- Author: Pride
- Date: January 29, 2022
- Updated: February 11, 2022
- Expansion: TBC Classic
Supremus, the towering abyssal, is the second boss that players will encounter in the Black Temple raid. Players need to defeat him in order to gain access to the Sanctuary of Shadows, the central hub of the Black Temple.
At 4.55 million HP and 7700 armor, he is one “beefy” boss. He is not particularly difficult, but his tankiness along with his multiple annoying mechanics that force your raid to run for their lives, makes this fight one of the longer ones in the tier, and puts great strain on your healers to manage their mana while your raid members constantly avoid taking damage.
This guide will offer a step-by-step explanation on how to finally topple this fiery demon and gain access to the temple.
Role Summaries
Phase 1
- Move to your designated spot quickly once the fight starts
- Stay spread out, but relatively close to your other group members, throughout the fight
- Quickly move away from other people if the Molten Flame flames are moving towards you
Phase 2
- Make sure you have at least 1 Master Healthstone for this fight — you’re going to need it
- Other healing items like Super Healing Potion and Major Fire Protection Potion are also helpful
- Quickly move away from Volcanic Geyser — use your healing items to survive their damage
- Kite Supremus in a circular pattern around the courtyard if you get targeted by Gaze
- Threat resets during the Phase 2 -> Phase 1 transition, so be very careful
Phase 1
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during this phase for maximum DPS
- Stand at maximum melee range, away from your fellow melee DPS players
Phase 2
- Don’t even try to DPS Supremus if a Volcanic Geyser happens to spawn on top of him — you’ll die
Phase 1
- Use your personal DPS cooldowns during this phase for maximum DPS
- Spread out as much as possible to avoid having to move during this phase
- Hunters: Use Misdirection on the main tank every time this phase starts
- Warlocks: Make sure high priority players in your raid, like your Holy Priests, are Master Soulstoned
Phase 2
- Don’t get greedy, trying to DPS close to a Volcanic Geyser — you’ll die
Phase 1
- If you’re assigned to tank healing, be proactive with your heals
- If your assigned tank has to move out because of Molten Flame, focus your heals on the other offtank
- Druids: This is your time to shine — keep all of your healing-over-time spells on all tanks at all times
Phase 2
- Success during this phase depends almost entirely on your ability to stay focused — no pressure though
- You really need to spread out in this phase in order to avoid having to move around too much
- Don’t panic and stop healing while moving around — people will die
- Prioritize healing people with instant-cast spells like Circle of Healing, Swiftmend, Holy Shock, etc
- Use cooldowns like Desperate Prayer, Nature’s Swiftness etc to survive if you take any damage here
Phase 1
- Stay away from other tanks, but in front of the boss, to avoid having to move because of Molten Flame
- If you get targeted by Molten Flame, call it out on voice chat ASAP so your raid can react quickly
- Main Tank: Use survival cooldowns if either of your assigned healers get targeted by Molten Flame
Phase 2
- You don’t have any particular task for this phase — just stay alive
- Main Tank: Do as much threat as you can right after the Phase 2 -> Phase 1 transition, as threat resets
Abilities – Phase 1
This phase is the standard “tank-and-spank” part of this fight. Supremus can only cast these 2 abilities.
This phase will last 60 seconds, after which Phase 2 will begin.
Abilities – Phase 2
Supremus will stop using both of his Phase 1 abilities during Phase 2. He will instead gain new abilities and gain a significant damage increase, while having significantly reduced movement speed.
This phase will last 60 seconds, after which the fight reverts back to Phase 1, starting the cycle anew.
Raid Composition & Preparation
The Pull
Make sure you clear all of the trash in the courtyard before Supremus. You will need all the space you can get in order to deal with his many abilities, particularly in Phase 2 — so make sure there’s nothing left when you pull him

Supremus is among the easiest bosses to pull. Have your Hunters use Misdirection on the main tank, who will go in and tank him exactly while he’s standing, while the other tanks follow soon afterwards, also standing in front of him.
The rest of the raid should spread out around the courtyard, in a semi-circle or crescent moon shape in front of Supremus. Your melee DPS meanwhile should spread out behind him, staying at their maximum melee range.
Your raid should spread out as much as possible, but it’s still a good idea to have players of the same group closer to each other, so group-based AoE healing spells like Circle of Healing and Chain Heal can heal many players at once.
Your healers in specific will want to stay away from each other as much as possible throughout this entire fight. Your raid’s healing output will be reduced significantly if multiple healers all need to move at the same time to avoid the same ability, possibly resulting in multiple deaths, including a tank — which would likely result in a wipe.
Phase 1
This is roughly what ideal positioning would look like for Phase 1. Note that where exactly you tank Supremus doesn’t matter too much, just the relative positions between players – tanks in the front, melee behind him, ranged far in the back, and healers somewhere in the middle between the tanks and ranged DPS, with Supremus facing your raid.

