Leatherworking Guide 1-450

Leatherworking Guide 1 450 WotLK 3.3.5a

Welcome to Warcraft Tavern’s Leatherworking guide! In this guide, we’ll provide everything you need to max out your Leatherworking skill, from the materials required to level up your profession to the best recipes to follow.

Leatherworking is a crafting profession focusing mainly on creating Leather and Mail gear pieces. Some of these BoE-crafted pieces, like Ice Striker’s Cloak, serve as some classes’ pre-raid BiS. While there are more substantial choices when choosing a profession based on PvE and PvP benefits, Leatherworking does have access to a couple of unique item enhancements. With Fur Lining – Attack Power and Fur Lining – Spell Power, Leatherworkers can enchant their bracers with better stats than the Enchanting equivalent. The personal leg armors that Leatherworkers can craft don’t have better stats than their BoE counterparts, but they cost significantly less material (Nerubian Leg Reinforcements and Jormungar Leg Reinforcements).

One of the most sought-after items Leatherworkers can produce will be the drums available at 450 skill. These drums can take the place of Gift of the Wild (Drums of the Wild) and Blessing of Kings (Drums of Forgotten Kings), great for when your dungeon group or raid is missing a Druid or Paladin.

Leatherworking relies almost entirely on Leather skinned from beasts found throughout the world. Because of this, Skinning is the perfect companion gathering profession for this skill. Leatherworkers also need crystallized elements found on the corresponding elemental and revenant mobs found throughout Northrend.

Required Materials

Below you can find the materials you’ll need to level from 1-450, as well as a few tips and things to keep in mind.

  • Sometimes we will have to craft yellow recipes that don’t guarantee a level up on every craft, therefore the materials required are estimates, rather than exact figures.
  • Specific recipes will require items you have previously crafted, so check the lists before getting rid of crafts!
  • Some recipes aren’t taught by trainers, but instead are acquired from drops or vendors.

All of these things are accounted for in the materials listed below. Listed separately from the material list are those recipes not acquired from a trainer, but rather from a vendor or world drop.

Leatherworking Trainers

You can click on a Trainer’s name from the lists below to see its exact location. If you use TomTom, you can copy-paste the location and coordinates provided (after the name) to track down the trainer you need more easily. For example:

/way Orgrimmar 75.8 24.6

wow classic horde leveling guide Horde

wow classic alliance leveling guide Alliance

wow classic horde leveling guide Horde

wow classic alliance leveling guide Alliance

  • Brumman – Honor Hold 54.0 64.0

Wow Pandaren Crest Neutral

  • Darmari – Shattrath City 67.2 67.6

wow classic horde leveling guide Horde

wow classic alliance leveling guide Alliance

Wow Pandaren Crest Neutral

Training Route

Certain crafts need to be used later to further level up the profession. Other times, the materials can be bought from a vendor instead of the Auction House, or the crafting recipe is not acquired from a trainer. Some recipes turn yellow and as such do not have a 100% chance to level up your profession with every craft; this means some randomness enters the equation when it comes to materials. We indicate all of these situations with the following icons:

Keep crafted items for later crafts.
buy 2
Buy material from the vendor.
ui grouploot coin up
Bought Recipe.
ui grouploot dice up
Craft amount depends on variance.



1 🠖 30
30 🠖 45
45 🠖 55
55 🠖 100








About the Author


I am an avid WoW Classic player and love Druid, Priest, and Rogue and look forward to maining a DK in Wrath. When I'm not gaming or writing, I'm catching up on reading and spending time with my family, my parent's dogs, and my pet snake, Gloria.
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4 years ago

Wicked Leather Bracers is actually taught by trainers so there is need to get fancy, also you should start making them at 265 as they are orange instead of green for the rugged armor kit.

Last edited 4 years ago by sticky
2 years ago

Nightscape Pants requires 14x Thick Leather and 4 Silken Thread. You have listed 125 thick leather and 50 silken thread for 15x

2 years ago

10 comment imageWicked Leather Headband = 120 Rugged leather now 60…bruh

2 years ago

how about especialization? dragon scale, elemental and tribal leatherworking.
this information is needed

Reply to  BrazilianNoob
2 years ago

Specialization’s are irrelevant for Wrath of the Lich King. They are only used for Vanilla and TBC gear, and none of that is useful for leveling Leatherworking. You can go whichever specialization you find most interesting, or no specialization at all.

2 years ago

Overcast Handwraps require Eternal Water

2 years ago

Hillman’s Cloak is also a good option to lvl in the Alliance as it is required to complete a quest in Hillsbrad Foothills and the item can be sold in the Auction House to make some quick gold coins.

2 years ago

Mistake in materials…you need 350 Thick Leather not 250.

1 year ago

I would suggest to make Hillman’s Cloak instead of Heavy Armor Kit. They’re at the same level & cost the same in leather, but Hillman’s can be sold on AH as it’s needed for a Southshore quest.

1 year ago

150-225 says 20 Medium Leather, but the first craft costs 30. Please update. Thanks
Edit: Nevermind, using this now, heaps of stuff is numbered incorrectly, every man for himself.

Last edited 1 year ago by vincatoo
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