- Author: DanielD
- Date: July 8, 2022
- Updated: September 29, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
The Jewelcrafting Dailies in Northrend are all picked up in Dalaran from the same NPC, and are all similar. Only one is offered per day, and they all require a couple of gems and a unique mob drop, so you’ll need to either mine or shop at the auction house, and then go farming for the quest item.
Besides the handful of gold the quests give, the main draw of these dailies is the Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token. These can be traded to Tiffany Cartier in Dalaran or Anuur in Icecrown, either to learn level 370-450 designs or purchase Dragon’s Eye.
How to Unlock the Jewelcrafting Dailies
All of the Jewelcrafting dailies in Northrend are picked up from Timothy Jones, who is found in Dalaran’s trading quarter. It can be tough to navigate Dalaran if you aren’t familiar with it, so here’s an exterior and top-down view of the building Timothy is in:

The entrance of the shop is at (39, 35). Once you find Timothy, you’ll first need to do his quest Finish the Shipment — once you do so, you’ll unlock his daily quests.
- Quest Giver – Timothy Jones in Dalaran
- Prerequisites – Level 65, Jewelcrafting 375
- Objective – Bring Timothy Jones a Chalcedony
- Rewards
- 20,500 XP
- Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token
- 3
at level 80)
This quest is straightforward — you just need to get a Chalcedony. The quickest way to get it from the auction house, but you can also get it by mining: Chalcedony can be found in a Cobalt, Saronite, Rich Cobalt, Rich Saronite, Pure Saronite, and Titanium
Technically, you can also find them in a Titanium Lockbox, but the drop rate on these is so low it isn’t worth considering as a strategy for acquiring a Chalcedony.
Jewelcrafting Daily Quests Walkthroughs
After completing Finish the Shipment, each day Timothy Jones will offer one of the following quests at random.
- Quest Giver – Timothy Jones in Dalaran
- Prerequisites – Level 65, Finish the Shipment
- Objective – Combine a Vrykul Amulet, a Dark Jade, and a Bloodstone to make a Blood Jade Amulet, then bring it to Timothy Jones
- Rewards
- 20,500 XP
- 25 Reputation with Kirin Tor
- Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token
- 7
at level 80)
The Dark Jade and Bloodstone can both be mined from a Cobalt, Saronite, Rich Cobalt, Rich Saronite, Pure Saronite, and Titanium, or purchased from the auction house.
The Vrykul Amulet only drops from — you guessed it — Vrykul mobs. The closest ones to Dalaran are probably in the nearby Storm Peaks — you can farm for the amulet by killing the Silfreldar Maidens and Sifreldar Runekeeper (found north of K3 in Sifreldar Village (41, 74)), but they are level 79 mobs, so only players at level 77 or higher will want to try to farm them. High level players who have unlocked the Icecrown dailies can also choose to combine this quest with Blood of the Chosen{H:H} & Assault by Ground{H:H}, as you’ll be killing Vrykul in both dailies.
Lower-level players (~75) can head to Thrym’s End in Zul’Drak and farm the Vargul there (28, 46), while characters at or around level 70 will need to head to the Howling Fjord, which has a lot of Winterskorn Vrykul that will drop the amulet (found all over the fjord).
Once you have all three ingredients, just right-click the amulet in your inventory and it will automatically craft the Blood Jade Amulet — you don’t need a recipe.
- Quest Giver – Timothy Jones in Dalaran
- Prerequisites – Level 65, Finish the Shipment
- Objective – Combine Northern Ivory, a Chalcedony, and a Shadow Crystal to create a Glowing Ivory Figurine, then bring it to Timothy Jones
- Rewards
- 20,500 XP
- 25 Reputation with Kirin Tor
- Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token
- 7
at level 80)
The a and b can both be mined from a Cobalt, Saronite, Rich Cobalt, Rich Saronite, Pure Saronite, and Titanium, or purchased from the auction house.
The Northern Ivory drops from any of the mammoth mobs found throughout Northrend (they are often called Shoveltusks instead of Mammoths). The closest spot to grab the ivory is once again in The Storm Peaks — you can find a bunch of mobs near (35, 85). Lower level players should instead head to Dragonblight, which is also nearby — the Emaciated Mammoths here will drop the ivory.
Once you have all three ingredients, you can right-click the Northern Ivory in your inventory to automatically craft the Glowing Ivory Figurine.
- Quest Giver – Timothy Jones in Dalaran
- Prerequisites – Level 65, Finish the Shipment
- Objective – Combine an Iron Dwarf Brooch, a Huge Citrine and a Sun Crystal to create a Wicked Sun Brooch, then bring it to Timothy Jones
- Rewards
- 20,500 XP
- 25 Reputation with Kirin Tor
- Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token
- 7
at level 80)
The a and b can both be mined from a Cobalt, Saronite, Rich Cobalt, Rich Saronite, Pure Saronite, and Titanium, or purchased from the auction house.
