Boomkins don’t have a whole lot of talent options — most of our talents are pretty straightforward, and thus it’s hard to deviate from the “standard” build.
The only real changes you could make to your talents would be to take some points out of Balance of Power as you obtain more hit, putting them into many of the mana recovery talents, or into Genesis or for a little DPS boost if you aren’t having mana issues.
Similarly to talents, our Glyphs are pretty straightforward — you won’t really want to deviate from this standard configuration.
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2 years ago
Out of curiosity, why Glyph of Dash instead of Glyph of Typhoon? A larger area and reduced cost to an effective AOE seem quite good, especially since the glyph removes the knockback (meaning the targets will spend longer in contact with the Typhoon). Is there a specific reasoning behind this?
Hi! This is a really good question. It’s up to personal preference. I don’t plan on even speccing into it for PvE content. Because it would the be irrelevant for me, I chose to choose dash but if you plan to use typhoon in raids, you can definitely swap out those glyphs. I would also assume your raid lead would require that glyph so that you don’t push mobs into another pack, out of consecrate, away from tanks ect.
You absolutely can but as far as I’m away, technically for single target glyph of moonfire is better for bosses. Glyph of starfall is however better for trash (obviously), I personal run starfall the whole time but for the single target parsers, moonfire is better.
1 year ago
Any difference in spec for phase 4? I’m over hit cap thanks to ICC gear and can’t decide if I should drop Balance of Power or not.
It’s honestly better to use the GCD on a hurricane then a typhoon. Unless you glyph it, your tanks will get annoyed at you for pushing mobs away as well. All around, not very good for trash packs.
Yes you are.It 99% proccs Nature’s grace and the increased channeling speed makes up for more than a global, so you basically get Typhoon + full hurricane out before you finish a hurricane without nature’s grace.
Out of curiosity, why Glyph of Dash instead of Glyph of Typhoon? A larger area and reduced cost to an effective AOE seem quite good, especially since the glyph removes the knockback (meaning the targets will spend longer in contact with the Typhoon). Is there a specific reasoning behind this?
Hi! This is a really good question. It’s up to personal preference. I don’t plan on even speccing into it for PvE content. Because it would the be irrelevant for me, I chose to choose dash but if you plan to use typhoon in raids, you can definitely swap out those glyphs. I would also assume your raid lead would require that glyph so that you don’t push mobs into another pack, out of consecrate, away from tanks ect.
People use the knock back at some bosses for example Deathbringer so typhoon glyph will fail that tactics
Wondering why don’t you take glyph of starfall
You absolutely can but as far as I’m away, technically for single target glyph of moonfire is better for bosses. Glyph of starfall is however better for trash (obviously), I personal run starfall the whole time but for the single target parsers, moonfire is better.
Any difference in spec for phase 4? I’m over hit cap thanks to ICC gear and can’t decide if I should drop Balance of Power or not.
Are you dumb get typhoon for trash packs
It’s honestly better to use the GCD on a hurricane then a typhoon. Unless you glyph it, your tanks will get annoyed at you for pushing mobs away as well. All around, not very good for trash packs.
An instant opener to critproc for a faster hurricane and/or clearcast. Ye its a dpsincrease
youre not opening with typhoon lmao
Yes you are.It 99% proccs Nature’s grace and the increased channeling speed makes up for more than a global, so you basically get Typhoon + full hurricane out before you finish a hurricane without nature’s grace.