Supremus will give your raid between 5 to 10 seconds before he starts using Hateful Strike, at which point he’ll begin spamming it relentlessly. Everyone needs to take their position and spread out sufficiently in that time frame.
Your healers will need to be ready to start dealing with the back-to-back damage spikes on their targets. They should not wait to react to it — they need to be proactive here. All of the tanks should have heal-over-time effects on them in advance, and your healers should be pre-casting their heals before they take damage, canceling their casts as necessary.
Your off-tanks meanwhile should do all they can in order to get high on the threat meter here. They need to get hit by Hateful Strike in order to generate rage or deal reactive damage. If any melee DPS players get higher than them on the threat meter, they should move out and stop dealing damage for a bit, else they will probably die.
Your raid should use Heroism / Bloodlust along with personal DPS cooldowns as soon as possible, preferably in the first 5 seconds. That is because there is no AoE to dodge yet, so your DPS players will have extremely high uptime, and you are likely going to lose a few players during Phase 2, which will reduce your overall raid DPS — so now is the best time.
About 10 to 15 seconds in, Supremus will use Molten Flame. Provided you have spread out as shown in the picture above, it will be extremely easy to see who its target is, or at least which side it is headed towards, so your raid will need to move very minimally. The targeted player should stay away from everyone else, so only 1 player needs to move.
Things can get slightly messy if the targeted player is one of the offtanks. They will have to move out, meaning there are only 2 tanks soaking Hateful Strike. The healers who were assigned to healing that tank should temporarily switch to the other offtank, to make sure they are always topped off and Hateful Strike doesn’t target melee DPS. Alternatively, you could have the targeted tank stay in while your healers spam big heals on them.
The fight will go on like this for roughly 60 seconds, during which you will likely see 5-6 Molten Flame casts and a truckload of Hateful Strike. An emote saying “The ground begins to crack open!” signifies the start of Phase 2.
Phase 2
This is where things get pretty chaotic. Supremus will waste no time casting his first Volcanic Geyser, spawning a volcano that shoots out flames at nearby players. Your raid will need to be ready to move away from them as soon as they appear, while your healers will need to be hyper-vigilant with using instant-cast healing spells to save people caught in their area of effect, as they will die VERY quickly.
For the first couple of seconds of this phase, Supremus will keep attacking your main tank, so keep healing them. Very soon afterwards, he will cast Gaze on a random raid member and start moving towards them, albeit very slowly.
He will typically cast Charge if the targeted player is nearby, knocking them back and thus preventing them from being slaughtered immediately. After that, the targeted player has to kite him in order to survive. A circular path around the sides of the courtyard as shown in the picture below is ideal. If he reaches his target, he will 1-shot them — tanks included

The rest of your raid will need to position in a somewhat similar fashion to Phase 1: melee spread out behind him, tanks spread out in front of him, while the rest of the raid spreads out as much as possible around the courtyard area. Healers in particular will need to spread out even more, ensuring they don’t all need to move at once because of a Volcanic Geyser.

Supremus will keep his Gaze focused on a player for 10 seconds before casting Gaze on a different player, indicated by an emote saying “Supremus acquires a new target”. Meanwhile, your raid will have to deal with multiple Volcanic Geysers dealing damage to everyone. It is messy and chaotic and you will likely lose a few people with every Phase 2.
The main reason why people die in this phase, besides losing focus and forgetting to kite Supremus when targeted by Gaze, will be the Volcanic Geysers. Too many people getting hit at once, your healers all having to move at once thus being unable to heal, healers panicking and forgetting to heal while moving, people not using healing and defensive effects like Master Healthstones, etc — all reasons why people will die. Ress them ASAP!
Phase 1… Again
60 seconds after Phase 2 starts, Supremus will transition back to Phase 1, indicated by an emote saying “Supremus punches the ground in anger”. There is a ~5-10 second grace period before Supremus starts using Hateful Strike, so your raid should use that time frame to quickly reposition for Phase 1 as necessary.
Threat is reset after the transition so your raid will need to be careful with threat — a stray Shadow Bolt right after the threat reset will get your Warlocks killed. Your Hunters should be ready to use Misdirection on the main tank right away, who should quickly deal as much threat as they can on the phase transition to prevent unnecessary deaths.
Note that Volcanic Geysers will still stick around for a bit, so a small part of the map will be essentially disabled for the beginning of Phase 1, and your raid will need to reposition after the geyser despawns.
And that is pretty much the entire fight. Supremus will keep transitioning between phases 1 and 2 every 60 seconds while using the same spells every time, until you kill him or wipe. It will be a test for your healers, as well as for some of your less attentive players who don’t pay as much attention to the ground around them or their health as they should.
Congratulations on defeating Supremus! After banishing this horrid demon, your raid has finally gained access to the inner sanctum of the Black Temple and the horrors that lie within. The tasty loot doesn’t hurt either!