most consider an upgrade from Necklace of the Juggernaut. Avoidance-wise, it only provides roughly 0.01% more than Strength of the Untamed, which is pretty accessible for most players.
could you explain what makes the Gnomeregan Auto Blocker a bis trinket over other trinkets like Moroes or Adamantine Figurine
or even figurine of the colossus
Figurine of the Colossus is a great trinket, there’s no doubt about it. What makes it such a great trinket is that it increases your block chance by roughly 4.06%. However, with Phase 1 BiS gear, we can usually reach 25% Block Chance, and with Shield Block, that increases to 100% – part of this, as well, is our Shield Specialization which increases our chance to block attacks by 5%.
Figurine of the Colossus also offers healing properties – now, unfortunately, Warriors don’t benefit much from this when compared to Protection Paladins since its main advantage would be using it during AoE pulls, and during those pulls, Paladins will generally reign supreme in terms of threat control, and thus you won’t be attacked enough to receive that many heals. On top of that, Holy Shield has 8 charges (talented), which means in an AoE scenario, they’d likely receive more healing than we would.
Moroes’ Lucky Pocket Watch is a great trinket, absolutely! Why did I place Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600 instead, though? There’s a couple of reasons:
Note: Because we cannot block spells by default, Moroes’ Lucky Pocket Watch could prove effective against casters. However, since Gnomeregan Auto-Blocker 600 increases our threat generation, it becomes a question of if you pushed your threat generation to the limit, how much faster could your DPS kill the enemy in question?
There are a couple of different things to note regarding the Adamantine Figurine:
im curious if its worth wearing something like shapeshifter signet for expertise since ive reached a pretty good point with gear on my prot warrior. with shadpeshfter equipped i sit at 492 def with 138.7% total avoidance. 13.4k hp and about 16k armor unbuffed with enough hit to get me to hit cap with a spicy talkbuk. having shapeshifter signet puts me at 11 expertise (2.75 refuced chance of dodge or parried attacks)
That’s a very good question.
Because Expertise affects both surivability/mitigation and threat, whenever we can obtain it, we definitely should.
If you can reach and maintain the defence cap using Shapeshifter’s Signet, absolutely. Your total avoidance (I assume you’re including Shield Block with that) is perfectly fine, and your health/armor levels are awesome.
My recommendation would be to equip it, and keep the replaced ring in your bags.
thank you, also im curious because i see people saying we cant reach expertise cap at all in ph1 or ph2. and is that due to us needing other gear for other stats or is there another reason?
Realistically speaking, Protection Warriors will not reach the hard cap (Reportedly 14%) for Expertise until Phase 5. (Link to Seventyupgrades to show you the gear in Phase 5 to achieve this)
This is due to two reasons:
In Phase 5, it is completely possible for a Protection Warrior to exceed the Expertise cap using high-end tanking gear without sacrificing any of our crucial stats.
Is it worthwhile to use equipment that has Expertise Rating on it, given the fact that we won’t be able to reach the hard cap?
While it is not possible for a Protection Warrior to reach the Expertise hard cap until Phase 5, if you are able to maintain a defence skill of 490 and sufficient total avoidance with using an item like Shapeshifter’s Signet, then yes, absolutely, since we can benefit via threat and survivability/mitigation with even just 1 extra Expertise Rating. Shapeshifter’s Signet will increase your threat via the Expertise Rating but also the increased Critical Strike Chance we receive from it (Roughly 0.76%) through the Agility.
Hi, in our guild is tank who is tanking in T4 prot + belt etc. PVP equip. Is it some kind of joke or it rlly works?
He told me it works and he has very good dmg (aggro) + its much faster and still very safe.
Is it possible that in some kind of math you can do defense rating + resilience?
Thank you!!
Heya Loras,
Assuming the boss in question has a 5.6% chance to critically strike you as a tank, this means:
On paper, it would seem as though Resilience Rating would be the ideal candidate for tanks to reach their crit immunity but unfortunately, there are a few downsides to it:
So, at the end of the day, realistically, tanks using PvP gear (With the exception Druids) will likely take more damage from any enemy and cause less threat with our two main abilities. Devastate would likely be slightly higher in damage when using PvP gear as it is a direct product of your weapon damage.
Is it possible to tank using PvP gear? Absolutely!
Is it a better idea to use PvP gear over PvE gear? I generally don’t recommend tanks to use PvP gear while in a progression state (Attempting to clear raids) since this will put unnecessary stress on your healers, and if they’re not geared well enough, the tank will likely die and the group will then likely wipe.
Can any tanking class use Resilience as a priority? Yep! Druids have the unique ability to utilize Resilience as their method of reaching their crit immunity. This is because of the reduced amount of Defence Skill required to be considered immune to critical strikes, thanks to Survival of the Fittest. In addition to this talent, Druids only have to concern themselves with one mitigation stat: Dodge, and because Agility is generally always on their gear, their Dodge Chance continues to increase, without the aid of Defence Rating.
i came back after 3 month of absence. And now i wanted to get my attunement done for SSC and TK. I tanked 2 Heroic instances for now. It seems i get hit like a Truck in there. Is this normal? Compared to Karazhan where it feels like getting soft touched instead. Maybe my gearing is not good for dungeon tanking with all the hit and less mitigation?
Here is my seventyupgrades link. Maybe you can have a look at it and tell me if i am doing somnething wrong or if it is just normal to take these fat hits
There is literally no hit on any bis item aside from the shield….8% hit, more like 1%
77% mitigation????? bro do you have any idea what you are even typing???
Combining the hit rating from both “King’s Defender” and “Aldori Legacy Defender,” we start off with a minimum of 2.03% Hit Chance. Without accounting for gem slots filled or enchants, we would be sitting at a minimum of 68.42% total avoidance with 11,677 HP.
With the basic enchants and no gems, we would be at:
Health: 12,688
Armor: 16,681
Total Avoidance: 72.98% (Passively)
Hit Chance: 2.03%
After filling each gem socket with appropriate gems (Rigid Dawnstone, Nimble Fire Opal, Powerful Earthstorm Diamond, Solid Star of Elune) we would be at:
Health: 13,255
Armor: 16,681
Total Avoidance: 77.01% (Passively)
Hit Chance: 8.37%
Clearly someone only read just this page of your guide.
Very well done guide btw. Much more complete than other guides here.
Thanks for your comment! I’m glad you found it informative!
Do you know if Thunderfury is going to be the BiS in TBC? I’d like to play warrior, but don’t want to if Thunderfury is best by margins. Great guide. Thanks.
Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker is NOT BiS for any class in terms of TBC raiding or even leveling. The main appeal of this weapon for tanks is the AoE component. However, its threat output via AoE is massively nerfed in TBC.
The other thing to keep in mind is that with Devastate, our actual weapon’s damage comes into play and Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker has very poor on-hit damage. Realistically speaking, obtaining a weapon with hit rating is much more beneficial to Warriors.