- Author: lettara
- Date: June 24, 2023
- Updated: June 27, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic

ToC Achievement Guide
The ancient evil that lurks beneath the tournament grounds, Anub’arak, awaits the would-be heroes. Once the proud king of the Nerubian empire, this Crypt Lord has been consumed by the madness of the Lich King. Driven only by the whims of his captor, the Traitor King slaughtered his own people in the name of the Scourge. Outwit and outlast the Nerubian king and his swarm in an unexpected final encounter.
Role Summaries
- Be aware of your raids anticipated Phase 2 kite path.
- Create a cancelaura macro for Phase 3.
- Use a defensive cooldown such as
Demonic Healthstone when effected by
Penetrating Cold.
- Do not attack Frost Spheres unless explicitly told to.
Raid Composition & Preparation
Heroic Mode
Like every Trial of the Crusader boss, Anub'arak‘s health has been increased by 30% in the Heroic version. Aside from this, the Heroic version of the encounter has many key differences:
- Frost Spheres are limited to 6 and do not respawn, so you must use them wisely.
- 2 additional Nerubian Burrowers spawn each wave.
- Nerubian Burrowers continue to spawn in Phase 3.
- Leeching Swarm damage is increased from 10% to 30%.
The Pull
Anub'arak has a small aggro radius and is pre-castable. All ranged should assume their Phase 1 positions and plant for the remainder of the phase. Two Frost Spheres should be shot down immediately; one on Anub'arak‘s left and one on his right.
Phase 1 and Phase 3 Positioning:

The Fight
Phase 1
The goal of Phase 1 and the general theme of the encounter is add management. Your raid should aim to maximize damage to the boss, while killing the Nerubian Burrowers as efficiently as possible. Nerubian Burrowers must die before the following wave spawns while simultaneously meeting a DPS check on Anub'arak.
Phase 2
After 105 seconds of combat, Anub'arak will Submerge underground and fixate a random player, chasing them with Pursuing Spikes.
The spikes will increase in speed until they make contact with a frost patch on the ground. You’ll want to come into the encounter with a precise plan of action for how your team will be handling this mechanic.
There are many strategies that work, but we recommend this kite path:
Step 1) 15 seconds before Submerge the boss is dragged away from the center.
Step 2) After Submerge, the entire raid moves to the back right corner of the room in preparation for the first Pursuing Spikes.
Step 3) The player targeted with Pursuing Spikes will run across the back wall, using Nitro Boosts just before the spikes reach them.
Step 4) That player will turn sharply south, and approach the Southwest frost patch. If possible, this player should receive a Hand of Protection from a pre-assigned Paladin, and sit outside the frost patch until there is 2-3 seconds remaining on the Hand of Protection.
Meanwhile, the raid will return to the center of the room.

Step 5) The second player to be fixated will run to the middle-right frost patch, and once again stand just outside of it while under the effects of Hand of Protection. At 2-3 seconds remaining on the Hand of Protection, he should move into the frost patch.

Step 6) The final step is to position the entire raid precisely where you’d like to Anub'arak to emerge. Once Anub'arak pursues a player, everyone should move except that player. The fixated player will simply stand still, receive a Hand of Protection, and wait until Anub'arak emerges.

Phase 3
Phase 3 begins when Anub'arak reaches 30% health. It is identical to Phase 1 with one new challenging mechanic added, Leeching Swarm.
Leeching Swarm leeches a percentage of every players health each second (10% in Normal, 30% in Heroic).
How to handle Leeching Swarm:
- The goal is to keep the raid as low as humanly possible. The less health players have, the less health leeched from Leeching Swarm.
- Melee classes, Hunters and Affliction Warlocks should not need any healing whatsoever against Leeching Swarm. They will get very low health, but so long as they are consistently attacking, their passive healing should out heal the minimum tick of Leeching Swarm.
- Classes that do not benefit from Judgement of Light and have no self healing (such as Mages & Boomkins) should be placed in a party with a Shadow Priest or a Shaman to benefit from
Vampiric Embrace or Healing Stream Totem.
- Because the raid will be intentionally kept at low health, players effected by Penetrating Cold will need to be healed very quickly. 1-3 healers should be assigned solely to dealing with this mechanic.