- Author: milliondollarpuppy
- Date: October 28, 2022
- Updated: April 14, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Welcome to Warcraft Tavern’s Alchemy guide! In this guide, we’ll provide everything you need to max out your Alchemy skill, from the materials required to level up your profession to the best recipes to follow.
Alchemy is a super useful economy profession because the consumable potions it produces are used by every raider, regardless of role. With the Mixology passive ability, Alchemists gain greater benefits and duration from flasks, like
Flask of Endless Rage or
Flask of Stoneblood, and they also can craft
Flask of the North, which isn’t consumed on use. Alchemists can also craft decent pre-raid trinkets like
Indestructible Alchemist's Stone and
Mercurial Alchemist Stone. Perhaps most important are the Alchemist’s transmutations. Powerful gems like
King's Amber and
Eye of Zul can be crafted on a cooldown (keep in mind these aren’t available until Trial of the Crusader releases). While their consumables will be in demand because there is little PvE and PvP benefit to this profession, it’s pretty far down the BiS ranking.
Alchemy relies entirely on herbs, and for that reason, Herbalism is the gathering profession partnered with this craft. At later levels, Alchemists can also make use of metal bars and gems for use in their transmutations.
Required Materials
Below you can find the materials you’ll need to level from 1-450, as well as a few tips and things to keep in mind.
- Sometimes we will have to craft yellow recipes that don’t guarantee a level up on every craft, therefore the materials required are estimates, rather than exact figures.
- Specific recipes will require items you have previously crafted, so check the lists before getting rid of crafts!
- Some recipes aren’t taught by trainers, but instead are acquired from drops or vendors.
All of these things are accounted for in the materials listed below. Listed separately from the material list are those recipes not acquired from a trainer, but rather from a vendor or world drop.
- 65
- 65
- 45
- 90
- 20
Fire Oil
- 10
- 10
- 10
- 50
Wild Steelbloom
- 60
- 30
Khadgar's Whisker
- 85
- 15
Purple Lotus
- 75
- 45
- 15
Mountain Silversage
- 85
Empty Vial
- 90
Leaded Vial
- 90
Crystal Vial
Alchemy Trainers
You can click on a Trainer’s name from the lists below to see its exact location. If you use TomTom, you can copy-paste the location and coordinates provided (after the name) to track down the trainer you need more easily. For example:
- Yelmak – Orgrimmar 56.6 33.2
- Doctor Herbert Halsey – Undercity 47.6 73.0
- Bena Winterhoof – Thunder Bluff 46.8, 33.6
- Camberon – Silvermoon City 66.4, 16.4
- Tally Berryfizz – Ironforge 67.2, 54.2
- Lilyssia Nightbreeze – Stormwind City 46.4, 79.6
- Ainethil – Darnassus 55.0, 23.8
- Lucc – The Exodar 27.8, 60.2
Training Route
Certain crafts need to be used later to further level up the profession. Other times, the materials can be bought from a vendor instead of the Auction House, or the crafting recipe is not acquired from a trainer. Some recipes turn yellow and as such do not have a 100% chance to level up your profession with every craft; this means some randomness enters the equation when it comes to materials. We indicate all of these situations with the following icons:
![]() | Keep crafted items for later crafts. |
![]() | Buy material from the vendor. |
![]() | Bought Recipe. |
![]() | Craft amount depends on variance. |
Congrats on reaching 450 Alchemy skill! Continue reading to discover the different Alchemy specializations and their requirements and benefits.
Alchemy Specialization Quests
In The Burning Crusade, Blizzard added specializations to several primary professions in order to bring them in line with the specializations they had made available for others (like Armor, Axe, or Hammersmithing for Blacksmithing) in Vanilla WoW. This included Alchemy, and once players hit level 68 and reach 325 skill in Alchemy, they are able to choose.
The three options are Elixir Master,
Potion Master, and
Transmutation Master. You may only pick one at the outset, but they are unlearnable — switching will cost 125g. Each mastery will give you the chance to create 1 – 4 additional elixirs, potions, or transmuted items (called procs or procing) when creating them. The popular estimate for proc chance is ~15%, but the official number has not been released.
Which Alchemy Spec to Choose
- Raiders and frequent PvPers might find being an Elixir Master most useful for the potential procs on flasks.
- Someone who often levels twinks or alts could become a Potion Master to create more items to send to other characters.
- If you’re most interested in turning a profit from your Alchemy, becoming a Transmutation Master might suit you most, given the potential to maximize on the long cooldowns transmutation shares.
Overall, though, each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Read on for more details on what each specialization offers.
Great job with the new guide, it’s a lot more helpful since you’ve updated it!
In the artisan part its way more crystal vials than written under “materials”, you guys wrote 35 and it would be around 80 if you count what you’ve written to the right side.
Thanks for pointing that out, Lagga! We’ve updated the guide accordingly.
indestructible potion in wotlk needs imbued vial instead of enchanted vial.
and you’re welcome, thanks for the guide!
Updated, thanks!
Why is 350-375 missing?
Hey Ulner! Thanks for pointing that out; Master and Grand Master were miss-labeled. The Master tab should now say it goes until 350, and Grand Master should pick up at 350.
Do 110 ao 135 não tem como usar o Fire Oil pois ele só libera no 135, obrigadão pelo guia
FYI: Vendors supply may be limited.
I couldn’t comment on this linked page, but went to him to get mats to start leveling and was only able to get 1 peacebloom.
Selina Weston
Heading her way next, but expect the same
Where can i buy my first Recipe
i Play on wotlk and have alchemy on lvl 1 and herbalism on lvl 75
The trainer that taught you Alchemy will also teach you your first recipes
Helo friends.
If you are lost in shattrath city like me, listen. I find 3 alchimist trainer in shattrath city, but The guide says Lorokeem – Shattrath City 45.4, 21.8, but this guy don’t talk to me, i think i need to do somequest to be friendly…
the only one in shattratg city talk to me is the “Kanhu” coordinates: 38.74, 30.24.
Shit guide, recipies are wrong, the amount of mats in start are wrong. redo, imma look up a proper guide.
We’ve checked the values in this guide carefully; can you be specific about what’s incorrect?
Missing Super Mana Potion Recipe and Philosopher’s Stone Recipe
Hey Patatin, we did include the Super Mana Potion Recipe and where to buy it for Horde and Alliance in the materials section. We didn’t outline crafting the Philospher’s Stone recipe for the purpose of leveling up, so it is not included in that section. Thanks!
You didn’t acount 65 additional Briarthorn while making Lesser Healing Potion
Thanks for the feedback! We updated the guide to correct the error.