- Author: bobodingo
- Date: May 10, 2022
- Updated: May 10, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Below you will find the Pre-Raid BiS and each phase’s related BiS gear. As each phase is released, this page will be updated to reflect the gear available. Note: We have excluded any items purchased with Arena Points but have included items purchased with Honor Points due to the varying level of difficulty in obtaining them.
Pre-Raid BiS (+Other Options)
- Head: Spellstrike Hood or Hood of Oblivion
- Neck: Pendant of Dominance or Hydra-fang Necklace
- Shoulders: Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders or Spaulders of Oblivion
- Cloak: Ancient Spellcloak of the Highborne (Will likely be very pricey) or Cloak of the Black Void (Cheaper alternative)
- Chest: Frozen Shadoweave Robe or Robe of the Crimson Order
- Wrist: Bracers of Havok
- Hands: Anger-Spark Gloves or Tempest’s Touch
- Waist: Girdle of Ruination or Glyph-Lined Sash
- Legs: Spellstrike Pants or Breeches of the Occultist
- Boots: Frozen Shadoweave Boots or Shattrath Jumpers
- Ring: Seer’s Signet (Requires Exalted with The Scryers)
- Ring: Ashyen’s Gift (Requires Exalted with the Cenarion Expedition)
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Trinket: Quagmirran’s Eye
- Held–In–Off–Hand: Orb of the Soul-Eater (25 Badges of Justice)
- One–Handed: Eternium Runed Blade or Gavel of Unearthed Secrets (Requires Exalted with Lower City)
- Two–Handed: Terokk’s Shadowstaff or Grand Marshal’s Warstaff (Alliance – 38,250 Honor + 40 Alterac Valley Marks) or High Warlord’s War Staff (Horde – 38,250 Honor + 40 Alterac Valley Marks)
- Ranged: The Black Stalk or Illidari Rod of Discipline
Phase 1 BiS (+Other Options)
- Head: Spellstrike Hood
- Neck: Ritssyn’s Lost Pendant
- Shoulders: Frozen Shadoweave Shoulders or Soul-Mantle of the Incarnate
- Cloak: Ancient Spellcloak of the Highborne (Again, will likely be very pricey) or Shadow-Cloak of Dalaran
- Chest: Frozen Shadoweave Robe or Shroud of the Incarnate
- Wrist: Bracers of Havok or Bands of Nefarious Deeds
- Hands: Soul-Eater’s Handwraps or Handwraps of Flowing Thought
- Waist: Belt of Divine Inspiration or Girdle of Ruination
- Legs: Leggings of the Seventh Circle (Will probably be very pricey) or Spellstrike Pants or Trial-Fire Trousers
- Boots: Frozen Shadoweave Boots or Boots of Foretelling
- Ring: Seer’s Signet (Requires Exalted with The Scryers)
- Ring: Ashyen’s Gift (If you need hit rating – Requires Exalted with the Cenarion Expedition) or Cobalt Band of Tyrigosa
- Trinket: Quagmirran’s Eye
- This trinket is one of the only items available in Phase 1 that increases your haste rating
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Note: Eye of Magtheridon does appear to be a great option, but the second equip bonus relies on the player’s spells resisting which, if you are hit capped, has a 99% chance to NOT happen
- Held–In–Off–Hand: Orb of the Soul-Eater (25 Badges of Justice)
- One–Handed: Talon of the Tempest (Likely going to be VERY pricey) or Nathrezim Mindblade
- Two–Handed: Staff of Infinite Mysteries or Terokk’s Shadowstaff
- Ranged: The Black Stalk or Tirisfal Wand of Ascendancy (If you need hit rating) or Illidari Rod of Discipline
- Head: Destruction Holo-Gogs or Hood of the Avatar
- Neck: The Sun King’s Talisman or Ritssyn’s Lost Pendant
- Shoulders: Wings of the Avatar
- Cloak: Royal Cloak of the Sunstriders
- Chest: Vestments of the Sea-Witch or Shroud of the Avatar
- Wrist: Mindstorm Wristbands
- Hands: Soul-Eater’s Handwraps or Handwraps of Flowing Thought or Handguards of the Avatar
- Waist: Belt of Blasting
- Legs: Trousers of the Astromancer or Leggings of the Avatar
- Feet: Velvet Boots of the Guardian or Boots of the Shifting Nightmare (Depending on your current Spell Hit Rating)
- Ring: Ring of Endless Coils
- Ring: Band of Al’ar
- Trinket: Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Trinket: Dark Iron Smoking Pipe or Quagmirran’s Eye
- One-Handed: Nathrezim Mindblade
- Alternative: Talon of the Tempest
- Off Hand: Orb of the Soul-Eater
- Two-Handed: The Nexus Key
- Ranged: Wand of the Forgotten Star
Note: The two-piece set bonus for our Tier 5 set has roughly 6% chance to proc, while the four-piece set bonus has a reported a proc rate of 40%; if you are interested in obtaining those benefits, you may wish to choose a minimum of four pieces. Keep in mind, that depending on what gear you will replace with Tier 5, your Spell Hit Rating may exceed 16%
BiS Gear
- Head – Hood of Absolution
- Neck – Translucent Spellthread Necklace
- Shoulders – Shoulderpads of Absolution
- Cape – Nethervoid Cloak
- Chest – Shroud of Absolution
- Bracers – racers of Nimble Thought
- Gloves – Handguards of Absolution
- Belt – Waistwrap of Infinity
- Legs – Belt of One-Hundred Deaths
- Boots – Frozen Shadoweave Boots
- Ring 1 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge
- Ring 2 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge or Band of the Eternal Sage
- Trinket 1 – The Skull of Gul‘dan
- Trinket 2 – Icon of the Silver Crescent
- Wand – Wand of the Forgotten Star
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/k6kjeX25ENNMgjmHTjEv7z
- Main hand –The Maelstrom‘s Fury or Hammer of Judgement
- Offhand –Orb of the Soul-Eater
- Two hands – Zhar‘doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer
- Head – Hood of Absolution
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33466
- Shoulders – Shoulderpads of Absolution
- Cape – Nethervoid Cloak
- Chest – Shroud of Absolution
- Bracers – bracers of Nimble Thought
- Gloves – Handguards of Absolution
- Belt – Waistwrap of Infinity
- Legs – Belt of One-Hundred Deaths
- Boots – Frozen Shadoweave Boots
- Ring 1 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge
- Ring 2 – Ring of Ancient Knowledge or Band of the Eternal Sage
- Trinket 1 – The Skull of Gul‘dan
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33829
- Wand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33192
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/k6kjeX25ENNMgjmHTjEv7z
- Main hand –The Maelstrom‘s Fury or Hammer of Judgement
- Offhand –Orb of the Soul-Eater
Two hands – Zhar‘doom, Greatstaff of the Devourer
Gear & Best In Slot (BiS)
BiS Gear
- Head – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34340
- Neck – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34204 or hhttps://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34359 (JC)
- Shoulders – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/31070
- Cape – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34242
- Chest – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34232 or https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34364 (tailoring)
- Bracers – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34434
- Gloves – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34344
- Belt – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34528
- Legs – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34386
- Boots – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34563
- Ring 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34230
- Ring 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32527
- Trinket 1 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34429
- Trinket 2 – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/33829
- wand- https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34347
70 upgrade link: https://seventyupgrades.com/set/k6kjeX25ENNMgjmHTjEv7z
- Main hand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34336
- Offhand – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/34179
- Two hands – https://wowclassicdb.com/tbc/item/32374
About the Author