- Author: DanielD
- Date: September 8, 2022
- Updated: September 27, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
The Argent Tournament is a unique feature in Wrath of the Lich King, offering a long list of quests (and rewards) for participants. In addition to the rewards unlocked by participating in the tournament, progressing to the end of the tournament gives you access to extremely lucrative daily quests. In this guide, we’ll go over all of the daily quests in the Argent tournament, including not only the Champion level quests, but also all of the quests required to rise through the ranks of the tournament.
Note that The Argent Tournament doesn’t begin until Phase 3 (Trial of the Crusader, Onyxia’s Lair).
For details on how the Argent Tournament works, see our guide here.
Most of the daily quests in the Argent Tournament become available as you rise in the ranks of the tournament, but there are also some related daily quests that only unlock once you’ve reached Exalted with the Silver Covenant(A) or the Sunreavers(H).
Throughout this guide, you can click on a quest’s ╲╱ symbol to see a detailed walkthrough.
Argent Tournament Daily Quest Walkthroughs
Aspirant Daily Quests
The first level of tournament quests, these dailies grant Aspirant’s Seal(s) (in addition to the usual gold and XP) — you’ll need 15 of these seals to reach the next rank in the tournament.
- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Aspirant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill 8 Icecrown Scourge
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 5
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- Aspirant’s Seal
If you haven’t done Where Dragon’s Fell(A)/Where(H) yet, and you’ve completed the pre-req, you can pick it up in Sindragosa’s Fall and do it at the same time as this quest — killing Frostbrood Whelps will count for both quests.
After picking up this daily from your faction’s tent on the tournament grounds, your objective is simple — kill 8 Icecrown Scourge. They are found literally all over Icecrown, so if you have other quests to do or errands to run in Icecrown, you can do them while completing this quest. When you select a mob, the info box that pops up (bottom right of your UI by default) will inform you if the selected mob counts towards the quest!

Otherwise, the closest Scourge can be found just south of the tournament, in Sindragosa’s Fall. There you’ll find Frostbrood Whelps and Vrykul Necrolords — kill 8 of any of these mobs to complete this quest.

- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Aspirant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Strike a Melee Target with Thrust 5 times, use Charge on two vulnerable Charge Targets, and use Shield-Breaker on 2 vulnerable ranged targets
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 5
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 2 Aspirant’s Seal
This quest should be easy, since you’ve already done the jousting practice during the first (non-daily) set of Argent Tournament quests. Once again, you’ll need to grab a lance (if you don’t already have one) and then hop on your faction’s mount. Both can be found at (71.9, 19.9) — you’ll need to equip a lance before you’re able to hop on your mount. (If you can’t get on the mount at the aforementioned location, try getting on your city’s specific mount outside the quest giver’s tent.)
Once properly lanced and mounted, find the Melee Target just northeast of the mounts/lances — or any Melee Target — and use Thrust (1) on it 5 times. Next, head a bit further east (73, 19) to where there are Charge Targets and Ranged Targets. For the Charge Targets, you’ll need to first use Shield-Breaker (2) and then follow it up with Charge (3). After doing this twice successfully, target one of the Ranged Targets and spam Shield-Breaker (2) until you’ve completed your final objective!

In addition to the first two dailies, you will randomly be offered one of the following quests each day:
- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Aspirant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Retrieve the Ashwood Brand and bring it to the quest giver
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 5
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 2 Aspirant’s Seal
This is a silly quest, and also requires that you make your way halfway across Northrend to the Grizzly Hills. The frogs are found on the western edge of the lake at (62, 49). Once there, you’ll need to apply the Warts-B-Gone and then use /kiss on the Lake Frogs until one turns into a maiden. The following macro will make it easier:
/use Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm
Once you kiss a frog, it will follow you for 60 seconds, so it’s easy to tell which ones you haven’t kissed yet. Eventually, one will turn into a woman — speak with her and choose the lone dialog option to acquire the Ashwood Brand. You can then return to the quest giver to complete this daily!

- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Aspirant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Bring the Blade of Drak’mar to the quest giver
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 5
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 2 Aspirant’s Seal
This daily isn’t nearly the trek that A Blade Fit For A Champion is, but you’ll still need to do a fair bit of flying. First, head south from the Argent Tournament to the Decrepit Flow. Near (71, 75), on the southern side of the dam, you’ll find Winter Hyacinth growing on the blue rocks. Collect four, and then fly southeast towards Dragonblight — if you exit Crystalsong Forest near the bottom right corner of the zone map, you’ll be very close to your destination in Dragonblight.
Once in Dragonblight, you’ll want to head to the lake just east of the stairs that lead to Zul’Drak. In the water is a circle of purple lamps (93.1, 25.9) — tread water in the middle of the lamps and right-click the stack of Winter Hyacinth in your inventory to summon the maiden of the lake. She’ll appear and, after saying a few words, she’ll offer you the sword. Open it and loot the Blade of Drak’Mar, then return to the quest-giver!

- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Aspirant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Bring Winter’s Edge to the quest giver
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 5
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 2 Aspirant’s Seal
The third maiden+sword related daily, this quest requires making your way all the way to Howling Fjord, so prepare yourself for a bit of travel. After picking up the quest from your faction’s tent, fly south from the Argent Tournament, all the way to the Crystalsong Forest. Find Lord Everblaze on a plateau in the mountains at (55, 75) and slay him — he’ll drop the Everburning Ember that you need to continue the quest.
Once you’ve got the ember, you’ll need to make your way southeast, all the way to Howling Fjord. In the northern section of the fjord, at (42.2, 19.6), you’ll find the frozen maiden of Winter’s Breath Lake. Land on her little iceberg, left-click the chilly lady, and then right-click the Ember in your inventory to defrost her. She’ll speak a bit and then give you Winter’s Edge (make sure it’s in your inventory before flying off) — you can now go turn the quest in!

Valiant Daily Quests
For this tier, you’ll earn Valiant’s Seals from the dailies — 25 are required to unlock the next tier of the tournament.
- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Valiant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Slay 10 Converted Heroes
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with city you’re championing
- 1 Valient Seal
This is a nice straightforward daily — all you have to do is head to the Conflagaration, which is the area west of Ymirheim. There you’ll find lots of Converted Heroes; kill 10 and you can turn this quest in!

- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Valiant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Slay 15 Boneguard Footman, 10 Boneguard Scouts, and 3 Boneguard Lieutenants
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with city you’re championing
- 1 Valient Seal
One of the simpler dailies, this quest asks you to head to the area north of Icecrown Citadel and slay a variety of Scourge while on horseback (although being mounted isn’t actually a requirement). There are lances and mounts at the Argent Crusade camp near the quest objectives, so don’t make the mistake of riding a horse all the way to Icecrown Citadel! Once there, you can choose to either do the quest on foot or on horseback — you’re able to ride over and kill the footmen while mounted, so it will likely be easier for most characters to take out the quest mobs on horseback, but it’s ultimately up to you.
The Boneguard Scouts can be found in isolation, and a Charge (3) or a couple of Shield-Breakers (2) should be enough to kill them. The Lieutenants can only be found in front of the steps of the citadel, surrounded by footmen. Get three stacks of Defend (4), then get close enough to a Lieutenant to use Charge (3) — after charging, a single Thrust (1) should finish it off. Make sure you’re attacking a Lieutenant and not a Commander — they look similar, but the Commanders are much tougher (and not part of your quest objectives).
The Lieutenants are in a huge group of enemies, so if you pull too many mobs, ride back north to the Argent Crusade camp to lose aggro; don’t forget you can heal your mount with Refresh Mount (5) once you’re out of combat!

- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Valiant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective –
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with city you’re championing
- 1 Valient Seal
This quest can be challenging if you have high ping, but otherwise isn’t too difficult. After accepting the quest, make sure you have a lance ((71.9, 19.9) is where you can get one if you lost or destroyed yours), and then mount your faction-specific mount from the row of mounts right outside of your faction tent. Then head to your faction’s Valiants’ Ring, which is just outside of your faction tent. Find one of the Valiant NPCs and — after stacking Defend (4) three times, speak with them and tell them you’re ready to fight. Use the following strategy to defeat the Valiants:
- Spam Shield-Breaker (2) until combat begins and you use the ability
- Run away from your opponent while spamming Charge (3)
- Once the Charge goes off, continue running through your opponent (hold W) and use Shield-Breaker (2)
- If your opponent manages to break your shield, reapply Defend (4) — keep three stacks up
- Repeat until your opponent is defeated!
Once you defeat a Valiant from a specific city, you won’t be able to fight them again, so challenge a different city’s Valiant to continue the quest. After three successful fights, you’ll be able to return to the quest giver and turn this one in.

