- Author: Passion
- Date: October 9, 2023
- Updated: October 10, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Raised from the bones of thousands of adventurers before you. Lord Marrowgar is the first line of defense for the Lich Kings citadel.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to deal with Lord Marrowgar and his iconic Bone Storm.
Role Summaries
- Avoid Coldflame.
- Make sure there are always 8 players out of melee range.
- Immediately swap to any players impaled at range.
- Rotate defensive cooldowns during Bone Storm.
- Make sure there are always 8 players out of melee range.
- Focus on healing impaled players.
- Cleave down Bone Spikes ASAP.
- Stay within Marrowgars hitbox to avoid Coldflame.
- Stay at least 8 yards away from tanks to avoid Bone Slice.
- Stack together to split Bone Slice damage.
- Be as far from the boss as possible during Bone Storm to ping-pong him across the room.
- Call out Bone Spike targets.
- Call poor-positioned melee DPS.
- Call Bone Storm repositions.
Raid Composition & Preparation
Heroic vs Normal
On Normal difficulty, Marrowgar will not cast Bone Spike Graveyard during Bone Storm.
The Fight
Tanks should start the fight by running straight through Marrowgar, standing close together to split the damage from Bone Slice. Melee should attempt to be as close to the boss, even inside his hitbox at all times, while staying 8 yards away from the tanks to avoid incidental Bone Slice damage. This should prevent you from being hit by Coldflame.
You want to make sure you always have at least 8 players outside of melee range, otherwise, Coldflame could target melee players. This is easily solved using Hunters, Healers, and a handful of supplementary DPS classes that are less impacted by having to move out of Coldflame.

Periodically Marrowgar will cast Bone Spike Graveyard, impaling 3 non-tanks. This deals a chunk of upfront damage, followed by incapacitating them alongside heavy damage every second. Similar to Yogg-Saron, players will need to kill Bone Spikes to free impaled players. Melee players should immediately focus on cleaving these spikes down if they are in range. Range DPS should immediately swap to any Bone Spikes not in melee range. Unlike Yogg-Saron, these spikes cannot be instantly broken using Hand of Protection.
After 45 seconds, Marrowgar will cast Bone Storm, marked with the instantly recognizable shout of BONE STORM“. For the next 25 seconds, Marrowgar will whirlwind his way to the target furthest from him, dealing AoE damage to everyone based on distance from the boss. Once Marrowgar reaches a player, he will cast Coldflame in a cross, attempting to cut off their exit routes. It is important that whoever is targeted moves so this cross does not go straight through the raid!

This is best dealt with by having Tanks and Hunters stand as far from the boss as possible, careful not to outrange the healers. The rest of the raid stands stacked toward the center of the room to allow for AoE healing.
Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this fight:
- Standing in Coldflame
- DPS not swapping to Bone Spikes
- Outranging Healers during Bone Storm
- Not outranging Marrowgar during Bone Storm
- Poor positioning leading to Coldflame on a stack
- Poor positioning leading to being hit by Bone Slice
Congratulations on defeating Lord Marrowgar! You passed the gear check, head up the ramp to find Lady Deathwhisper.