- Author: DanielD
- Date: October 10, 2022
- Updated: May 3, 2024
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Welcome to Warcraft Tavern’s Fishing guide! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover all the important facets of Fishing, from what gear to use to where to cast your line. We’ll also cover the benefits Fishing provides, how to do the various associated daily quests, and how the Fishing competitions work. Use the menu above to jump straight to the section you’re after, or read on to find basic info on fishing, details regarding trainers and leveling, and where to fish. This overview also contains info on fishing achievements and the fishing-exclusive mount and mini-pets.
Why Fish?
While many WoW players fish because they enjoy the RP aspect of taking a break from questing to sit by a lake and relax, there are plenty of aeshtetic and practical min-max reasons to pick up fishing as well:
- It’s a secondary profession, so you don’t have to give up another profession to take it
- Because fishing is so simple, it’s a relaxing way to generate gold and improve your character
- Fishing provides the materials needed for buff foods like Dragonfin Filet and meta feasts like Fish Feast
- Some mounts and mini-pets, like the Sea Turtle mount and the Giant Sewer Rat, are only accessible via fishing
- The fishing tournaments can be fun, and offer valuable rewards like the Dread Pirate Ring
- There are plenty of fishing-related achievements to earn, including Accomplished Angler which nets you the title “Salty”.
It’s also a very easy profession to get started with. All you need is a simple Fishing Pole, and you can fish anywhere there’s water (although you might not catch anything — see below for details).
Fishing Trainers
As with all professions, you’ll need to visit a trainer to pick up Fishing, and you’ll need to return to a trainer each time your fishing skill is capped. Note that there is a 25 skill level gap between the maximum skill of each rank and the minimum skill required to train the next rank. This means you don’t have to wait until you’ve capped your fishing skill to purchase the next rank!
Rank | Character Level Required | Fishing Skill Required | Maximum Fishing Skill | Cost to Train | Where to Train |
Apprentice | 5 | – | 75 | 1 ![]() | Any fishing trainer |
Journeyman | 10 | 50 | 150 | 5 ![]() | Any fishing trainer |
Expert | 10 | 125 | 225 | 1 ![]() | Any fishing trainer |
Artisan | 10 | 200 | 300 | 2 ![]() ![]() | Any fishing trainer |
Master | 10 | 275 | 375 | 10 ![]() | Any fishing trainer in Outland or Northrend |
Grand Master | 10 | 350 | 450 | 35 ![]() | Any fishing trainer in Northrend |
As you can see, any fishing trainer can train you from Apprentice to Artisan, and any fishing trainer in Outland or Northrend can train you up to Master, but only Northrend Fishing Trainers can train you to Grand Master. The lists below are therefore organized by region. If the trainer you’re seeking is in a city, you can ask any guard to direct you to the Fishing Trainer.
How to Level Fishing
WotLK changed how fishing worked significantly, making it possible to level fishing anywhere. Previously, if you fished somewhere too difficult for your current Fishing skill level, you’d often get the “Your fish got away” message. In Wrath, you’ll now receive junk if you “fail” to catch a fish — however, this still counts as a successful catch, and still gives you progress towards leveling the skill. What this means in practical terms is that you can fish anywhere and level your Fishing skill.
That being said, it’s better to spend your time fishing somewhere that you’ll catch valuable fish, rather than fairly worthless junk. Depending on your skill level, there are optimal places to fish, where you can ensure you won’t catch junk. While sometimes you’ll want to fish in specific areas in order to catch specific fish (see Valuable Fish), it’s also useful to know where you can fish effectively. Below you can find a list of zones organized by “no-junk” skill levels.
Find Fish

One of the most important skills for fishing efficiently is Find Fish. Like Find Herbs or Find Minerals, it will mark fishing nodes — which can be groups of specific called “schools” or wreckage pools — on your mini-map. But, unlike the other Find spells, you cannot learn Find Fish from a trainer. Instead, you have to find the Weather-Beaten Journal, a rare, BoP drop from wreckage pools. Note that the journal requires 100 Fishing to read (although you can fish it up at lower skill levels).

While the Journal can be found in every junk container throughout Azeroth, your best bet for finding it is the Curious Crate, which is fished from schools and pools throughout Outland. The Crate can be fished from open water, but it has the highest chance of dropping directly from all schools of TBC fish. The second-best way to farm the Journal is to look for Mithril Bound Trunks. While the journal has a higher overall chance of dropping from the Mithril Crate, the types of pools that it can be found in are limited to Azshara, Feralas, Stranglethorn Vale, and Tanaris.
Where to Fish at Different Skill Levels
The following lists are where you can catch 100% fish, no junk, when at or above the skill level indicated. Since 450 is the max base fishing skill a character can have, you’ll need to use gear and/or lures to guarantee non-junk catches in the zones that require 475+ skill.
Data sourced from the impressive research of El’s Anglin Fishing Guide and the WoW Fandom Wiki.
We hope this overview of Fishing in WotLK was helpful! Please drop us a line in the comments if you have questions, suggestions, or corrections. We’ve got a lot more fishing info for you as well — check out the other fishing-related guides by using the menu at the top of the guide.
i cant beleave, i take “eather-Beaten Journal ” right now , omg. Just start fishing, level 50.
Does it go up to 575 in 3.3.5?
What is “school” which is mentioned again and again in the Guide?
It’s a circle where certain fish can be caught. Located on the water surfaces. Re-spawns after certain period of time.
I’m sure you’ve seen several ones if you ever tried Fishing in almost any area.
minimum fishing zone is in capital.. for example for horde in orgimar, undercity, silvermooncity.. etc.. mulgore is best for starting.. 😉
What is fish?
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how much is the fish?
Does the fish have chips?
Vinegar on mine please
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baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurte me, no more.
What is love?