We have gotten a blue post today outlining how character transfers between realms will be suspended starting April 30th and lasting for “multiple weeks” at which point the character snapshot will occur after the closure.
Since the snapshot is the key point that will differentiate a “Classic” character from a TBC one, this is strong evidence to the timeline for TBC’s release. Those that talked about a possible May 18th pre patch date are starting to look credible. We will keep you informed of any more hints about TBC dates!
In order to prepare our systems which will handle snapshotting WoW Classic player-characters and preparing them to be separately playable on Burning Crusade Classic and WoW Classic Era realms, we will close the character transfer service in WoW Classic on April 30 at 10:00 a.m. PDT in this region.
We expect character transfers to be closed for multiple weeks, and we will let you know as soon as we can determine this process is nearly complete and we expect to re-open the service. For the duration of the closure, it will not be possible to transfer a WoW Classic player-character to or from any realm.
The actual snapshotting of all WoW Classic characters will occur after this closure. We will also announce that time at a later date.
The character transfer service closure in WoW Classic will have no impact whatsoever on the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands digital shop or services.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we perform this update.
Hope we can buy character boost soon