In addition to the three dailies above, you will randomly be offered one of the following quests each day. These are identical to the Aspirant tier version of the quests, except that the rewards are different/improved.
- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Valiant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Retrieve the Ashwood Brand and bring it to the quest giver
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with the city you’re currently championing
- 2 Valiant’s Seal
This is a silly quest, and also requires that you make your way halfway across Northrend to the Grizzly Hills. The frogs are found on the western edge of the lake at (62, 49). Once there, you’ll need to apply the Warts-B-Gone and then use /kiss on the Lake Frogs until one turns into a maiden. The following macro will make it easier:
/use Warts-B-Gone Lip Balm
Once you kiss a frog, it will follow you for 60 seconds, so it’s easy to tell which ones you haven’t kissed yet. Eventually, one will turn into a woman — speak with her and choose the dialog option to acquire the Ashwood Brand. You can then return to the quest giver to complete this daily!

- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Aspirant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Bring the Blade of Drak’mar to the quest giver
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with the city you’re currently championing
- 2 Valiant’s Seal
This daily isn’t nearly the trek that A Blade Fit For A Champion is, but you’ll still need to do a fair bit of flying. First, head south from the Argent Tournament to the Decrepit Flow. Near (71, 75), on the southern side of the damn, you’ll find Winter Hyacinth growing on the blue rocks. Collect four, and then fly southeast towards Dragonblight — if you exit Crystalsong Forest near the bottom right corner of the zone map, you’ll be very close to your destination in Dragonblight.
Once in Dragonblight, you’ll want to head to the lake just east of the stairs that lead to Zul’Drak. In the water is a circle of purple lamps (93.1, 25.9) — tread water in the middle of the lamps and right-click the stack of Winter Hyacinth in your inventory to summon the maiden of the lake. She’ll appear and after saying a few words, she’ll offer you the sword. Open it and loot the Blade of Drak’Mar, then return to the quest-giver!

- Quest Giver
- (A): Found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- (H): Found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5), NPC varies depending on which city you’re championing
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Aspirant Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Bring Winter’s Edge to the quest giver
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with the city you’re currently championing
- 2 Valiant’s Seal
The third maiden+sword related daily, this quest requires making your way all the way to Howling Fjord, so prepare yourself for a bit of travel. After picking up the quest from your faction’s tent, fly south from the Argent Tournament, all the way to the Crystalsong Forest. Find Lord Everblaze on a plateau in the mountains at (55, 75) and slay him — he’ll drop the Everburning Ember that you need to continue the quest.
Once you’ve got the ember, you’ll need to make your way southeast, all the way to Howling Fjord. In the northern section of the fjord, at (42.2, 19.6), you’ll find the frozen maiden of Winter’s Breath Lake. Land on her little iceberg, left-click the chilly lady, and then right-click the Ember in your inventory to defrost her. She’ll speak a bit and then give you Winter’s Edge (make sure it’s in your inventory before flying off) — you can now go turn the quest in!

