PvE Blood Death Knight DPS Gems, Enchants & Consumables

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Besides your gear and talents, there are 3 additional ways you can increase your character’s power: gems, enchants, and consumables, which make your character significantly more powerful when combined correctly. Many guilds and raid groups may not invite you at all if you don’t have the correct gems, enchants and consumables — but worry not, this guide will help you avoid that problem!


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This is the best meta gem that you can use, especially since it only requires one blue gem to activate. However, you can use Chaotic Skyflare Diamond as an alternative.

What you socket for your reds will change as the phases unfold. In the beginning, you will want to stack as many strength gems as possible, such as Bold Scarlet Ruby/Bold Cardinal Rub. However, as the expansion continues, and you start to acquire more armor penetration, you will want to stack armor penetration gems such as Fractured Scarlet Ruby/Fractured Cardinal Ruby.

Yellow sockets offer several choices depending on your current needs. You can choose to fill your yellow sockets with gems such as Etched Monarch Topaz/Etched Ametrine if you require Hit Rating, or Accurate Monarch Topaz/Accurate Ametrine if you require both Expertise Rating and Hit Rating.

Generally, you will only want one blue gem for your meta gem to activate. After you fill one blue socket with a prismatic gem, you are free to use the remaining blue sockets for red gems.


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This is your only viable option for this slot.

This is your only viable option for this slot. However, you have to grind your reputation with the Sons of Hodir faction to be able to purchase this enchantment.

This enchantment slot largely depends on what professions you have:

If you have a profession that does not grant a special back enchantment, your best bet is Enchant Cloak – Mighty Armor, since it synergizes with the Bladed Armor talent.

This is your only viable option for this slot.

This will be the best choice for this slot.

Players with the Engineering profession should use their profession-exclusive Hyperspeed AcceleratorsHyperspeed Accelerators enchant here. If you do not have access to Engineering, you should use Enchant Gloves - CrusherEnchant Gloves - Crusher.

This is your only option for this slot.

This is your best option for this slot.

Alternative: Nerubian Leg ArmorNerubian Leg Armor

Players with the Engineering profession should use their profession-exclusive Nitro Boosts enchant here. If you do not have access to Engineering, you should use Enchant Boots – Greater Assault or Enchant Boots – Icewalker.

This will be the best enchantment for this slot, however, it is a unique enchantment only available to players that have Enchanting as a profession.

Death Knights have access to a special skill called Runeforging, which allows them to apply Death-Knight-exclusive enchants to their weapons.

Our Runeforge of choice will be the Rune of the Fallen Crusader, which occasionally increases our total strength by 15% for 15 seconds. No other enchant comes close to it.


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You will always want to use Flask of Endless Rage! However, if you do not manage to get your hands on one, you can use Elixir of Armor Piercing/Elixir of Protection instead.

The most common buff food found in raids is Fish Feast. Most of the time you will join your group by partaking in the feast. However, if you are close to the armor penetration cap, you should use Hearty Rhino instead.

Indestructible Potion is the best pot that you can use for pre-potting, since it vastly increases your attack power (thanks to Bladed Armor). Potion of Speed should be kept for critical moments during an encounter. Depending on your current Haste Rating, you will either want to stack it with Heroism/Bloodlust.

You can still use scrolls in Wrath of the Lich King — however, they do not stack with stat-boosting effects offered by class buffs.


About the Author


Hey there folks, I am Nevermore and have been deeply passionate about WoW for more than a decade. Whether we talk about the hidden mysteries of Azeroth or the otherworldly Outland, my journey brought me here to share the things that I have experienced with you all.
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