- Author: Passion
- Date: January 6, 2023
- Updated: February 2, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
flame-leviathan is the first obstacle in your way. A massive tank constructed by Mimiron as a part of V0-L7R-0N, the Flame Leviathan is in position to stop anyone from breaching the Titans first line of defense. Towering above the humanoid races of Azeroth, the Flame Leviathan must be fought using siege vehicles, with our heroes barely able to scratch the behemoth on foot.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to deal with Flame Leviathan’s overwhelming show of force.
Role Summaries
- Avoid AoE on the ground, as well as beams of light caused by towers
- Maintain 10 stacks of Pyrite Barrel on the boss
- Run away from the boss when fixated
- Launch your passenger onto the boss
- Shoot down Pyrite using anti-air-rocket
- Fire Mortars whenever you have downtime
- Make sure to shoot frozen vehicles to free them
- Grab Pyrite crates as much as possible to keep your driver’s ammunition topped
- Use increased-speed when fixated on by the boss
- load-into-catapult if you are a ranged DPS assigned to killing turrets
- Interrupt flame-vents using electroshock
- Run away from the boss when fixated, using Steam Rush for a speed boost
- Shoot down pyrite with anti-air-rocket
- Use shield-generator during periods of heavy damage
- Slow the boss using tar
- Ferry players from the boss to salvaged-demolishers during overload-circuit
- Bring Pyrite closer to vehicles using Grab Pyrite
- As the raid leader in this fight you will want to make sure the pursued player is aware and reacting. Call it out clearly, “X is pursued”.
- If you do not trust your Chopper drivers, you should call out when it is time for them to grab a player and return them to their Demolisher.
- Make sure your Chopper drivers are keeping Tar up in front of the boss, call it out if the boss is not slowed.
- Call for interrupts from Siege Engines when the boss casts flame-vents.
- If doing the fight on hard mode, try to call out adds spawning.
This fight is done exclusively in vehicles, giving all players a new set of abilities to work with. There are more than enough vehicle seats available for a 10-player raid, with 2 Demolishers, 2 Siege Engines, and 2 Choppers. Demolishers are the primary DPS dealers of the fight. Siege Engines are primarily focused on interrupting spells. Choppers primary role is to slow the boss and transport passengers between the boss and their vehicle.

The salvaged-siege-engine consists of two roles, the Driver and the Gunner. The Driver functions as a tank and close-range fighter, with the key role of interrupting the boss. The Gunner is a long-range fighter, shooting pyrite crates out of the sky and blasting enemies with cannonballs.
salvaged-siege-engines can also carry 2 bonus passengers.



The salvaged-demolisher consists of two roles, the Driver and the Gunner. The Driver functions as a long-range damage dealer, hurling pyrite, boulders, and their partner at the opponent. The Gunner plays a support role, shooting pyrite crates out of the sky and loading them into the catapult.



The salvaged-chopper Driver is a skirmish fighter, deploying hit-and-run tactics with a frontal cone attack and slowing pools of tar.