Champion Daily Quests
This tier of dailies is where you earn Champion’s Seals, which are the currency required for all the sweet Argent Tournament rewards. Death Knight players should note that they have their own versions of these quests — their unique quest-givers are listed in the quest details below.
- Quest Giver
- Cellian Daybreak, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (70.0, 23.4)
- (Death Knights Only): Zor’be the Bloodletter, found north of the tourney colosseum at (73.8, 19.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill 15 members of the Cult of the Damned
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 13
at level 80
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with the Argent Crusade(non-DK classes)/Knights of the Ebon Blade (DK)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
- Champion’s Purse or Champion’s Writ
If possible, do this quest at the same time as Retest Now(A)/horde(H), Not a Bug(A)/horde(H), and No Rest for the Wicked(A)/horde(H), and/or Deathspaker Kharos — see our Icecrown Daily Quests guide for details on the first three aforementioned quests.
This quest is simple — to complete it, you have to kill 15 Cult of the Damned members. They can be found all over Icecrown, but the closest Cult of the Damned mobs are located due west of the Argent Tournament grounds at Deathspeaker’s Watch (64, 21). The map below indicates the densest concentrations of quest mobs — while there are other areas with a handful of mobs that count for the quest, the areas on the map are where you’ll have the easiest time completing your objective.

- Quest Giver
- Luuri, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (70.0, 23.4)
- (Death Knights Only): Illyrie Nightfall, found north of the tourney colosseum at (73.8, 19.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Defeat 4 tournament Champions to earn 4 Marks of the Champion
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 13
at level 80
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with the Argent Crusade(non-DK classes)/Knights of the Ebon Blade (DK)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
- Champion’s Purse or Champion’s Writ
This quest is essentially identical to the previous jousting quests — the only difference is the difficulty level and the location. After equipping your lance and mounting your faction’s mount outside your faction tent, head to the large ring in the southwestern section of the tournament grounds. You’ll know you’re in the right spot when your location (above the minimap) says “The Ring of Champions”. Stack Defend (4) until you have three stacks, then speak with one of the champions to begin the duel. Once it begins:
- Spam Shield-Breaker (2) until combat begins and you use the ability
- Run away from your opponent while spamming Charge (3)
- Once the Charge goes off, continue running through your opponent (hold W) and use Shield-Breaker (2)
- If your opponent manages to break your shield, reapply Defend (4) — keep three stacks up
- Repeat until your opponent is defeated!

- Quest Giver
- Eadric the Pure, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (70.0, 23.4)
- (Death Knights Only): Crok Scourgebane, found north of the tourney colosseum at (73.8, 20.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill 3 Boneguard Commanders
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
(or 13
at level 80)
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with the Argent Crusade(non-DK classes)/Knights of the Ebon Blade (DK)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
- Champion’s Purse or Champion’s Writ
For this quest, you’ll need to head back to the steps of the Icecrown Citadel (the same place you completed At the Enemy’s Gate), but this time you’ll need to kill those tough Commanders you avoided previously. Again, don’t be fooled by the quest description — you don’t need to grab a lance or mount up until you reach the Argent Crusade camp north of the citadel. You also don’t have to kill the Commanders while mounted, although most players will find it significantly easier to stay on their horse.
There are a few Boneguard Commanders hanging out separately from the mass of mobs at the foot of the citadel’s stairs; if possible, you’ll want to find these lone commanders to avoid having to pull the Commanders out of the mob pack. They’re easy to spot since they have three stacks of Defend up, giving them a ring of green shields. Fighting these lone commanders does mean you will likely run into Boneguard Scouts, but they go down quickly — you can also pull the Commanders towards the Argent Camp to avoid the scouts.
The strategy for taking down the quest mobs is identical to the other jousting fights you’ve done. Before fighting a Commander, get three stacks of Defend (4), and open the fight with Shield-Breaker (2), followed by Charge (3). Continue moving through and away from the Commander while spamming Shield-Breaker, then use Charge again when it’s off cooldown. Make sure you keep 3 stacks of Defend up, and you should win the fight with plenty of HP left on your mount (don’t forget you can heal it out of combat with (5)).

- Quest Giver
- Eadric the Pure, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (70.0, 23.4)
- (Death Knights Only): Crok Scourgebane, found north of the tourney colosseum at (73.8, 20.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill Chillmaw and 3 Cultist Bombardier
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 13
at level 80
- 250 Rep with The Silver Covenant(A)/The Sunreavers(H)
- 250 Rep with the Argent Crusade(non-DK classes)/Knights of the Ebon Blade (DK)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
- Champion’s Purse or Champion’s Writ
This quest only becomes available once you’ve completed the Black Knight quest chain, which begins with The Black Knight of Westfall?(A)/The Black Knight of Silverpine?(H) and ends with The Black Knight’s Fate.
This is a group quest, and while some specs can certainly solo it, you’re better off asking in chat to see if anyone wants to do this daily with you. Chillmaw can be found flying in a circle near (45, 33). After taking enough damage, Chillmaw will start spawning Cultist Bombadiers — make sure you tag them as soon as they spawn to avoid other players ninja-ing your cultists; besides, most specs will prefer to kill the adds first anyway. Make sure you’re always kiting to avoid the bombs from the bombardiers!