The Iron Dwarf Brooch drop from all of the Iron Dwarves in Northrend. Yet again, The Storm Peaks are the closest place to find the mobs you need — Stormforged Loreseekers can be found in Frostgrip’s Hallow, a cave with an entrance at (27, 67). Characters around level 75 should instead head to Thor Modan (67, 16) in Grizzly Hills and farm the dwarves there. Characters closer to 70 can head to Baelgun’s Excavation site (73, 70) in Howling Fjord, which also has plenty of quest mobs.
Players who have unlocked the Storm Peak Dailies can combine this with Spyhunter, as the mobs for that quest can drop the brooch you need.
Once you have all three ingredients, just right-click the brooch in your inventory and it will automatically craft the Wicked Sun Brooch — you don’t need a recipe.
- Quest Giver – Timothy Jones in Dalaran
- Prerequisites – Level 65, Finish the Shipment
- Objective – Combine a Proto Dragon Bone, a Sun Crystal and a Dark Jade to craft an Intricate Bone Figurine, then bring it to Timothy Jones
- Rewards
- 20,500 XP
- 25 Reputation with Kirin Tor
- Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token
- 7
at level 80)
The a and b can both be mined from a Cobalt, Saronite, Rich Cobalt, Rich Saronite, Pure Saronite, and Titanium, or purchased from the auction house.
The closest source of the Proto Dragon Bone are the Blighted Proto-drake found in The Storm Peaks at Valkyrion (25, 58). However there are only four there, and it’s possible you won’t get the drop. A bit further away, still in The Storm Peaks, you can find Stormpeak Hatchlings above the cave entrance to Brunnhildar Village (45.5, 67.0) — these are easy to kill and there are enough that you’ll probably get the item. You can also find groups of Stormpeak Wyrm — there are a ton around (45, 58), and a much smaller number near (51, 74).
If you aren’t close to level 80, you’ll probably need to go further afield for your Proto Dragon Bone. The Howling Fjord has a couple of spots you can farm for the item: Plagued protodrakes can be found at (50, 56), and Proto-drakes and whelps are everywhere around (40, 49).
Once you have all three ingredients, just right-click the brooch in your inventory and it will automatically craft the quest item — you don’t need a recipe.
- Quest Giver – Timothy Jones in Dalaran
- Prerequisites – Level 65, Finish the Shipment
- Objective – Combine an Elemental Armor Scrap, a Bloodstone and a Huge Citrine to craft a Quest Item, then bring it to Timothy Jones
- Rewards
- 20,500 XP
- 25 Reputation with Kirin Tor
- Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token
- 7
at level 80)
The a and b can both be mined from a Cobalt, Saronite, Rich Cobalt, Rich Saronite, Pure Saronite, and Titanium, or purchased from the auction house.
The nearest mob that drops the Elemental Armor Scrap is the elemental found in Dragonblight around (50, 17). If you need to use a flight path (because you don’t have a flying mount) the Ice Revenants east of Wyrmrest Temple (68, 52) (also in Dragonblight) are a good choice.
Once you have all three ingredients, just right-click the brooch in your inventory and it will automatically craft the quest item — you don’t need a recipe.
- Quest Giver – Timothy Jones in Dalaran
- Prerequisites – Level 65, Finish the Shipment
- Objective – Combine a Scourge Curio, a Sun Crystal and a Shadow Crystal to craft a Quest Item, then bring it to Timothy Jones
- Rewards
- 20,500 XP
- 25 Reputation with Kirin Tor
- Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Token
- 7
at level 80)
The a and b can both be mined from a Cobalt, Saronite, Rich Cobalt, Rich Saronite, Pure Saronite, and Titanium, or purchased from the auction house.
The closest mobs that drop the curio are conveniently found directly beneath Dalaran — take the portal that leads to Crystalsong Forest and farm the Lost Shandaral Spirits near (47, 40) and (37, 57). If they’re already being farmed or you get unlucky, you can fly over to Icecrown and farm the Malefic Necromancers around (70, 67) instead.
Both of these mobs are fairly high level, however, and players closer to 70 will instead want to farm the mobs in the east of Dragonblight (85, 48).
Once you have all three ingredients, just right-click the brooch in your inventory and it will automatically craft the quest item — you don’t need a recipe.
We hope this guide on the Jewelcrafting Daily Quests in Northrend was helpful. If you’ve got any suggestions for improvements, or strategies for the quests you’d like to share, please do so in the comments below!
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Can you tell me what level jewelcrafting do you need to unlock the quests from Timothy?
I believe it requires 375 Jewelcrafting to start