- Author: Kurathis
- Date: December 1, 2022
- Updated: December 1, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Welcome to the Profession Mounts section of the guide! Here, we’ll touch on which mounts can be created via professions, and what materials you will need, along with the skill level. If you would like to view our Profession guides, feel free to click on the profession below to be taken right there!

This mount is learned through Engineering, and it requires a skill level of 450 to craft. While it is crafted by Engineers, it is usable by any player, with any professions. This mount is exclusive to the Horde, while Alliance receive their own version below.
To obtain Schematic: Mechano-hog, you will need to venture to see either of the two Horde Expedition quartermasters, Gara Skullcrush or Sebastian Crane.
Below are the materials required to craft the Mechano-hog:
- (1) Salvaged Iron Golem Parts
- (1) Elementium-plated Exhaust Pipe
- (2) Arctic Fur
- (8) Goblin-machined Piston
- (12) Titansteel Bar
- (40) Handful of Cobalt Bolts
Mekgineer’s Chopper

This mount is learned through Engineering, and it requires a skill level of 450 to craft. While it is crafted by Engineers, it is usable by any player, with any professions. This mount is exclusive to the Alliance.
To obtain Schematic: Mekgineer’s Chopper, players can visit either Logistics Officer Brighton or Logistics Officer Silvertone of the Valiance Expedition.
Below are the materials required to craft Mekgineer’s Chopper:
- (1) Salvaged Iron Golem Parts
- (1) Elementium-plated Exhaust Pipe
- (2) Arctic Fur
- (8) Goblin-machined Piston
- (12) Titansteel Bar
- (40) Handful of Cobalt Bolts
Flying Machine

This mount is also learned through Engineering, requiring a skill level of 300 to craft. This mount acts a Normal Flying Mount (150% Speed) Unlike the two mounts above, only Engineers can use this mount. This mount is not exclusive to either faction.
The easiest way to learn Flying Machine is by visiting Engineer Sinbei in Shattrath City.
Below are the required materials to craft the Flying Machine:
- (2) Fel Iron Casing
- (8) Star Wood
- (20) Elemental Blasting Powder
- (20) Handful of Fel Iron Bolts
Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control

This mount is also learned through Engineering, requiring a skill level of 375 to craft. This mount acts a Epic Flying Mount (280% Speed) Similar to above, only Engineers can use this mount, and it is not exclusive to either faction.
To learn to craft this mount, players will need to visit either Jonathan Garrett in Terokkar Forest, or Niobe Whizzlespark in Shadowmoon Valley. This mount effectively acts as the previous mount’s epic version.
Below are the required materials to craft the Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Control:
- (1) Hula Girl Doll (Purchased from Griftah in Shattrath City)
- (4) Adamantite Frame
- (8) Khorium Power Core
- (8) Felsteel Stabilizer
Sea Turtle

This ground mount is very slow on land, but is an amazing swimmer. This mount is only obtainable by fishing within Northrend waters, and has a very low drop rate, coming in at a reported 0.01% chance!
Flying Carpet

This mount is learned through Tailoring, and requires a skill level of 300. This acts a Regular Flying Mount (150% Speed) Only Tailors are able to use this mount, and it is not exclusive to either faction.
Players interested in crafting this magical carpet can visit Charles Worth in Dalaran to learn how.
Below are the materials required to craft the Flying Carpet:
- (4) Arcane Dust
- (4) Golden Draenite
- (5) Heavy Silken Thread
- (6) Bolt of Netherweave
Magnificent Flying Carpet

This mount is learned through Tailoring, and requires a skill level of 425. This acts an Epic Flying Mount (280% Speed) Only Tailors are able to use this mount, and it is not exclusive to either faction.
Players interested in crafting this magical carpet can visit Charles Worth in Dalaran to learn how.
Below are the materials required to craft the Magnificent Flying Carpet:
- (2) Yellow Dye
- (4) Red Dye
- (4) Monarch Topaz
- (4) Iceweb Spider Silk
- (12) Bolt of Imbued Frostweave