- Author: Pride
- Date: January 28, 2022
- Updated: January 29, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Rage Winterchill, the lich, is the first boss that players will encounter in the Mount Hyjal raid, and most likely the first tier 6 raid boss they encounter as well, as killing him is a requirement to unlock access to the Black Temple raid.
He is generally viewed as one of the easiest bosses of the tier, and it’s easy to see why, with his measly 4.25 million HP, and 6200 armor. Your raid is assisted by Jaina along with multiple other Alliance NPCs, making this fight even easier. His mechanics are also fairly straightforward, but they can quickly prove deadly if your raid is not prepared to deal with them.
This guide will offer a step-by-step analysis on how to deal with everything Rage Winterchill throws at you, so you can finally lay this chilly lich to rest.
Role Summaries
- Make sure you know your spot & move there before the fight starts
- Spread out as much as possible
- Use your PvP trinket or other stun-break ability to break out of Icebolt
- Quickly move out of Death & Decay
- Use your Master Healthstone if you get caught in Death & Decay for too long
- Shamans: Use Frost Resistance Totem if you can afford to
- Paladins: Use Frost Resistance Aura if you can afford to
- You cannot DPS the boss if Death & Decay is centered on the melee
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns after Frost Armor ends for maximum DPS
- Warriors: Consider using a PvP trinket for this fight, as you take more damage than others
- Hunters: Use your personal DPS cooldowns after Frost Armor ends for maximum DPS
- Casters: Use your personal DPS cooldowns during Death & Decay for maximum DPS
- Warlocks: Use your Master Soulstone on the healers, as keeping them alive is vital in this fight
- Mages: You can use Ice Block to break out of Icebolt — how fitting
- Quickly communicate that you got hit by Icebolt and need healing on voice chat
- Icebolt healers: Pay close attention to the ice projectile and quickly heal its target with instant casts
- Priests & Paladins: Quickly dispel anyone rooted by Frost Nova inside Death & Decay
- Paladins: You can use Divine Shield to break out of Icebolt
- Main Tank healers: DO NOT STOP HEALING THE MAIN TANK DURING Death & Decay
- Carefully position the boss at the correct spot, and never move from that spot
- Stay in Death & Decay and keep dealing threat, so the ranged DPS players don’t overtake you
- Consider using defensive cooldowns while standing in Death & Decay if your healers are struggling
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
After you have defeated the 8th wave of the undead horde in Mount Hyjal, the wave counter will disappear and you will instead be left with a display saying “Invading Enemies = 1”. Rage Winterchill will then emote in chat and begin to move towards the Alliance base camp.
At this point you have roughly 1 minute before he gets to the Alliance base camp and begin his assault on your allies. Your raid should use this time to rebuff and heal / regenerate mana, as you will automatically get in combat when Rage Winterchill gets close enough, at which point the fight officially begins.

You ideally don’t want Rage Winterchill to start the fight for you, as he is prone to following NPCs to random spots, which makes dealing with his various spells significantly more difficult. Instead, you should have a hunter pull him with Misdirection on the main tank, who should be standing in the middle of the cross-roads, as shown in the picture below.
The rest of your raid meanwhile should position themselves as shown in the picture below. This positioning gives everyone in your raid ample room to avoid Death & Decay, while also ensuring that as many NPCs as possible (including Jaina, ideally) join in the fight, dealing a small amount of damage to Rage and making the fight slightly shorter.

The Fight
The rest of your hunters should now use Misdirection on the MT.
Rage Winterchill will not be nice and wait until he’s firmly in position before he starts using his Icebolt ability, so your healers will need to be quick here. DPS players should wait until he’s finally in position before starting to DPS.
In order to help dealing with Icebolt somewhat, it is strongly recommended that your non-Retribution paladins use Frost Resistance Aura and your non-Elemental Shamans to use Frost Resistance Totem to increase the chances of resisting it. Not only do they not risk dying if they resist it, but they’re free to keep DPSing, making it a win-win.
About 25 to 30 seconds into the fight, Rage will use his first non-Icebolt ability, which will most likely be Death & Decay. If he cast Frost Nova before that, your Holy Paladins and Holy / Discipline Priests should begin dispelling anyone who is rooted in the Death & Decay area of effect.
Everyone who got caught up in the zone (except for the main tank) should move out of it, and then as soon as Rage stops channeling, they should move back to their previous spots. Melee will not be able to DPS during Death & Decay, unless your raid is stacked on Restoration Shamans and Holy Priests who can do some serious AoE healing to keep them up.
Your main tank meanwhile should stay in and continue dealing threat, else your ranged DPS players may overtake them on the threat meter. Your main tank healers will need to be aware of this and not stop healing them throughout Death & Decay‘s duration.
The first Death & Decay will likely be the best time for your guild to use Heroism / Bloodlust, as Rage will not take any actions and be unable to dodge or parry for the duration. Alternatively, if your raid is heavy on the physical and melee DPS side, using raid cooldowns right after Frost Armor ends is also a good idea, as it maximizes your raid’s DPS.
These are all the abilities that Rage Winterchill has access to, so if you’ve made it about a minute into the fight without losing healers to Icebolt, you are very likely to succeed in defeating him. That will generally be the biggest thing that causes wipes for most guilds – losing too many healers – so make sure they have a Master Soulstones on them, and that they communicate ASAP if they get hit by it so other healers can react quickly and heal them.
Assuming you have Icebolts under control, you will surely defeat Rage Winterchill, and be one step closer towards the last boss of the Mount Hyjal raid – Archimonde, the defiler!