Crusader Daily Quests
To unlock this tier of daily quests, you’ll need to become Champion and reach exalted with all five of your faction’s cities, and reach Exalted with the Argent Crusade — doing so will grant you the title of Crusader. These quests grant a Champion’s Seal in addition to the usual gold and XP.
Each day you’ll be offered one of the following quests at random by High Crusader Adelard:
- Quest Giver
- High Crusader Adelard, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (69.5, 23.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Crusader Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill Deathspeaker Kharos
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
(or 20
at level 80)
Do this quest after picking up Taking Battle To the Enemy if possible, since Kharos counts as a cultist.
This quest is a nice break from all the traveling the other tournament dailies tend to require — Deathspeaker Kharos is found uphill just west of the tournament grounds at (64.2, 21.4). He’s an easy fight, as he only has 13,860 HP. He will summon shades during the fight, but these only have 100 HP and are easily dispatched. Make sure you clear the nearby cultists before engaging Kharos — there’s no reason to make the fight tougher than it needs to be!

- Quest Giver
- High Crusader Adelard, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (69.5, 23.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Crusader Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill Drottinn
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
(or 20
at level 80)
Trivia: Hrothgar was the name of a Danish king from the 6th century who appears in the epic poem “Beowulf”
After accepting the quest, you’ll recieve the Kvaldir War Horn. Once you’ve got it, head due north of the tournament to Hrothgar’s Landing — which is a seperate zone north of Icecrown — and continue north to the large island in the north of the zone. Fly round the right side of the mountain, hugging the cliffs until you find the campfire surrounded by statues at (50.5, 15.6). Once there, clear the handful of mobs near the fire, then use the war horn to summon Drottin, slay him, and you’re done! Note that you need to be basically next to the fire in order for the horn to work.

- Quest Giver
- High Crusader Adelard, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (69.5, 23.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Crusader Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill Mistcaller Yngvar
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
(or 20
at level 80)
As with the Drottinn Hrothgar quest, you’ll be given an item (Mistcaller’s Charm) to summon the target NPC, and you’ll need to fly north to Hrothgar’s Landing — which is a seperate zone north of Icecrown — and continue north to the large island in the north of the zone. Head to the cave that’s on the left side of the island’s mountain (not all the way around the mountain, but simply on the left side of the face that’s visible when you approach from the south). The entrance is at (43.6, 25.2).
There is a mob in the cave, plus another mob that patrols near the entrance, so take both out before using the charm and summoning Yngvar. You’ll need to stand right next to the blue crystal in the cave in order to summon Yngvar. Once he shows up, kill him!

- Quest Giver
- High Crusader Adelard, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (69.5, 23.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Crusader Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Kill Ornolf the Scarred
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
(or 20
at level 80)
This is yet another of the dailies from Adelard with a target in Hrothgar’s Landing, which is found north of the Argent Tournament. After accepting the quest and receiving the Captured Banner, fly north into Hrothgar’s Landing, and continue north towards the large island with the mountain. Your destination is the large boat — Bor’s Fury — that’s moored near the right side of the island. Once on the deck of the ship, use the banner to summon Ornolf, then take him out to complete the quest.

You’ll also be offered one of the following quests from Crusader Silverdawn:
- Quest Giver
- Crusader, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (69.5, 23.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Crusader Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Bless the spirits of 6 Fallen Heroes using the Light-Blessed Relic
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
(or 20
at level 80)
Head southwest of the tournament to the area west of the bridge between Ymirheim and Aldur’thar. There, you’ll find Discarded Soul Crystals lying all over the place — interact with them and loot the crystals, then select a nearby Fallen Hero’s Spirit and use the relic to bless the spirit. You’ll need to collect a crystal for each spirit you attempt to bless, so six in total.
Note that there are Scourge Converters in this area who will cast Grip of the Scourge on spirits — when this occurs the spirits will have chains around them, and you will no longer be able to use the relic on them.