Flame Leviathan
Raid Composition & Preparation
This fight is done purely in vehicles. This means that individual roles are not used and no composition changes will impact the fight as long as your team consists of 10 players.
The vehicles are impacted by the driver and passengers’ average item level in most slots, meaning that the higher item level in each slot, the better your vehicle. To take advantage of this, simply make sure you equip the highest item level gear you have in every slot, except for your Ranged, Off-Hand, Tabard, and Shirt slots. Gear equipped in these slots will not count for the vehicle’s stats. The quality of the item also matters, with Epic items providing a significant boost over Rare items.
The item level of the driver increases the vehicle’s maximum health as well as the damage of the driver’s abilities. The item level of the passenger only increases the damage output of the passenger’s abilities. The actual stats of these items does not matter at all. The vehicle decides its stats when a player enters it, meaning if you swap gear while piloting a vehicle, nothing will change. You will have to hop out of the vehicle and back in to refresh its stats.
It is worth noting that while for most players their stats will not matter at all, players assigned to be loaded into the catapult and flung at the boss will not want to sacrifice too many stats in the hunt for item level increases, as they will be DPSing out of the vehicle.
Because of the way this scaling works, it is recommended to have your highest item level players driving Demolishers, and then Siege Engines, then passengers in Siege Engines. Your lowest item level players will typically want to be in Choppers, where the scaling will have the least impact.
Demolisher passengers should ideally be ranged DPS classes that can self-heal, such as Balance Druids and Shadow Priests. This is so that when they are on top of Flame Leviathan they can keep themselves alive and not have to leave the boss early.
Hard Mode
The optional hard mode for Flame Leviathan is activated by not destroying the four towers leading up to the boss. Each tower left standing increases the bosses health by 40%, stacking multiplicatively, almost quadrupling Flame Leviathan’s health with all towers up.
Each tower also has a unique buff that they provide the boss, impacting the fight in different ways.
- tower-of-life
- freyas-ward
- This ability decreases Fire Damage dealt to Flame Leviathan by 10%, as well as periodically spawning plants from the corners of the arena that will attack player vehicles.
- freyas-ward
- tower-of-flames
- mimirons-inferno
- This ability boosts Flame Leviathan’s Fire Damage dealt by 50%, as well as causing meteors to periodically fall from the sky in a set path.
- mimirons-inferno
- tower-of-frost
- hodirs-fury
- This ability causes white markers to follow players, occasionally stopping and calling down a frost meteor, dealing heavy damage, and freezing them until they are thawed out with an ice attack.
- hodirs-fury
- tower-of-storms
- thorims-hammer
- This ability boosts Flame Leviathan’s Physical Damage dealt by 25%, as well as causing beams of light to appear and deal massive damage to anyone underneath them.
- thorims-hammer
Every tower left standing increases the rewards. With all four towers up you will receive an item from the hard mode loot table in addition to the regular drop table.
- Golden Saronite Dragon
- Boots of Fiery Resolution
- Pendant of Fiery Havoc
- Plated Leggings of Ruination
- Shoulderpads of Dormant Energies
The Gauntlet
The boss event begins with talking to the lore-keeper-of-norgannon, activating the four Defense Towers. Players will then be able to enter vehicles, either salvaged-demolishers, salvaged-siege-engines, or salvaged-choppers. There are 5 of each kind of Vehicle. With 10 players, you have enough for every salvaged-siege-engine and salvaged-demolisher to have both a driver and a gunner, as well as every salvaged-chopper having a driver.
The gauntlet involves fighting through the legions of Iron Dwarves, Iron Giants, Vrykuls, and various mechanical creations. None of these enemies are particularly noteworthy, except Ulduar Colossus, which cast Ground Slam. This ability should be interrupted by salvaged-siege-engines with electroshock.
During the gauntlet, there will be Liquid Pyrite tanks floating in the sky. These will need to be shot down by the vehicle gunners and loaded into the vehicles. Try to stock up on as much pyrite as possible before you reach the boss.
You will also be able to find 4 towers in this gauntlet. These are the optional hard mode, and each one destroyed makes the fight easier but also less rewarding.
Pulling The Boss
Shortly after you have killed the last group of enemies, the boss will enter its arena and the fight can be started. Outside the entrance to the boss arena, there are two repair platforms that can be used to heal your vehicle and refill pyrite if needed. Start driving into the boss to initiate the fight.
The Fight

Flame Leviathan is a simple enough fight. There is no threat table to worry about, instead Flame Leviathan will fixate on a specific player’s salvaged-demolisher or salvaged-siege-engine for 30 seconds. During this time, the boss will chase that player, almost certainly killing them if it reaches them.
To stay alive while fixated you will need to kite the boss around the arena, this is done with a combination of speed-boosts and the slow provided by tar.

