- Author: Kurathis
- Date: January 22, 2023
- Updated: January 31, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
In this section, we will be covering mounts obtained through miscellaneous means, and events!
Event Mounts
Great Brewfest Kodo

Players interested in obtaining this mount will need to venture into Blackrock Depths and defeat Coren Direbrew during Brewfest.
It has a fairly low chance of dropping, coming in at approximately 2%.
The Horseman’s Reins

Players looking to obtain this mount will need to venture to Scarlet Monastery and defeat the Headless Horseman during Hallow’s End.
It has an incredibly low chance to drop.
Swift Brewfest Ram

Players looking to obtain this ram will need to venture into Blackrock Depths and defeat Coren Direbrew during Brewfest.
Similar to the Great Brewfest Kodo, this mount has a 2% chance of dropping.
Miscellaneous Mounts
Kalu’ak Whalebone Glider

Players looking to obtain this mount need to purchase the Northrend Epic Upgrade for Wrath of the Lich King Classic.
Note: If you did purchase this upgrade, and cannot find the mount, you can visit your nearest Innkeeper to have it restored.
Purchasable Mounts
Armored Blue Wind Rider

A Horde-exclusive mount, the Armored Blue Wind Rider can be purchased from Mei Francis in Dalaran for 2,000 gold.
Armored Brown Bear

The Armored Brown Bear can be purchased from Mei Francis in Dalaran for 750 gold.
Armored Snowy Gryphon

An Alliance-exclusive mount, the Armored Snowy Gryphon can be purchased from Mei Francis in Dalaran for 2,000 gold.
Traveler’s Tundra Mammoth

Players interested in obtaining this beast can visit Mei Francis in Dalaran with 20,000 gold. This mount is quite an investment, but can make life easier with constant access to a repair vendor.
Wooly Mammoth

Players interested in obtaining this beast can visit Mei Francis in Dalaran with 200 Emblems of Heroism.