- Author: Passion
- Date: April 3, 2023
- Updated: April 3, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Children’s Week offers three quest chains per faction, taking you on an adventure around the world with an orphan under your wing. Completing each of these quest chains will reward the player with a unique, event exclusive companion pet.
Children’s Week lasts from May 2nd until May 9th.
Alliance Players can begin their Orphan Adventures in Stormwind, by visiting Orphan Matron Nightingale. She will provide you with your very own Human Orphan Whistle. Use this to instantly summon your orphan, Randis. Talk to him to pick up your first three quests.

The first quest, The Bough of the Eternals, asks you to bring Randis to the Bough of the Eternals, or for those of us that don’t speak elf, the Darnassus Bank.

The second quest, The Stonewrought Dam, asks you to head over to the dam found at the very top of Loch Modan.

The third quest, Spooky Lighthouse, asks you to bring Randis to the Westfall Lighthouse, off the South West coast of Westfall. Swim across the to lighthouse and once Randis spots Captain Grayson, the quest will complete.

Turn in all three quests to Randis to receive the next two, You Scream, I Scream… and Jaina’s Autograph. You Scream, I Scream… is a piece of cake, simply visit Emmithue Smails in Stormwind and buy Tigule and Foror’s Strawberry Ice Cream for a handful of Silver. Once you turn in the quest, make sure to eat some with your orphan, to progress Bad Example.

Jaina’s Autograph requires you to visit Jaina Proudmoore in Theramore, and ask her for autograph. The easiest way to get to Theramore is to get a Mage to help you out with Portal: Theramore, otherwise you’ll have to catch a boat. Simply speak to Lady Jaina Proudmoore and select the dialogue option provided. After completing this, you will be given the final step, A Warden of the Alliance.

Return to Orphan Matron Nightingale in Stormwind and hand her back your whistle for your choice of Piglet’s Collar, Rat Cage, Turtle Box, or Curmudgeon’s Payoff. The payoff simply gives you 5 Gold, while the others unlock event exclusive companions, required for completing Aw, Isn’t It Cute?.
Horde players can begin their Orphan Adventures in Orgrimmar, by visiting Orphan Matron Battlewail. She will provide you with your very own Orcish Orphan Whistle. Use this to instantly summon your orphan, Grunth, no matter where you are. Use your whistle and talk to your orphan to receive three new quests.

The first quest, Down at the Docks, asks you to bring Grunth to see the docks in Ratchet. Make sure your orphan is by your side and take a leisurely stroll down the docks.

The second quest, Gateway to the Frontier, asks you to bring your orphan to the Mor’shan Rampart. This is the area that connects the Barrens to Ashenvale.

The third quest, Lordaeron Throne Room, asks you to bring Grunth to see the imperial chamber of Lordaeron, seat of King Terenas Menethil. Note that this is not the Undercity Throne Room, and is instead found right at the entrance to the Undercity, before the elevators.

Turn in all three quests to your orphan to receive the next two, You Scream, I Scream… and Cairne’s Hoofprint. You Scream, I Scream… is a piece of cake, simply visit Alowicious Czervik in Orgrimmar and buy Tigule and Foror’s Strawberry Ice Cream for a handful of Silver. Once you turn in the quest, make sure to eat some with your orphan, to progress Bad Example.

Cairne’s Hoofprint requires you to visit Cairne Bloodhoof in Thunder Bluff, and ask him for hoofprint. Simply talk to Cairne and select the dialogue option provided. After completing this, you will be given the final step, A Warden of the Horde.

Return to Orphan Matron Battlewail in Orgrimmar and hand her back your whistle for your choice of Piglet’s Collar, Rat Cage, Turtle Box, or Curmudgeon’s Payoff. The payoff simply gives you 5 Gold, while the others unlock event exclusive companions, required for completing Aw, Isn’t It Cute?.

To take care of your very own space orphan, visit Orphan Matron Mercy in the Shattrath Lower City. Pick up the quest Children’s Week to receive a new-in-box mint condition Orphan!
Horde players will receive Blood Elf Orphan Whistle, summoning Salandria. Speak to your new companion and turn in your quest to receive the next three quests, Hch’uu and the Mushroom People, A Trip to the Dark Portal, and Visit the Throne of the Elements.
Alliance players will receive Draenei Orphan Whistle, summoning Dornaa. Speak to your new companion and turn in your quest to receive your next three quests, Aunchindoun and the Ring of Observance, A Trip to the Dark Portal, and Jheel is at Aeris Landing!
After completing your factions quest chain you will be given a choice of f Egbert’s Egg, Elekk Training Collar, or Sleepy Willy. Grabbing any of these will complete Aw, Isn’t It Cute?, and grabbing all three will net you Veteran Nanny, but you can only get one per year.

Each of these quests requires you to bring Salandria with you to a different location around Outland. Fly to Hellfire Peninsula and visit the Dark Portal, then over to Sporeggar in Zangarmarsh. Make sure you turn in the quest to Hch’uu in Sporeggar before you move on! Finally, head over to the Throne of the Elements in northern Nagrand and talk to Elementalist Sharvak to turn in the third quest.

