- Author: Oxykitten
- Date: January 8, 2024
- Updated: January 8, 2024
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Gearing is relatively unimportant in Wrath of the Lich King compared to previous expansions. Stats are far more balanced, and there are far more options for every slot. Indeed, the differences between different items of the same item level are almost negligible, so you can be almost completely correct by simply wearing any relevant gear of the highest item level available to you. Therefore, the concept of “BiS” is a bit outdated in this expansion. However, it can still be helpful to know which pieces to look out for. Additionally, there are a few gearing principles that you should stick to in order to maximise your performance; things like staying under the hit cap, expertise cap, and armor penetration soft cap allow you to make full use of the stats on different items. If you’re not familiar with these concepts, I’ve explained them in my stat priority guide and recommend giving it a read.
There are two lists included below; the standard list simply shows the best item in each slot for every phase of the expansion. The “Progressive” list explains the rationale behind these choices while giving multiple alternatives for each slot. I highly recommend reading on, as there are many strong options for each slot in WotLK, and tunnel-visioning on the best available item is not an efficient way to gear your character!
Heroic ++, otherwise known as Defense Protocol Beta, drops gear from 10-man Ulduar and Naxxramas. Heroic ++ dungeons also drop 1 “Sidereal Essence” per final boss for each player. These can be used to buy items previously earned from hard mode 10-man Ulduar bosses. Heroic+, otherwise known as Defense Protocol Alpha, drops gear from 10-man Naxxramas, as well as regular Heroic gear. Future Phases are likely to add further Heroic difficulties.
These lists are made using information and simulation tools from Nerdegghead and others on the Druid Classic Discord.
Feral DPS Best in Slot List
This tab shows the best gear options available for a player who has just reached level 80 in Phase 1. It only includes gear that can be earned outside of weekly lockouts — that means no raid gear and no gear bought with arena points. It does however include gear earned with honor and through heroic dungeons.
This tab shows the best gear options available outside of Ulduar. It includes gear from Naxxramas, Obsidian Sanctum, and Eye of Eternity. It does not include current season arena gear. It does not include Bind on Equip gear that requires materials from Ulduar to craft. The purpose of this tab is to show you how to best prepare your character for Ulduar, which will bring new challenges to the game. Effectively, it shows the best-in-slot items from Phase 1.
Blizzard have said that in Phase 2, they will move items that previously dropped in 25-man raids to drop in 10-man raids as well. It is assumed that these items will be available from the same bosses, but in either version of the raid.
This tab shows the best gear options available from all sources in Phase 2.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
This is the best in slot option for Phase 3.
- Heroic Skinned Whelp Shoulders
- Heroic Cultist’s Bloodsoaked Spaulders
- Heroic Chestguard of the Frigid Noose
- Heroic Ikfirus’ Sack of Wonder
- Heroic Frostbrood Sapphire Ring
- Heroic Saurfang’s Cold-Forged Band
- Heroic Distant Land
- Heroic Cryptmaker
- Heroic Skinned Whelp Shoulders
- Heroic Cultist’s Bloodsoaked Spaulders
- Heroic Chestguard of the Frigid Noose
- Heroic Ikfirus’ Sack of Wonder
- Heroic Distant Land
- Heroic Cryptmaker
Feral DPS Progressive Best in Slot list
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final boss | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
Engineering (440) | |
The Oculus (Heroic) – Ley-Guardian Eregos |
heroesdreamwalkerheadguard is the best non-raid helm option for a fresh 80 Feral. Previously from Naxxramas 10, these will be available from a Heroic Plus dungeon instead. Weaknessspecs are a strong option, but require Engineering to craft and use — I personally recommend getting these, as I consider Engineering a “must-have” profession anyway, and they are fairly cheap to craft. Otherwise, Maskofthewatcher is a good alternative from The Oculus (Heroic).
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Kel’thuzad | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Gothik the Harvester | |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final boss | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Drakos the Interrogator |
Valorousdreamwalkerheadguard is the best available non-Ulduar helm for a Feral DPS. It is best individually and also an ideal contributor to the 2-piece set bonus. hoodoftheexodus and and heroesdreamwalkerheadguard are almost equal in value, so use heroesdreamwalkerheadguard if it gets you a tier bonus.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Thorim | |
Ulduar (10) – Mimiron Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron | |
Ulduar (10) – Thorim |
conqnightsonghead is the best available helm option for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. Though Mimirongoggles are very slightly better in a vacuum, conqnightsonghead is an efficient place to pick up your 2-piece set bonus. They are also easier to get, not requiring a hard-mode kill. The other alternatives are equal in value to conqnightsonghead, but without contributing to a set bonus.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic Plus) – King Ymiron | |
Halls of Lightning (Heroic Plus) – Ionar | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip | |
pendantofthedragonsworn is the best non-raid neck option for a fresh 80 Feral. gemofimprisonedvassals and Collarofdissolution are equal to each other individually, but the hit and expertise on it makes the latter difficult to fit into a complete set without wasting stats above the hit cap / expertise cap.