salvaged-demolishers are the primary source of damage during this fight, and will ideally want to maintain 10 stacks of Pyrite Barrel on the boss at all times. This requires the passenger to consistently grab Pyrite scattered around the arena.
salvaged-siege-engines are necessary to interrupt flame-vents using electroshock. This requires 38 Steam Pressure, so the drivers will need to keep an eye on their resources so that they have enough Steam Pressure when flame-vents is cast.
salvaged-demolishers are able to launch their passenger at the boss. Players that are on top of the boss are able to destroy the leviathan-defense-turrets, and once all turrets are destroyed the boss will be stunned for 20 seconds, and take 50% increased damage. This also removes all stacks of gathering-speed, which is necessary to be able to kite the boss.
Launched players should exclusively be ranged DPS, as melee DPS will only be able to reach one turret, while ranged DPS can reach both. After the boss has been overloaded, players will need to jump off the boss and be ferried back to their salvaged-demolisher by a Chopper.
If you are attempting hard mode, the boss will have a few more tricks in its arsenal. Each tower provides a unique buff to the boss, alongside a 40% health buff per tower.
The tower-of-life gives the boss freyas-ward, dealing constant Nature damage to all enemies around Flame Leviathan and summoning Ward of Life and Writhing Lasher from green beams in each corner of the boss arena. The boss will also be buffed with tower-of-life, decreasing the fire damage it takes by 10%. This constant bonus damage primarily means the group will have less room for mistakes during the fight.
The tower-of-flames causes Meteors to fall from the sky, slowly following a set route. These are easily avoidable but will absolutely decimate anyone hit by them. Flame Leviathan will also deal 50% increased Fire damage with this tower up.
The tower-of-frost causes pale beams of light to appear, following players. The beams will stop moving on top of vehicles, calling down an icy comet on top of them and freezing them, dealing constant damage. Frozen vehicles will need to be hit with Fire damage to break the ice, freeing them.
The tower-of-storms causes pillars of light to briefly appear and after a small delay deal heavy damage to everyone caught in the beam. This also causes Flame Leviathan to deal 25% increased Physical damage.
Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this fight:
- Passengers in vehicles go AFK or otherwise do not participate, leading to their drivers dealing significantly less damage.
- Chopper drivers don’t slow the boss effectively, letting it catch up to fixated players.
- Siege Engine drivers fail to manage their resources, letting the boss cast flame-vents freely.
- People generally don’t put in the effort because it is a vehicle fight.
- the-siege-of-ulduar-10
- Defeat the bosses of The Siege area in Ulduar. These bosses are Flame Leviathan, Razorscale, Ignis the Furnace Master, and XT-002 Deconstructor.
- dwarfageddon-10
- Destroy 100 Steelforged Defenders in 10-seconds during the pre-boss gauntlet.
- unbroken-10
- Defeat Flame Leviathan on your first attempt without anyone repairing their vehicle.
- three-car-garage-10
- Defeat Flame Leviathan once in each type of vehicle. This requires 3 lockouts at minimum.
- take-out-those-turrets-10
- Destroy one of Flame Leviathans Defense Turrets.
- shutout-10
- Defeat Flame Leviathan without causing a systems-shutdown.
- orbit-uary-10
- Defeat Flame Leviathan with all four towers active.
- nuked-from-orbit-10
- Defeat Flame Leviathan with three towers active.
- orbital-devastation-10
- Defeat Flame Leviathan with two towers active.
- orbital-bombardment-10
- Defeat Flame Leviathan with one tower active.
- nuked-from-orbit-10
- These can all be done in one run with all four towers active.
- Defeat Flame Leviathan with all four towers active.
Congratulations on defeating Flame Leviathan! Time to ditch the vehicles and make your way to the next fork in the road.
Only note I have is Choppers do not have this ability in the pre-nerf P2 Ulduar.
Hey, which ability are you referring to?
Looks like they don’t have the ability to bring pyrite to other vehicles. On the PTR they were not able to, going in live tonight will know more soon.
Thanks! This guide helps a lot for newcomers!