- Author: DanielD
- Date: September 18, 2022
- Updated: October 30, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
There are a handful of Fishing Daily Quests in Northrend, all available from the same NPC in Dalaran. You will only be offered a single daily each day, chosen at random from a total of five different quests. In this guide, we’ll help you find the NPC that gives out WotLK’s angling dailies and provide a walkthrough for each quest! We’ll also briefly discuss and list the items that can be found in the Bag of Fishing Treasures you get as a reward for the dailies, and take a look at the TBC dailies while we’re at it.
Completing all five of the WotLK Fishing Daily Quests will earn you the Chasing Marcia achievement. These dailies are also part of the requirement for the Fishing daily quests completed achievement.
Unlocking the Northrend Fishing Dailies
In order to unlock the Fishing dailies, your character must be level 70 and have the Fishing Skill — and that’s it! There don’t seem to be any other requirements. Marcia Chase in Dalaran (Northrend) is the NPC that offers the fishing dailies. She is found at the fountain south of Runeweaver Square (53, 65).

Walkthroughs – Northrend Fishing Daily Quests
Marcia Chase will offer one of the following quests each day — click a quest to see a detailed walkthrough.
Make sure you aren’t in a raid group, or you won’t be able to find the fish for the quests!
While fishing in Dalaran, you may end up with a Waterlogged Recipe if your Cooking skill is high enough — if you’re working on collecting Dalaran Cooking Awards, this is a quest worth doing. Otherwise, you can put the item on the Auction House and make far more than you’d make turning it in.
Bag of Fishing Treasures – Fishing Daily Quest Rewards
In addition to the 250 Kirin Tor reputation, you’ll always receive a Bag of Fishing Terasures when you hand in one of the fishing dailies to Marcia. It will contain some gold, plus a few items — the list below contains all of the items that can appear in the bag. There are some excellent items for lucky players to find in their bags of treasure, including the Tiny Lockbox, a number of powerful gems, some stylish gear, and a couple of fishing poles.
While some of the junk items are fairly worthless, others have a very high sell value, so make sure you check the sale price of everything before you delete it! Worthy of particular mention is the Porcelain bell, which vendors for 100g. The Glow Worm can also be a nice find since it raises your Fishing skill by 100 for an hour, which can help with some of the tougher Fishing dailies.
Note that if your Bag of Fishing Terasures had a Sealed Vial of Poison in it, you can use it to start the quest quest and then immediately go and turn it in to Alchemist Cinesra, who is found in the northeasternmost section of the Underbelly. As mentioned above, the Waterlogged Recipe is worth using to complete the quest if you’re working on Cooking dailies, otherwise it can be sold on the Auction House.
Outland Fishing Dailies
The Fishing dailies in Outland are offered by Old Man Barlo, who can be found at the lake just north of Shattrath. In total there are 5 options, most of which require you to go catch a specific fish somewhere in Outland. One, however, sends you back to either Orgrimmar or Stormwind, so it might be of use to set your Hearthstone to Shattrath or find a mage who can port you back there when you’ve collected the necessary critter. Old Man Barlo’s quests are:
- Crocolisks in the City
- Fish up a Baby Crocolisk in Stormwind or Orgrimmar
- Bait Bandits
- Fish up a Blackfin Darter from the rivers of Terrokar Forest
- The One That Got Away
- Catch World’s Largest Mudfish in either of the lakes in Nagrand
- Shrimpin’ Ain’t Easy
- Catch 10x Giant Freshwater Shrimp in the lakes of Zangarmarsh
- Felblood Fillet
- Fish up a Monstrous Felblood Snapper in either Hellfire Peninsula or Shadowmoon Valley
As a reward for completing these, you will receive a Bag of Fishing Treasures. Most of the items in these are significantly outclassed by their WotLK equivalents, but there are still a few of note. Namely, the Sharpened Fish Hook, which is on par with Glow Worm from WotLK and, most notably, the mini-pets Toothy, Muckbreath, Snarly, and Chuck. Each of these crocs has around a 15% chance of dropping.