- Author: Passion
- Date: September 17, 2022
- Updated: September 23, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Greetings and welcome to our strategy guide for the 25-man version of the Naxxramas raid in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic! Located on the east side of the Dragonblight area, Naxxramas is one of 4 raids available in Phase 1 of WotLK Classic, and likely to be many people’s first “real” raid!
World of Warcraft (Classic or otherwise!) veterans may remember Naxxramas as the last raid of the vanilla version of the game. Initially an extremely difficult raid for its time, barely any players managed to clear the raid while it was still relevant, and so Blizzard brought the raid in the Wrath of the Lich King version of the game, making it significantly more accessible than its original version, so it’d be experienced by more players.
Players can obtain Tier 7 gear inside Naxxramas, and the 25-man version in particular contains the “Valorous” version of the Tier 7 sets. The raid consists of 15 bosses, culminating with a fight against Arthas’ right-hand, the elder lich Kel’Thuzad himself! Unlike other raids you may be familiar with, Naxxramas is a non-linear raid, consisting of 4 wings that players can choose to tackle in any order, with a final wing available once the first 4 wings are cleared.
This guide aims to help you understand how best to prepare yourself and your raid group for Naxxramas, by giving you an overview of each encounter, providing an in-depth explanation of each boss, discussing positioning and how you can set yourself up for success. We will also cover the attunement process and how you can reach the entrance.
You can find a full list of gear that can drop from this raid in the Naxxramas (25-man) Loot section.
Attunement Process
Unlike its level 60 version, there is no attunement process required to step foot into the raid. The only thing that’s required is a flying mount, or alternatively a Warlock willing to summon your lazy butt to the entrance of the flying necropolis!
Finding the Entrance to Naxxramas
The easiest way to enter Naxxramas is by taking a flight path to Dragonblight; specifically, to Wintergarde Keep for the Alliance or Venomspite for the Horde. From there, you simply need to fly a short distance to the east, as the flying necropolis floats very close by.

Raid Preparation
Naxxramas is a 10-man and 25-man raid in Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Unlike most raids, Naxxramas is split into 5 wings and players can tackle the first 4 wings in any order they please, with the 5th and final wing being unlocked after all the previous ones are completed. These wings and their bosses are:

Arachnid Quarter
Construct Quarter
Plague Quarter
Military Quarter
Frostwyrm’s Lair
Trash Mobs
Boss Encounters


- Tanks
- Keep Crypt Guards facing away from the raid
- Stay at least 30-yards away during Locust Swarm
- Don’t let Corpse Scarabs swarm the raid
- Healers
- Stay at least 30-yards away from the boss
- Spread as much as possible, to avoid Impale
- Ranged DPS
- Stay at least 30-yards away from the boss
- Hunter’s can use Aspect of the Pack during Locust Swarm to help the tank kite
- Focus down Corpse Scarabs whenever possible
- Spread as much as possible, to avoid Impale
- Melee DPS
- Focus the boss when Locust Swarm is inactive
- Try to position yourself to cleave the Crypt Guards with Anub’Rekhan
- Spread as much as possible, to avoid Impale
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Anub’Rekhan Strategy Guide!
Grand Widow Faerlina

- Tanks
- Main Tank
- Tank Grand Widow Faerlina close to the edge of the green circle
- Off Tanks
- Tank Naxxramas Followers close to Grand Widow Faerlina for cleave
- Tank Naxxramas Worshippers away from Grand Widow Faerlina so they don’t die early
- Main Tank
- Healers
- Priests need to Mind Control Naxxramas Worshipper and cast Widow’s Embrace on top of Grand Widow Faerlina during Frenzy
- Dispel Poison Bolt Volley
- Stay away from Naxxramas Follower to avoid Silence
- Dodge Rain of Fire
- Ranged DPS
- Stay away from Naxxramas Followers to avoid Silence
- Dodge Rain of Fire
- Cleave Naxxramas Followers on the boss
- Melee DPS
- Dodge Rain of Fire
- Cleave Naxxramas Followers on the boss
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Grand Widow Faerlina Strategy Guide!

- Tank
- Face Maexxna away from the raid at all times
- Use Defensives pre-emptively for Web Spray
- Healers
- Use heal-over-time spells, absorption spells and defensive cooldowns on the tank before Web Spray
- Dispel Necrotic Poison immediately
- Ranged DPS
- Kill cocoons spawned by Web Wrap ASAP
- AoE spiderlings as soon as you see them
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Maexxna Strategy Guide!


- Tanks
- Focus on being top 3 threat at all times
- Heal yourself however you can between Hateful Strikes
- Try to save defensives for Frenzy
- Healers
- Prepare heals pre-emptively, you need to top tanks quickly
- DPS whenever you have time to
- Sync your defensive cooldowns with your raid to not overlap
- Ranged DPS
- Make sure you have DPS cooldowns ready for Frenzy
- Make sure you have DPS cooldowns ready for Frenzy
- Melee DPS
- Never be top 3 on threat
- Make sure you have DPS cooldowns ready for Frenzy
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Patchwerk Strategy Guide!

- Tanks
- Make sure no one has to stand in a Poison Cloud to DPS
- Keep the boss faced away from the raid
- Pick up Fallout Slimes as soon as they spawn
- Healers
- Wait to dispel until the debuff is away from the raid
- Wait to dispel until the debuff is away from the raid
- Ranged DPS
- Focus down Fallout Slimes
- Focus down Fallout Slimes
- Melee DPS
- Focus down Fallout Slimes
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Grobbulus Strategy Guide!

