- Author: Jamielolx
- Date: July 14, 2022
- Updated: February 19, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Notable Talents
- The Beast Within – Reduces your mana cost, increases your damage done, and makes you CC immune to almost everything when popping bestial wrath
- Beast Mastery – Let’s you spend more talent points on your pet, don’t forget it when taking this talent.
- Serpent Swiftness – 20% passive ranged attack speed – still is a huge talent just as a comparison it is the same amount of attack speed a troll racial cooldown gives – except it is permanent.
Talent Build
Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Bestial Wrath #1
- Glyph of Steady Shot #1
- Glyph of Serpent Sting (optional)
- Glyph of the Hawk (optional)
- Glyph of Kill Shot (optional)
- Glyph of Explosive Trap (Trap-Weaving)
Minor Glyphs
If a Hunter’s raid group is not missing any buffs or debuffs offered by other pets, your best choice is a Wolf (just like Marksmanship and Survival), but at least you can camp a spectral version called spectral version of it. She won’t bring the furious howl buff you’re looking for, but her damage abilities make spectral beasts about equal in the hope to bring some spice to the pet variety. These are only tamable by Beast Mastery Hunters!
The rest of the pets, I would personally deem too big of a DPS loss to consider going with, especially as a Beast Mastery Hunter.
Pet Talents
These are good options for your pet talents — if you really want to min-max you can put the point out of Bloodthirsty for a defensive option, however, seeing as pets rarely die in Wrath of the Lich King, I would prefer the quality of life of never having to worry about your pet’s happiness mid-fight.

No problem at all!
Gondria ??
the t-rex is by far the best pve pet wtf
It’s not, regular wolves give the highest DPS, and can’t escape the AP buff – Trex does more damage as a stand-alone pet but doesn’t give the hunter increased damage which makes wolves better than devilsaur
Is Aspect of the Beast or Dragonhawk better for BM? And does it change based on if CDs are active?
Dragonhawk is always better, the only situation beast becomes better is if you’re literally melee hitting the target
For trapweaving as BM you are gonna want to take points out of mortal shots and into improved tracking and trap mastery respectfully, you will lose least by having 8% natural hit.
It’s good for your pet expertise and also would leave you with 2/5 mortal shots left instead of none.
You can take a point out of the attack frenzy from BM tree as well and make it 3/5 – uptime on it seems to remain sustainable
No other exotic pet is considered good for bm? :'(
Are spirit beasts worth getting in Wotlk. Looking at snagging Skoll for BM
They aren’t the best choice, but realistically they also aren’t that much lower than the other options. If your guild is fine with you playing BM, run whatever pet you want.
For visuals sure, but they are not useful for raiding
good guide, thanks a lot! 🙂
Hey, thx for the guide ! Just wondering, why is the wolf better ? I understand it’s giving strong ap bonus, but since we focus on having our pet deal most of the damages, aren’t T-rex better?
Pets deal more damage for BM than other spec that’s true, but the majority of the damage is still coming from the hunter himself, wolf buffs himself with AP also, not just the hunter, that is why.
It’s often not phrased well though,T-rex does deal more damage than wolf on its own, but it doesn’t provide the most DPS.
I dont agree with the pet options there, After many testing myself… devilsaur is slightly better than wolf in 25man since “Monstrous bite” a 15% pet damage increase pet ability scales better with hunter’s gear set and raid size over a static furious howl 320 ap. Only if you play Orc race though that provides that 5% passive pet damage, would make Devilsaur slightly better in 25man over a wolf. However, in smaller groups like 10man and 6man I would say the dps is on par. And obviously if you test everything on a dummy, without raid buffs that would make wolves slightly better, but in a raid comp with full raid buffs, consumes the devilsaur’s 15% is scaling with all the buffs, gear, consumes, Lust etc.. is the way to go by a huge mile as a “Orc Hunter”.
Also wolfs only have bite(attack) and FH(buff), unlike Devilsaur which have Bite(attack) Monstrous bite(attack/buff 15%) scaling with both pet attacks, normal melee attack and secondary scaling in terms of gear, raid comp/buffs and overall.
with the trap weaving build is it not worth dropping one point from cobra strikes to go for the throat? For some reason it sims higher for me no matter what gear I move around. Not sure if anyone else has noticed?
Very good eye sir, Blizzard indeed changed pet fous regeneration a while a go, but at the time common consensus was it stil wasn’t needed. It appears it is now though. We will get it updated asap and thank you for your eagle eye!
Where can I see the pet skill tree?
On the page..?