- Author: bobodingo
- Date: May 10, 2022
- Updated: May 10, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
With TBC Classic being released over the course of five different phases, this list will be updated with each release to include the most up-to-date gearing choices.
For the sake of simplicity and accessibility for all players interested, I included PvP and items that are bound to be very expensive as honorable mentions and not as one of the main choices.
- Head: Whitemend Hood or Cowl of Naaru Blessings (50 Badges of Justice)
- Honorable Mention: Fathom-Helm of the Deeps – This will likely take a while to show up on any server’s Auction House, and will likely carry a hefty price tag when it does
- Neck: Natasha’s Guardian Cord or Necklace of Resplendent Hope or Necklace of Eternal Hope
- Shoulders: Primal Mooncloth Shoulders
- Cloak: White Remedy Cape or Cloak of the Everliving or Bishop’s Cloak (25 Badges of Justice)
- Honorable Mention: Lifegiving Cloak – This will likely take a while to show up on any server’s Auction House, and will likely carry a hefty price tag when it does
- Chest: Primal Mooncloth Robe
- Wrist: Windhawk Bracers or Bindings of the Timewalker (Requires Exalted with Keepers of Time)
- Hands: Gloves of the Living Touch or Prismatic Mittens of Mending
- Waist: Primal Mooncloth Belt or Windhawk Belt
- Legs: Whitemend Pants
- Boots: Wavefury Boots or Jeweled Boots of Sanctification
- Honorable Mention: Marshal’s Kodohide Boots (Alliance) or General’s Kodohide Boots (Horde) Both pairs require 17,850 Honor and 40 Eye of the Storm tokens
- Ring: Cosmic Lifeband or Band of the Crystalline Void
- Ring: Ancestral Band (Requires Revered with Thrallmar) or Ring of Convalescence (Requires Revered with Honor Hold)
- Trinket: Essence of the Martyr (41 Badges of Justice)
- Trinket: Scarab of the Infinite Cycle or Lower City Prayerbook
- Shield: Light-Bearer’s Faith Shield (33 Badges of Justice)
- Held–in–Off–Hand: Tears of Heaven
- Totem: Totem of Spontaneous Regrowth or Totem of the Plains
- Main–Hand: Shockwave Truncheon or Gavel of Pure Light (Requires Exalted with The Sha’tar)
- Honorable Mentions: Hand of Eternity (If you CAN afford this, I would recommend this over the two listed above) and The Ancient Scepter of Sue-Min
- Two–Handed: Epoch-Mender
- Head: Cyclone Headdress or Whitemend Hood
- Neck: Emberspur Talisman or Teeth of Gruul
- Honorable Mention: Archaic Charm of Presence
- Shoulders: Primal Mooncloth Shoulders or Cyclone Shoulderpads
- Cloak: Stainless Cloak of the Pure Hearted
- Chest: Primal Mooncloth Robe or Cyclone Hauberk
- Wrists: Windhawk Bracers or Bindings of the Timewalker
- Hands: Gloves of Centering or Mitts of the Treemender or Cyclone Gloves
- Waist: Primal Mooncloth Belt or Windhawk Belt or Belt of Gale Force
- Technically, Belt of Gale Force would be behind the other two belts, but if you didn’t pick up Tailoring or Leatherworking, it’s a great option with Cord of Nature’s Sustenance coming just behind it
- Legs: Heart-Flame Leggings or Whitemend Pants or Earthsoul Leggings
- Honorable Mention: Cyclone Kilt (Ideally, for the 2-piece set bonus) and Gilded Trousers of Benediction (These will likely be extremely expensive)
- Boots: Forestlord Striders or Boots of the Incorrupt
- Honorable Mention: Marshal’s Kodohide Boots or General’s Kodohide Boots or Gold-Leaf Wildboots (Similar to above, these will likely be expensive)
- Ring: Jade Ring of the Everliving
- Ring: Naaru Lightwarden’s Band
- Honorable Mention: Ring of Flowing Light
- Trinket: Essence of the Martyr (41 Badges of Justice)
- Trinket: Ribbon of Sacrifice or Scarab of the Infinite Cycle
- Held–in–Off–Hand: Tears of Heaven (25 Badges of Justice), Aran’s Soothing Sapphire
- Shield: Aegis of the Vindicator or Triptych Shield of the Ancients
- Totem: Totem of Healing Rains, Totem of Spontaneous Regrowth or Totem of the Plains
- One–Hand: Light’s Justice or Shard of the Virtuous
- Two–Hand: Crystalheart Pulse-Staff or Nightstaff of the Everliving
- Head: Cataclysm Headguard or Living Replicator Specs
- Neck: Lord Sanguinar’s Claim or Emberspur Talisman
- Note: If you are able to receive Archaic Charm of Presence from Doomwalker, you can replace Emberspur Talisman with it
- Shoulders: Cataclysm Shoulderguards or Coral-Barbed Shoulderpads
- Cloak: Sunshower Light Cloak
- Chest: Cataclysm Chestguard or Primal Mooncloth Robe
- Wrist: Blackfathom Warbands