- Tanks
- Taunt Swap to avoid high stacks of Mortal Wound
- Heal yourself however you can during Decimate
- Healers
- Keep an eye on the kiting player in case they get hit
- Prioritize getting the tank healthy after Decimate
- Ranged DPS
- Melee DPS
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Gluth Strategy Guide!

- Tanks
- Stay max melee range on Thaddius to avoid Polarity issues
- Stay max melee range on Thaddius to avoid Polarity issues
- Healers
- Prioritize Instant Spells against Feugen to avoid pushback from Static Field
- DPS Thaddius whenever you can, the timer can be tight
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Thaddius Strategy Guide!

Noth the Plaguebringer

- Tanks
- Stack adds on the boss
- Make sure to get threat back ASAP after Blink
- Healers
- Dispel Cripple and decurse Curse of the Plaguebringer as quickly as possible
- Stay at least 25-yards away from Plagued Champions
- Ranged DPS
- Dispel Cripple and decurse Curse of the Plaguebringer as quickly as possible
- Stay at least 25-yards away from Plagued Champions
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Noth the Plaguebringer Strategy Guide!
Heigan the Unclean

- Tank
- Stay on the edge of the safe zone to give DPS space
- Stay on the edge of the safe zone to give DPS space
- Healers
- Stay on Heigan the Uncleans platform during Phase 1
- Cure Decrepit Fever using spells such as Abolish Disease, Cleanse, Cleanse Spirit, and Cleansing Totem
- Ranged DPS
- Stay on Heigan the Uncleans platform during Phase 1
- Stay on Heigan the Uncleans platform during Phase 1
- Melee DPS
- Prioritize avoiding Eruption over DPSing the boss if you need to
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Heigan the Unclean Strategy Guide!

- Tanks
- Don’t let spores die on top of you
- Don’t let spores die on top of you
- Healers
- Save spores for DPS if possible
- Lean heavily on Absorb spells like PW:S
- Try to cast a heal that will land just as Necrotic Aura fades away
- Don’t kill spores that aren’t on top of 5 players
- Avoid soaking spores if you already have Fungal Creep
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Loatheb Strategy Guide!

Instructor Razuvious

- Tanks
- Taunt Death Knight Understudys immediately if they break Mind Control
- Taunt Death Knight Understudys immediately if they break Mind Control
- Healers
- Make sure your UI displays pet frames, so that you can heal the tanking Death Knight Understudy
- Make sure your UI displays pet frames, so that you can heal the tanking Death Knight Understudy
- Ranged DPS
- Avoid area-of-effect damage so that you don’t kill a Death Knight Understudy early
- Avoid area-of-effect damage so that you don’t kill a Death Knight Understudy early
- Melee DPS
- Avoid cleave damage so that you don’t kill a Death Knight Understudy early
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Instructor Razuvious Strategy Guide!
Gothik the Harvester

- Tanks
- Don’t bother tanking Unrelenting Trainee or Spectral Trainee
- Gothik the Harvester is tauntable
- Healers
- Be close to your group, spawning adds will likely target healers
- Be close to your group, spawning adds will likely target healers
- Melee DPS
- Avoid Unrelenting Death Knight and Spectral Death Knight to minimize AoE damage taken
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Gothik the Harvester Strategy Guide!
The Four Horsemen

- Tanks
- Communicate for tank swaps if you have too many stacks of a Mark
- Against Sir Zeliek and Lady Blaumeux the person closest is the person tanking, regardless of threat
- Healers
- Try to position close to the middle to reach as many bosses as possible with your heals
- Try to position close to the middle to reach as many bosses as possible with your heals
- Ranged DPS
- Stack in melee against Thane Korth’azz to soak Meteors effectively
- Stack in melee against Thane Korth’azz to soak Meteors effectively
- Melee DPS
- Don’t be too close to Sir Zeliek and Lady Blaumeux to avoid taking aggro
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our The Four Horsemen Strategy Guide!


- Tanks
- Keep Sapphironstationary to avoid positioning issues for the raid
- Keep Sapphironstationary to avoid positioning issues for the raid
- Healers
- Ice Blocks caused by Ice Bolt will block line of sight for heals
- Avoid Chill
- Don’t be too far from the raid, to make sure Icebolt is close
- Decurse Life Drain
- Ranged DPS
- Avoid Chill
- Melee DPS
- Make sure you are never in front of or behind Sapphiron
- Avoid Chill
- You can DPS while Sapphiron is flying, but it is inconsistent and may require you to jump
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Sapphiron Strategy Guide!

- Tanks
- Don’t try to tank Banshees or Soldiers in Phase 1
- Swap tank if you have too many stacks of Mortal Wound
- The off-tank should grab Guardian of Icecrown as soon as they spawn
- Keep the boss stationary to ease positioning
- Healers
- Top targets hit by Frost Blast quickly, if they don’t get healed they will die
- Make sure you are spread 10-yards away from everyone
- Ranged DPS
- Prioritize Banshees and Soldiers in Phase 1
- Don’t bother DPSing Guardian of Icecrown
- Make sure you are spread 10-yards away from everyone
- Melee DPS
- Prioritize Abominations in Phase 1
- Don’t bother DPSing Guardian of Icecrown
- Stay at max melee range against Kel’Thuzad
- Stay in your stack
Check out an in-depth breakdown in our Kel’Thuzad Strategy Guide!
Passion is my favourite guide writer
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Hey, sorry about this! We’re in the process of updating the guides so some of the links currently don’t work. They’ll all hopefully work in the next couple of days!