- Author: Kurathis
- Date: December 1, 2022
- Updated: December 1, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
In this section of the Mount Collection Guide, we will be covering the mounts that drop in dungeons and heroics, from Classic WoW (Vanilla) to Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
Classic World of Warcraft
Deathcharger’s Reins

This is one of the more elusive mounts that are in World of Warcraft. Obtaining this mount is purely based on luck and RNG. To obtain this, you will need to venture to Stratholme in the Eastern Plaguelands, and make your way through the dungeon to Baron Rivendare. He has a chance of dropping this mount.
In Classic Era servers, this mount has a 0.02% chance of dropping, while Lich King Classic servers have a 1% chance of seeing it drop. The drop rate increased in Patch 3.0.2.
This mount requires the Journeyman Riding skill (Epic Riding)
The Burning Crusade Classic
Swift White Hawkstrider

This mount was first introduced with the implementation of the Isle of Quel’Danas. To obtain this mount, you must defeat Kael’thas Sunstrider in Magister’s Terrace on Heroic difficulty. It’s reported that this mount has a 4% chance to drop.
This mount requires the Journeyman Riding skill (Epic Riding)
Reins of the Raven Lord

This is a tricky mount to get. Not only are we working on luck, as it is a drop, we also need to have a Druid friend (or you can be a Druid, too!) to summon this boss. To obtain this mount, you’ll need to venture into Sethekk Halls, located in Auchindoun., on Heroic difficulty and defeat Anzu. It has a 2% chance of dropping for you.
This mount requires the Journeyman Riding skill (Epic Riding)
Wrath of the Lich King Classic
Reins of the Blue Proto-Drake

This is another incredibly elusive mount! To obtain this beast, you’ll need to make your way into Utgarde Pinnacle on Heroic difficulty and defeat Skadi the Ruthless. There is no special method of defeating him to receive the mount, it’s a normal drop that has a reported 1-2% chance of dropping.
This mount requires the Artisan Riding skill (280% Speed)
Reins of the Bronze Drake

To obtain this mount, first head over to Culling of Stratholme in Caverns of Time, on Heroic difficulty. Next, we’ll want to reach the final boss area before the timer has expired, but instead of turning right to head to the final boss, we’ll turn left and defeat the Infinite Corruptor for a guaranteed chance at winning it.
This mount requires the Artisan Riding skill (280% Speed)