- Author: lettara
- Date: June 1, 2023
- Updated: June 16, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
In order to maximize DPS on Ignis the Furnace Master, your raid will want to adopt one of the following two strategies. These strategies are designed to minimize movement and/or the negative effects of his knock-up ability, flame jet.
The Iron Construct adds do not count towards logs and should be ignored.
The Windshield Wiper
The aim of this strategy is to minimize caster movement at the beginning of the fight by tanking him roughly where he stands. When he uses Scorch and lights the ground ablaze, simply move him left or right, out of the fire. Rinse and repeat.
With fast kill times in conjunction with Aura Mastery + Fire Resistance Aura for lucky flame jet resists, this is the most common strategy you’ll see used by top players on Warcraftlogs.
The Anti-Knock up
Another common strategy is having your ranged DPS nudge themselves in a corner to avoid being knocked up. Similar to strategies we saw implemented versus Mother Sharaz in Black Temple, this works the same way. The downside is that it requires a fair bit of movement at the beginning of the fight to get into this position, or you’ll have to get there pre-pull and waste precious uptime in the opener while you wait for the tank to drag him to the water.
Class Specific Strategies
Heroic Strike
Engage the boss with Nitro Boosts as early as possible. If applicable, stand in the fire to gain some extra rage. Note that the adds do not count, so do not bother attacking them at all.
Opener: Normal Pre-cast Opener
Pre-Pot: Potion of Wild Magic
Glove Usage: On pull and execute (2 uses)
2min Trinket Usage: On Execute
Talents: Default 55/0/16
Quick Decay
Life Tap
Glyph of Haunt
There is a way we can maximize our DPS on Ignis before the fight even starts! Pre-placing your Demonic Circle: Summon in a location that is within your pre-cast range as well as in casting distance to wherever your guild pulls the boss to.
During every knock up on Ignis you want to be filling these open globals with instant casts such as: Demonic Circle: Teleport, Life Tap, Shadowflame, or just get lucky and resist it! The priority should always be Demonic Circle: Teleport to begin casting again immediately. However, we can only Teleport every other knock up. So, on the knocks up that can’t be teleported you should look to Life Tap to keep up Life Tap or refresh instant-cast dots such as Curse of Agony if they have already expired.
Greeding casts against the silence will lose you DPS if you are not comfortable cancelling last second spells right before the silence. Nothing lowers your DPS more than being unable to cast. Fights like this make every global more important, because of the short time frame.
Opener: Pre-castable Shadow Bolt
Pre-Pot/Second Pot: Wild Magic. Potion of Speed execute ideally w/ Molten Core and/or trinkets.
Metamorphosis Usage: During Bloodlust on pull.
Glove Usage: Asap on opener and second usage when in execute (ideally right after a flame jet goes out) if kill time is 2:05 or less. If higher kill time, then use on cooldown after opener.
Nitro Boots Usage: n/a
Before the pull you should pre-place a Demonic Circle: Summon to have it available for teleporting back down after being knocked up via flame jet unless you’re lucky enough to get a resist or two! However, Demonic Circle: Teleport has a longer cooldown than flame jet, so it will not be available for every flame jet cast. To fill in some of the globals on every other flame jet, I would recommend this priority:
- Life Tap (if you need mana or to refresh Life Tap)
- Curse of Doom (if available)
- Corruption (if it falls off mid fall)
- Curse of Agony (if Curse of Doom is already popped)
- Shadowflame (if in range)
- Death Coil
As usual, after your pre-cast you will do the normal opener rotation and cooldown usage. Some nuances with this are you will continue to cast Shadow Bolt until Bloodlust is popped and then you will use Metamorphosis/gloves and put up your snapshotted dots including Curse of Doom.
Don’t bother using Curse of Agony on execute unless you’re knocked up and it fits the priority order for your specific situation.
Ideal Duration: 120s
Ideal boss positioning is right in front of where he spawns and he should be pulled slightly to the left of his forge.
The pre-pull:
Drop totems prior to fight right outside of pull range of boss (not fire elemental totem as we want to snapshot this).
Drop totems slightly to the left of his forge so that he’ll be within fire nova range when tank pulls him here.
Pre-pot wild magic potion.
Opener and rotation:
Perform a standard single-target opener. Snapshot fire elemental totem when spell power is at a max, usually about 8 seconds into the fight.
Encounter specific notes:
- A physical damage equipment set is best on this boss as there is no cleave that counts towards the parsing criteria.
- Ignore the Iron Constructs and focus on the boss and melee uptime. They do not count.
- Optimize your behind boss uptime as some guilds may move him a lot.
- Slag pot will likely kill your parse, but you can freely cast, so maintain flame shock and cast earth shock and chain lightning on cooldown and fill with lightning bolts.
- If you are near the edge of his hitbox behind him you will end up out of range of melee during the knock up, so stand directly under the boss to maintain melee uptime even during knock ups.
Cooldown Usage (assuming 120s fight duration):
- Spirit wolves on pull so they may benefit from Bloodlust
- Bloodlust immediately after using Spirit wolves
- Use gloves on pull
- Use any on-use trinkets, and if they’re attack power buffs use them to snapshot fire elemental totem
- Drop fire elemental totem in the center of where the boss will be moved for fires so fire nova can hit at all times
- Use gloves on cooldown and if the fight length is any bit over 2 minutes you will get a third use
- Use shamanistic rage between spell cooldowns and maelstrom procs if mana is needed
Be prepared to adjust during the fight as Ignis will be moving from the tanks being knocked around and when players are put in the slag pot.
