Gnomish Battle Chicken Banned On WarcraftLogs TBC Classic

blizzard considering nerfs for gnomish battle chicken in tbc classic chicken
  • Author: Pride
  • Date: February 6, 2022
  • Updated: February 6, 2022
  • Expansion: TBC Classic

5 days ago, Blizzard made an announcement regarding changes to the Gnomish Battle Chicken, wherein a change made to creatures in general caused the Battle Squawk buff the chicken casts ignore its cooldown period. This is what allowed players to guarantee the Battle Squawk would occur by utilizing a very specific trick. With this change, it is no longer possible to guarantee the Squawk — it is completely random if you get one or not.

As a result of this change, the parsing community on was left in a very awkward situation. Melee (and to a lesser extent, hunter) parses would now essentially be 100% determined by luck — you could get 5 Squawks on a fight and do extremely high DPS, or you could end up with 0 or 1 and deal significantly lower DPS than others who managed to get multiple Squawks, despite playing optimally in every other way.

As a result, a lot of players expressed resentment towards this change, and the outcome it would have to parsing, as the incredibly high luck component would jeopardize the integrity of the competition of rankings on the parsing site. The WarcraftLogs admins decided that they agree that the randomness of the Battle Squawk proc inherently hurts the competition, and WarcraftLogs will be banning it outright, starting with logs on February 15 onwards.

What this means in practice is that logs that are found to include a Battle Squawk buff, will not be valid for rankings. If a single player in your raid uses the Battle Chicken and it procs its buff, the entire raid’s log will be disqualified from rankings. That includes other players who did not get the Battle Squawk buff, such as caster DPS.

This decision will have a huge impact on parsing. So give your raid’s melee DPS players a reminder to delete their chickens if your raid cares about parsing at all — you don’t want them to disqualify your logs accidentally!

What are your thoughts on these decisions? Are you happy that the “Chicken meta” is now over, or would you prefer that either Blizzard or WarcraftLogs handled it differently? Let us know in the comments below!

About the Author


Classic WoW is my jam, with a passion for PvP. Most know me as Baranor, the ret paladin guy, but I'm secretly a druid main, don't tell anyone. In my free time I play Switch games, particularly JRPGs. Some day I'll be making my own games and I humbly hope you play those too!

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3 years ago

Good riddance chicken. The thing was overpowered enough in classic. It never should have been like this in crusade. Given that they nerfed drums up front, this should have been hit too.

3 years ago

I am glad I don`t have to level engineering to compete

3 years ago

The materials used to level Engineering just took a massive dive in price…

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