- Quest Giver
- Crusader, found in the Argent Pavilion tent in the western section of the tournament grounds (69.5, 23.1)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Crusader Rank in the Argent Tournament
- Objective – Mount a Argent Hippogryph and use Flaming Spears to attack 6 North Sea Kraken and kill 3 Vrykul Deepcallers
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
(or 20
at level 80)
Trivia: This quest title is a pun on the English phrase “Get cracking”, which means “get started quickly [on a task or activity]”
After accepting this quest, you can speak to one of the Argent Hippogryphs found just outside of the quest giver’s tent and select the “Mount the Hippogryph…” dialog option to start this bombing run mission. However, before you start the bombing run, you may want to prepare the following macro, which will make this quest much simpler:
/target Kvaldir Deepcaller
/use Flaming Spears
/target North Sea Kraken
/use Flaming Spears
With the macro ready in your hot bar, you can hop on the Hippogryph and enjoy the ride! Once you near the boats (and therefore the mobs you need to kill), start spamming your macro and don’t stop until you’ve completed the quest objectives. You’ll make a few passes if you don’t complete the quest in the initial fly-by, so it should be easy to complete this quest in one run. If for whatever reason you don’t complete the quest in one run, you can hop on another Hippogryph and try again. You can also do this quest without the Hippogryph if it’s the automated flying mount that seems to be the issue.

Silver Covenant & Sunreavers Daily Quests
Reaching Exalted with the Sunreavers(H) or Silver Covenant(A) and successfully reaching Champion with one city will unlock these Argent Tournament dailies. With the exception of the quest giver, these quests are identical for Alliance and Horde players. Like the Champion and Crusader tier quests, these quests grant a Champion’s Seal in addition to the usual gold and XP.
A few of these quests will send you to the main island in Hrothgar’s Landing — the Kvaldir there can drop the Kvaldir Attack Plans, which allow you to start and complete Battle Plans of the Kvaldir — this quest is conveniently done on the same island, so it’s worth doing (assuming you find the plans, which have a 5% drop rate). The item for this quest, Heart of the Mists, can be found in the same cave where you summoned the target NPC of the Mistcaller Yngvar quest (see here).
Each day, you will be offered two from the following list:
- Quest Giver
- (A): Narasi Snowdawn, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Girana the Blooded, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Recover 10 Stolen Tallstrider Legs
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
Yet again you’ll need to head north to Hrothgar’s Landing, this time in search of some Tallstrider meat (which is apparently very gamey). It can be found all over the main island, both on the ground and as a guaranteed drop from the Kvaldir there. The largest concentration of strider legs and mobs can be found on the eastern side of the island.
While doing this quest, you can also try and complete Battle Plans of the Kvaldir, as mentioned at the beginning of this section.

- Quest Giver
- (A): Narasi Snowdawn, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Girana the Blooded, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Kill 8 Kvladir Berserker and 3 Kvaldir Harpooner
- Rewards
- 16,550 XP
- 5
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
This is another quest in Hrothgar’s Landing, but at least it’s close by, right? After accepting this quest, Alliance players will need to fly north to Hrothgar’s Landing, and then to (51, 49); Horde players should instead head to (43, 53). There, you’ll find a boat under assault by Vrykul — simply kill the required mobs as they spawn on the nearby enemy ships and jump onto your faction’s ship. If you have trouble getting out of combat after completing your objectives, jump into the water and swim away until you’re out of combat, then return and hop on the ramming spar at the front of the boat to mount up and fly back to the tournament.

- Quest Giver
- (A): Narasi Snowdawn, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Girana the Blooded, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Kill 10 Kvaldir
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
This is a very straightforward quest: fly north from the quest giver to Hrothgar’s Landing, all the way to the island, and kill the Kvaldir Mist Binders and Reavers found on the island in the north of the zone. The mobs on boats don’t count — you must kill the mobs on the island in order to get credit for this quest.

