Now that arena has officially released(!) we got some hotfixes to fix what most recently cropped up. Some buffs were being incorrectly removed when entering the arena. The buffs match to 2.4.3 now. Paladin consecrate looks like it has been fixed, and priest’s Shadowfiend will behave better. See the full list below.
Hello everyone! Here are today’s hotfixes for Burning Crusade Classic. 
JUNE 15, 2021
Burning Crusade Classic
- Short term buffs are no longer removed upon the Arena gates opening, true to 2.4.3 reference.
- Fixed an issue where the events from “Deathblow to the Legion” Netherstorm quest could fail to progress.
- Paladins who are defeated in Netherstorm or Tempest Keep dungeons and resurrect automatically at the Spirit Healer will once again generate threat with their periodic abilities.
- Fixed an issue where weapon master’s would also teach the Crossbows skill when learning the Bows skill.
- Fixed an issue where Priest’s Shadowfiend would attack enemies that are crowd-controlled.
- Fixed an issue where some dungeons and raids were not applying PvP rules on PvP servers, causing PvP flags to incorrectly expire.