- Author: Passion
- Date: September 26, 2022
- Updated: September 26, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Archavon the Stone Watcher is the first boss of the Vault of Archavon. He is available in Phase 1 and can be found at the furthest end of the raid itself.
This encounter is mostly a DPS race, requiring the raid to beat Archavon within 5 minutes or have to deal with his enrage.
10 man Archavon drops the Heroes Tier & Hateful Gladiator chest, gloves, and pants. Unlike other raid bosses, Archavon will drop the actual tier item as opposed to a shared token.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to defeat Archavon the Stone Watcher.
Role Summaries
- Try to stay 5-yards apart
- Move out of Choking Cloud
- The off-tank will need to either make sure they are consistently second on threat, or to taunt Archavon during Impale.
Archavon the Stone Watcher
Raid Composition & Preparation

The Pull
Archavon will pull as soon as you descend his stairs. The main-tank should run through the boss, turning his back towards the raid.
The raid should try to spread as best they can, with a minimum of 5-yards between each player.

The Fight
This fight is one of the simpler encounters of Wrath of the Lich King. Archavon will periodically charge to a raid member, dealing damage and dropping a Choking Cloud on their position. Players should try to immediately move out of this cloud to minimize the damage they take.
Periodically, Archavon will throw Rock Shards at a player, dealing damage to them and everyone within 5-yards of them over 3 seconds. This is the main raid healing to be done and as long as most players keep their distance, this should not require much healing.
The final mechanic is a glorified taunt swap. Archavon will stomp on the ground, stunning everyone in the raid for 2 seconds and incapacitating the tank for 8 seconds. He will then move on to attacking the player second on threat. Ideally, this should be the off-tank, but if it isn’t the off-tank will have to taunt Archavon as soon as they come out of the stun.
After 5 minutes, Archavon will Enrage, massively increasing his damage dealt. It is very difficult to survive through this, but 5 minutes should be more than enough to deal with the boss.
Congratulations on defeating Archavon and claiming your free loot!