After turning in all three quests, pick up the next two, Time to Visit the Caverns, and Now, When I Grow Up… from Salandria. If you are still currently near Shattrath, I recommend using the portal to get to Silvermoon first. Head over to the Walk of Elders together with Salandria to find the band Elite Tauren Chieftain hanging out on a balcony.

Hearthstone or teleport to Dalaran and take the portal from the Violet Citadel to the Caverns of Time. Bring Salandria over to Zaladormu in the center of the cavern, and then over to Alurmi, the Keepers of Time Quartermaster to buy a Toy Dragon for 1. Turn in both quests and pick up the final part, Back to the Orphanage.

Return to Orphan Matron Mercy to relinquish your Blood Elf Orphan Whistle and claim your choice of companion.

Each of these quests requires you to bring Dornaa with you to a different location around Outland. Fly to Hellfire Peninsula and visit the Dark Portal, then over to the Ring of Observance in Terokkar Forest. Finally, head over to Aeris Landing in South West Nagrand and talk Jheel to turn in the third quest.

After turning in all three quests, pick up the next two, Time to Visit the Caverns and The Seat of the Naaru. Make sure you start with Time to Visit the Caverns, otherwise you’ll have to make two trips to The Exodar.

Hearthstone or teleport to Dalaran and take the portal from the Violet Citadel to the Caverns of Time. Bring Dornaa over to Zaladormu in the center of the cavern, and then over to Alurmi, the Keepers of Time Quartermaster to buy a Toy Dragon for 1. From there, make your way to The Exodar. You can use the portals found in Shattrath or Dalaran if you can easily get back to either area.

Head down to the very bottom of The Exodar to find O’ros and turn in the quest to receive a followup, Call on the Farseer. Head back up the stairs, and into The Crystal Hall. Find your way upstairs and talk to Farseer Nobundo to turn in the quest. Finally, talk to Dornaa to pick up the final quest, Back to the Orphanage.

Return to Orphan Matron Mercy to relinquish your Draenei Orphan Whistle and claim your choice of companion.

Visit Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran to pick up your choice of orphan, either Wolvar or Oracle. The choice you make here will decide your final companion, either a Curious Wolvar Pup or a Curious Oracle Hatchling. Use your new Orphan Whistle to summon Roo, the orphaned Oracle, or Kekek, the orphaned Wolvar and grab your first set of quests, The Biggest Tree Ever!/Home of the Bear-Men, The Bronze Dragonshrine, and Playmates! You can complete these in any order.
The Biggest Tree Ever!/Home of the Bear-Men asks you to visit Grizzlemaw, the giant tree in Grizzly Hills. Call your orphan and enter the tree, but be careful if you aren’t max level, the tree is full of Furbolg enemies, all around level 75. You don’t have to kill any to complete the quest, but you may end up having to fight some if you don’t avoid them.

If you chose the Oracle Orphan, Playmates! asks you to visit the Winterfen Retreat, found on the North West coast of Borean Tundra. Simply walk down the path with Roo by your side and you’re golden.

If you chose the Wolvar Orphan, Playmates! asks you to visit the Snowfall Glade, just north of Moa’ki Harbor in Dragonblight. Fly over to Moa’ki Harbor, whistle for Kekek and follow the path out of the camp.
The Bronze Dragonshrine asks you to visit, surprise, the Bronze Dragonshrine. This can be found North East of Wyrmrest Temple. Head to the back area and introduce the little feller to their future version.

After you turn in all three quests your orphan will offer the next two quests. Either Meeting a Great One for the Oracles, or The Mighty Hemet Nesingwary for Wolvar.
To complete The Dragon Queen, head over to the very top of Wyrmrest Temple and bring your orphan to meet Alexstrasza the Life-Binder. Introduce the two and head over to your next destination.

Meeting a Great One for the Oracles will want to head over to Sholazar Basin. Locate the Waygate in the Southwest of the zone, close to the entrance to Borean Tundra. Make sure Roo is with you, and head into the portal. Follow the path until you find The Etymidian to complete the quest.

The Mighty Hemet Nesingwary for the Wolvar will want to head over to Sholazar Basin and find Hemet Nesingwary, in the Nesingwary Base Camp, located in the Western side of the zone. Anyone that quested in this zone should be very familiar with this camp.
After turning in both of those quests, your orphan will give you A Trip To The Wonderworks. Head back to Dalaran and find The Wonderworks, located just opposite the Violet Citadel. Speak to any of the vendors inside and purchase a Small Paper Zeppelin for 1 and then throw that to your orphan. Make sure you don’t buy the Paper Zeppelin Kit instead! Turn in the quest to receive the final part, Back to the Orphanage.

Head back to Orphan Matron Aria in Dalaran and return your whistle. After a bit of time has passed, you will be mailed a permanent version of your chosen orphan.
Is there a way to get another orphan after completing the quest chain? I’m not able to finish the achievements with the pet I got in the mail 🙁
Same issue. Appears bugged.
Unfortunately if you have exhausted all three orphans, I’m not sure there is much you can do to fix it.