- Author: Passion
- Date: January 25, 2023
- Updated: February 2, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Emalon the Storm Watcher is the second boss of the Vault of Archavon. He is available in Phase 2 and can be found by taking the first right inside of the raid.
This encounter is mostly a DPS race, being significantly easier the faster a raid can kill the boss. The fewer casts of lightning-nova-25 and overcharge Emalon can get off, the better.
25 man Emalon drops the Conqueror Tier 8, and Furious Gladiator chest, gloves, and pants, as well as various Furious Gladiator off-set pieces. Unlike other raid bosses, Emalon will drop the actual tier item as opposed to a shared token.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to defeat Emalon the Storm Watcher.
Role Summaries
- Remain spread to minimize chain-lightning-25 bounces
- Run away from the boss during lightning-nova-25 to minimize damage taken
- Focus down the Tempest Minions during overcharge
Emalon the Storm Watcher
Raid Composition & Preparation

The Pull
Emalon will pull as soon as you descend his stairs. The main-tank should run through the boss, turning his back towards the raid. The off-tank should grab all four Tempest Minions and run to the opposite side of the room.
The raid should try to spread as best they can, with a minimum of 8 yards between each player (or stack of players).

The Fight
As with all of the Vault of Archavon, Emalon is a very simple boss intended to be clearable by all styles of player.
Emalon deals fairly low damage with his melee swings, instead the bulk of his direct damage comes from chain-lightning-25, which will target a random player in the raid, dealing moderate damage and bouncing to everyone close to them. This is easily dealt with by spreading, but it will still require some healing to keep players topped.
The second mechanic is lightning-nova-25, a long cast time AoE that deals damage based on distance. Players will want to get as far away from Emalon as possible while this is being cast, minimizing the damage they take. This can one-shot players that are too close to the boss. The off-tank will want to make sure they are always as far away from the boss as possible with the Tempest Minions.
The third and most dangerous mechanic is overcharge. Every 45 seconds Emalon will buff a random Tempest Minion, increasing their damage and size. This buff will continue to stack every 2 seconds until it either reaches 10 stacks or the add is killed. If it reaches 10 stacks, the add will explode dealing massive damage to the entire raid and likely causing an immediate wipe. Whenever this goes on an add, make sure all focus is swapped over and the add is quickly dealt with. The add can either be kept in position, or brought within taunt range, having the Emalon tank taunt it off and position it in cleave range.
Congratulations on defeating Emalon and claiming your free loot!