Pray you are not the one chosen for slag pot. If chosen, you can cast FoK 2-3 times to do little damage and keep your deadly poison up. Don’t be energy starved as you are released.
Glyph of Shadow
Glyph of Mind Flay
Glyph of Shadow Word: Death
Pre-pot: wild magic potion
Potion: Potion of Speed
Opener: Standard
Ignis is a standard Patchwerk-esque fight with one mechanic to look out for: flame jet.
Aside from maintaining a standard, single-target rotation, take care to stop casting before Ignis finishes casting flame jet or you will be locked out of casting for 8 seconds in addition to being knocked into the air.
Anytime you are knocked into the air, fill your GCDs with Shadow Word: Death and Devouring Plague.
If you are placed in the slag pot, then refresh Vampiric Touch and Devouring Plague as soon as you’re back on the ground to make use of the brief haste buff.
Any damage to the adds do not count for the parse, so ignore them.
Seal: Seal of Vengeance
Glyph of Judgement
Glyph of Seal of Vengeance
Glyph of Reckoning
Use Glyph of Avenging Wrath if your guild has a kill time higher than 120 seconds and you don’t need the expertise from Glyph of Seal of Vengeance.
- Pre-pot & follow the standard opener, but hold consecrate until the boss is completely stationary.
- Before the pull, you should remove your trinkets and put them back on with 35-40 seconds remaining on the pull timer. This will delay your trinkets until you are at 5 stacks of Holy Vengeance for a moderate DPS increase.
- If you are ever put into the slag pot, you can still use some abilities so try and keep your damage as high as possible during this window.
- Do your best to stay behind the boss at all times. This is easier said than done, as the boss will face a random player when he casts slag pot.
- Time your gloves/potions with your burst windows (greatness procs/execute phase)
Coming Soon!
Ideal boss positioning is right in front of where he spawns and he should be pulled slightly to the left of his forge. If your guild uses flame jet knock up positions, then plan accordingly instead.
The pre-pull:
● Precast range. Pre-pot Speed.
Opener and rotation:
● Perform a standard single-target opener and a standard single-target rotation. Adds do not count towards parse. Adds can be used for fishing with Living Bomb for Hot Streak procs, but is generally not advised.
Encounter specific notes:
● There is no cleave as part of the parsing criteria.
● Ignore the Iron Constructs and focus on the boss.
● Can blink or use a knock up spot for more uptime, otherwise fill with instant casts like Pyroblast Hot Steaks, reapplying Living Bomb, or Fireblast.
Cooldown Usage (assuming 120s fight duration):
● Use gloves on pull
● Use any on-use trinkets
● Use Combustion and Apply Living Bomb
● Use gloves on cooldown and if the fight length is any bit over 2 minutes can be used with 2nd Combustion.
Before the pull, do your best to place a pre-Explosive Trap. With some strategies this may be difficult, but it should always be possible. Ignis is both despawnable with Feign Death and has an extremely forgiving aggro radius.
Encounter tips:
- Use Glyph of Kill Shot
- Once the pre-trap is secured and the boss is pulled, execute your standard single target rotation. Adds do not count, so do not attack them directly.
- Stack all Cooldowns with Bloodlust, ideally at the beginning of the fight.
Glyph of Insect Swarm
Glyph of Starfall
Glyph of Starfire
Pre-pot: wild magic potion
Potion: Potion of Speed
Opener: Standard
Ignis is a standard Patchwerk-esque fight with one mechanic to look out for.
Any damage to the adds do not count for the parse.
Aside from maintaining a standard, single-target rotation, take care to stop casting before Ignis finishes casting flame jet.
Anytime you are knocked into the air, fill your GCDs with Insect Swarm if needed, Moonfire if needed, or Typhoon.
120s Ideal Duration
Ignis the Furnace Master is a rudimentary encounter. His mechanics don’t need to be respected, there’s no particular positioning requirements, there’s no timings to be met, and your goal is only to be as ferocious as possible.
Mechanics Briefing
- Iron Construct – Ignore these and focus on the boss.
- Scorch – Use Barkskin, Survival Instincts, and Fel Healthstone when traversing areas of the terrain affected by Scorch.
- slag pot – At some point, the boss will grab someone. Unfortunately, if you’re a victim, the best you can do is spam Wrath and Moonfire.
Pre-Pull Checklist
- Cast Gift of the Wild for Clearcasting at 6-8s on the pull timer.
- Enter Cat Form immediately and begin pooling to max energy.
- Use a Potion of Speed 1s before or exactly on the pull timer.
- Cast Dash or use Nitro Boosts to quickly approach the boss.
The Encounter
Begin by performing a single-target Berserking opener on the boss. After this, you’ll continue dealing damage with a single-target rotation. Ideally, you’re maximizing your behind boss melee range uptime. If necessary to continue to do this because of boss movement, use your mobility cooldowns.
Parsing on Ignis the Furnace Master is a combination of rotational cleanliness, boss kill time, and luck with slag pot.
Prioritize non-Feral Druids if Innervate or Rebirth is needed.
Don’t leave Cat Form, don’t drop your target, stay behind and within range of the boss.
Glyph of the Ghoul
Glyph of Death and Decay
Glyph of Dark Death
Encounter notes:
- Gargoyle and Army in the opener
- Utilize the fire on the ground to get free Runic Power with Anti-Magic Shell. Dump your Runic Power with Death Coil.
- Pestilence your diseases to the adds only if 2+ are up
- Use a /petpassive /petfollow macro to stop your Gargoyle’s cast when Ignis the Furnace Master finishes his cast of flame jet to avoid the silence.
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