- Hands: Worldstorm Gauntlets or Cataclysm Gloves
- Waist: Primal Mooncloth Belt or Girdle of Fallen Stars
- Note: The difference is minute, so either or would be optimal
- Legs: Sunhawk Leggings or Cataclysm Legguards
- Note: If you happen to have Gilded Trousers of Benediction drop for you, those are optimal for Phase 2
- Feet: Orca-Hide Boots or Soul-Strider Boots
- Note: If you are fortunate enough to receive Gold-Leaf Wildboots from Doom Lord Kazzak, it should be noted that these are optimal for Phase 2
- Ring: Coral Band of the Revived
- Ring: Jade Ring of the Everliving
- Note: Either ring can be replaced with Ring of Flowing Light if you happen to receive it from Doom Lord Kazzak
- Trinket: Direbrew Hops (Does require Brewfest – Coren Direbrew)
- Trinket: Essence of the Martyr
- Totem: Totem of the Maelstrom or Totem of Healing Rains (This can help with raid healing)
- One-Handed: Lightfathom Scepter
- Off Hand/Shield: Tears of Heaven or Aegis of the Vindicator
- Two-Handed: Ethereum Life-Staff
- Note: If you are fortunate enough to receive Exodar Life-Staff from Doom Lord Kazzak, it should be noted that it is optimal for Phase 2
BiS Gear
- Head – Skyshatter Helmet
- Neck – Nadina’s Pendant of Purity
- Shoulders – Living Earth Shoulders or Skyshatter Shoulderpads
- Cape – Shroud of the Highborne
- Chest – Skyshatter Chestguard
- Bracers – Swiftheal Wraps
- Gloves – Botanist‘s Gloves of Growth
- Belt – Naturalist‘s Preserving Cinch
- Legs – Leggings of Eternity
- Boots – Gold-Leaf Wildboots
- Ring 1 – Blessed Band of Karabor
- Ring 2 – Blessed Band of Karabor or Band of the Eternal Restorer
- Trinket 1 – Memento of Tyrande
- Trinket 2 – Essence of the Martyr
- Totem – Totem of Healing Rains
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/8obPAuiHb3CifSbD86zbVT
- Main hand – Crystal Spire of Karabor
- Offhand – Bastion of Light
- Two hands – Apostle of Argus
- Head – Skyshatter Helmet
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33281
- Shoulders – Skyshatter Shoulderpads
- Cape – Shroud of the Highborne
- Chest – Skyshatter Chestguard
- Bracers – Swiftheal Wraps
- Gloves – Botanist‘s Gloves of Growth
- Belt – Naturalist‘s Preserving Cinch
- Legs – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/31019
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33324
- Ring 1 – Blessed Band of Karabor
- Ring 2 – Blessed Band of Karabor or Band of the Eternal Restorer
- Trinket 1 – Memento of Tyrande
- Trinket 2 – Essence of the Martyr
- Totem – Totem of Healing Rains
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/8obPAuiHb3CifSbD86zbVT
- Main hand – Crystal Spire of Karabor
- Offhand – Bastion of Light
- Two hands – Apostle of Argus
BiS Gear
- Head – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34402
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33281
- Shoulders – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/31022
- Cape – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32524
- Chest – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34212
- Bracers – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34437
- Gloves – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34375
- Belt – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34543
- Legs – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34383
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34565
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32528
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32528
- Trinket 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32496
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/29376
- Totem – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/28523
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/8obPAuiHb3CifSbD86zbVT
- Main hand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34335
- Offhand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34206
- Two hands – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34337
About the Author

Sup yall! My name is Bobodingo and I've been playing wow since its release. I'm an avid player trying to make some good, quality content and share my ideas with the rest of the WoW community. I'm always down to have a conversation and bounce ideas off each other!
Hey, i think its better – Naaru Silver(with haste and 320spelldmg) from Muru (not Martyr) and you have mistake on gloves – sun chestguard no gloves 😀