- Quest Giver
- (A): Narasi Snowdawn, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Girana the Blooded, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Use the Confessor’s Book to perform last rites for 8 Slain Tualiq villagers
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
After accepting this quest, you’ll need to fly north from the tournament to the island in Hrothgar’s Landing. There, you’ll find Slain Tualiq villagers — find corpses and use the Confessor’s Book to perform the last rites (you just need to be close enough, no need to target the corpses). You should be able to avoid aggroing any Vrykul while doing so, but watch out for patrols if you want to stay out of combat.

- Quest Giver
- (A): Narasi Snowdawn, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Girana the Blooded, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Rescue Kul the Reckless and 4 Captive Aspirants from Deathspeaker’s Watch
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
This rescue mission is nice and close to the quest giver. After accepting it, head to Deathspeaker’s Watch, which is just up the hill due west of the Argent Tournament. There are a ton of prisoner cages in the camp, but you only need to open four of the cages, plus Kul’s cage up on the platform (60.8, 23.2). There are mobs near the cages, but you need to kill them anyway for the Black Cage Keys, which are required to unlock the cages and free the Captive Aspirants. After you’ve freed four aspirants, you’ll need to snag a final key and fly up to the raised platform where Kul’s cage is. Once he and four aspirants are free, you’re all done!

You will also be offered one of the following quests:
- Quest Giver
- (A): Savinia Loresong, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Tylos Dawnrunner, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Acquire 4 Jormungar Egg Sacs by killing Deep Jormungar in the Storm Peaks
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
This quest requires that you fly east to the Storm Peaks — once there, head to the eastern edge of the Engine of the Makers (42, 59), and look for small white mounds in the snow. Stand near one of these and use the provided Earthshaker Drum to (hopefully) call up a Deep Jormungar. Defeat it and it will drop a Jormungar Egg Sac; repeat 4 times to complete the quest. If you see a mole machine coming out of the ground after you use your drum, mount up and head to the next mound before the iron dwarf can aggro and waste your time!

- Quest Giver
- (A): Savinia Loresong, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Tylos Dawnrunner, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Capture 8 Snowblind Followers
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
After accepting this quest, create the following macro and then head southeast to the southern part of the Storm Peaks.
/tar snowblind follower
/use weighted net
In the Storm Peaks, continue to the area northeast of K3, where the lasers are destroying all the mobs charging towards K3. Head east beyond the lasers and spam the macro while near the Snowblind Followers — once you’ve captured 8 this way, you’re all done! If you can’t find any, continue heading east to where they spawn, near (44.5, 81.5); it’s the area with a bunch of dead followers and garm invaders.

- Quest Giver
- (A): Savinia Loresong, found in the Alliance faction tent in the northeastern section of the tournament grounds (76,20)
- (H): Tylos Dawnrunner, found in the Horde faction tent in the southeastern section of the tournament grounds (76, 23.5)
- Prerequisites – Level 77, Champion Rank in the Argent Tournament & Revered with Silver Covenant or Sunreavers
- Objective – Collect 3 pieces of North Sea Shark Meat
- Rewards
- 22,050 XP
- 7
at level 80)
- 1 Champion’s Seal
Trivia: Unlike much of WoW’s fauna, the three sharks you hunt for this quest are all real fish.
Head north from the Argent Tournament and look down into the water as soon as you pass over the edge of the cliff. You should see a red and blue fishing boat — head to the the red one if you’re Horde (74.2, 9.9 on the Icecrown map), or the blue one if you’re Alliance (66.8, 8.3 on the Icecrown map). Once on the proper boat, go to one of the buckets and right click it at least 5 times to put a stack of Fresh Chum in your inventory. Then jump into the water and right-click the chum in your inventory — this will immediately spawn and aggro a shark. Kill it and loot its corpse for North Sea Shark Meat, and repeat until you have three! (We brought extra chum because sometimes an Angry Kvladir will spawn instead of a shark.)

We hope this guide on the Argent Tournament Daily Quests was helpful! If you have questions, suggestions, or tips ‘n tricks for the quests you’d like to share, drop us a line in the comments below!
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