- Author: Passion
- Date: January 2, 2023
- Updated: February 10, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
The commander and general of Yogg-Sarons faceless ones, General Vezax stands as the final barrier between any invaders and the old god’s prison. So corrupted by Yogg-Sarons presence that even the room he resides in defies any expectation.
This guide will offer a detailed, step-by-step tutorial on how to deal with General Vezax and the despair that surrounds him.
Role Summaries
- Keep a close eye on your mana, it is not going to come back on its own!
- Make sure searing-flames is interrupted, even if you are not assigned to it.
- Avoid shadow-crash.
- Make sure you are not close to any players with mark-of-the-faceless.
- Utilize saronite-vapors to restore your mana, but be careful of the damage dealt.
- Stand in the puddle left behind by shadow-crash when possible to increase your damage and reduce your mana costs.
- Avoid shadow-crash and the puddle left behind by it.
- Make sure you are not close to any players with mark-of-the-faceless.
- Utilize saronite-vapors to restore your mana, but be careful of the damage dealt.
- Make sure you interrupt searing-flames.
- 2-4 players should be assigned to do this on a rotation.
- Mitigate the bonus damage on surge-of-darkness, either by using defensives or by kiting the boss.
- Call out shadow-crash targets
- Call out mark-of-the-faceless targets
- Call out searing-flames casts
- Call out next on the interrupt rotation if the DPS aren’t calling this out themselves
- Call out surge-of-darkness windows
saronite-animus (Hard Mode)
Raid Composition & Preparation
Hard Mode
Hard Mode for Vezax can be a large barrier, requiring the raid to not kill any saronite-vapors, instead letting 6 of them be active at the same time. Once all 6 are spawned, they will create a Saronite Animus, a secondary boss that you will have to fight alongside Vezax.
The Animus will have to be dealt with before you can go back to fighting Vezax, as he will be almost entirely immune to damage while it is alive.
This does not significantly change the mechanics of the fight, but it does drastically affect the raids access to mana over the course of the fight.
Completing this encounter on Hard Mode will add the following loot to the drop table
- flare-of-the-heavens
- handwraps-of-the-vigilant
- pendulum-of-infinity
- vestments-of-the-blind-denizen
- voldrethar-dark-blade-of-oblivion
The Pull
Before engaging Vezax, make sure the entire room is cleared of trash mobs. Players will want to start the fight loosely spread to make the initial casts of shadow-crash and mark-of-the-faceless as easy as possible.

Healers will want to try to position themselves close to melee, drastically reducing their chances of being targeted by either shadow-crash or mark-of-the-faceless.
The Fight
This fight has no extra phases, so outside of Hard Mode, this fight will effectively be the same the entire way through.
Melee players will want to have an interrupt rotation, making sure that searing-flames never finishes a cast. This is vital to the encounter and one stray cast could be the difference between a kill and a wipe.
Tanks have relatively little to worry about, with their primary focus being on surge-of-darkness. When this is cast, tanks can either try to kite the boss, but this can have issues with the general positioning of the rest of the raid, or they can use defensives to tank through the damage.
The main bulk of this encounter happens at range, placing almost all of the burden on ranged players. Ranged DPS will want to be spread, generally, to avoid mark-of-the-faceless and shadow-crash killing the players around them. This becomes a bit more difficult when you add in the two puddles, from shadow-crash and saronite-vapors. Ranged players will want to stand in these puddles to either deal maximum damage or maintain their mana.

Because of these two stacking mechanics, players will need to be on their toes at all times to avoid being hit by both shadow-crash and mark-of-the-faceless. This responsibility falls on everyone, so make sure you are all awake!

Here are some of the main things that can typically go wrong in this fight:
- Players fail to avoid shadow-crash or mark-of-the-faceless
- Players stay in saronite-vapors for too long, killing them
- searing-flames is not interrupted, wiping the raid
- Tanks die to the surge-of-darkness damage increase
- Healers mismanage their mana, running out of mana before the fight is finished
- Shadowdodger
- Defeat Vezax without any raid member being hit by shadow-crash. This requires every player in the raid to be on their toes at all times to make sure they do not get hit.
- I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning
- Defeat Vezax on Hard Mode, by killing the Saronite Animus first.
Congratulations on defeating General Vezax! Proceed through the hallway behind him, activating the final teleporter before you come face to face with the old god himself, Yogg-Saron.
Hey. I was just wondering how you got that top down view of Vezax’s room. I’d like to get a blank version of that.
Hey, here is the blank image. You’ll just have to use your imagination as to how I got a hold of it though!
Raidplan.io is where they found it
That is incorrect, the base screenshots are taken by me, and then edited using Photoshop.
You can’t do a taunt rotation on this boss, he’s immune to taunt.
Thank you, this has been corrected.
One information to Mark of the Faceless
Mortal Strike (Arms Warrior) and Wound Poison (Rogue) do reduce the Healing taken from Mark of the Faceless!