Just arriving on Blizzard’s shop page we can see a new option for getting a special pet lumped in with a 6 month subscription to WoW. This is the second #changes item that has been added cosmetically to TBC to piggyback off of the TBC Deluxe Edition mount.
Given that there have already been weakauras written to auto /spit on those mount riders it will be interesting to see how the community responds to more cosmetic extras being added to classic. The response will probably be split.
Blizzard Entertainment – (
The Imp in a Ball toy in WoW®: Burning Crusade Classic™
Summon the enigmatic imp in his fortune-telling ball to answer any yes or no questions you may have. Veracity not guaranteed. Once you purchase the 6-month subscription, redeem your Imp in a Ball toy by accepting a special quest from Innkeepers in all capital cities, as well as Landro Longshot in Booty Bay. The quest is available for all World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Classic characters attached to a single regional Battle.net account.
This is an almost pointless article. All anyone is going to want to know is “How to get it” when they already have a 6 month sub. As the blizz page says “go to the support article” and the support article just says “get it in the batlle.net app” but thats all rubbish
wow token is bound to happen soon, and its gonna be awful for us and the gold sellers
I knew you and the gold sellers were doing shady stuff together