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Sapphiron (via Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris) | |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple bosses |
Favorofthedragonqueen is the best available non-Ulduar neck option for a Feral DPS. It is a quest reward from Heroic Judgement at the Eye of Eternity. For this, you must receive Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris from Sapphiron in Naxxramas, then kill Malygos in Eye of Eternity.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – General Vezax Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Hodir Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Freya Hard Mode | |
pendulumofinfinity is the best available overall neck option for Feral DPS in Phase 2. Despite Frigidstrengthofhodir and Seedofbuddingcarnage being better than it in a vacuum, the hit rating on these pieces cannot be efficiently utilised without exceeding the hit cap. Note that pendulumofinfinity and Frigidstrengthofhodir are rare, contested and hard to attain. Broachofthewailingnight is an easily attainable alternative that is relatively close in value to the others.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final boss | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Drak’tharon Keep (Heroic Plus) – Novos the Summoner |
Heroesdreamwalkerspauldrons are the strongest non-raid option for a fresh 80 Feral. However, I personally recommend going for Trollwovenshoulders, which are nearly as good and can be bought cheaply on the auction house.
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Loatheb, Gluth | |
Obsidian Sanctum (10/25) – Sartharion | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Instructor Razuvious (Binds on equip) | |
Any dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final boss |
valorousdreamwalkershoulderpads are the best available non-Ulduar shoulders for Feral DPS. They drop from Loatheb and Gluth in Naxxramas. Concealmentshoulderpads can drop from Sartharion, and although they are actually better than valorousdreamwalkershoulderpads in a vacuum, the tier shoulders are the ideal place to get your 2-piece set bonus.
If you already have your set bonus without the shoulders, you can swap to Concealmentshoulderpads for a small DPS upgrade. spauldersofegotism are a decent alternative, and can be earned in Naxxramas or bought on the auction house, as they are Bind on Equip.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Steelbreaker | |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron | |
Ulduar (25) – XT-002 Deconstructor | |
Ulduar (25) – Kologarn |
shoulderpadsoftheintruder are the best available shoulder option for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. They drop from the Assembly of Iron in Ulduar (25) if you kill Steelbreaker last, which is the most difficult way to go about the encounter. They are therefore rare and are also contested by other physical DPS dealers, and as such may be very difficult to get.
The alternatives are close in value to each other, so if you cannot get shoulderpadsoftheintruder I would recommend using conqnightsongshoulderpads to contribute to your set bonus.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
Utgarde Keep (Heroic Plus) – Skadi the Ruthless | |
Violet Hold (Heroic) – Erekem | |
Leatherworking – Binds on Equip |
Cloakofmastery is the strongest non-raid cloak option for a fresh 80 Feral. Cloakofthegushingwound is a solid option from Violet Hold, and icestrikerscloak can be crafted or bought cheaply for a quick and easy alternative.
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Kel’thuzad | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Trash | |
drapeofthedeadlyfoe is the best available non-Ulduar cloak for a Feral DPS. It is highly contested by other physical DPS, so you may have to stick to the alternatives, which are close in value.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – General Vezax Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Hodir Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (25) – Iron Assembly |
Drapeofthefacelessgeneral is the best available cloak for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. It drops from General Vezax in Ulduar (10) and could prove a challenge to get. DrapeofIcyIntent is equal in value individually, but the hit rating can be difficult to fit into a complete set. Additionally, both DrapeofIcyIntent and Drapeoftheskyborn are difficult items to get. Drapeofthelithe is a bit worse than the other alternatives, but should be easier to get your hands on.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
The Culling of Stratholme (Heroic Plus) – Chrono-lord Epoch | |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final Boss | |
The Nexus (Heroic Plus) – Anomalus |
Bladescarredtunic is the best non-raid chest option for a fresh 80 Feral. heroesdreamwalkerraiments comes a close second, and should be used if granting you the 2-piece set bonus.
Item | Source |
Eye of Eternity (10/25) – Malygos | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Four Horsemen, Gluth | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Grobbulus |
Chestguardoftherecuse is the best available non-Ulduar chest option for a Feral DPS. It drops from Malygos, but is rare and contested by other physical DPS. If you struggle to get this, your next best option is Valorousdreamwalkerraiments from Naxxramas. Although tunicofindulgence is individually slightly better than tier, the tier chest is a good source of a set bonus in the absence of chestguardoftherecluse.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Thorim Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Hodir | |
Eye of Eternity (10/25) – Malygos | |
Ulduar (25) – Hodir |
Embraceofthegladiator is the best available chestpiece for a Feral DPS in Phase 2, but only drops from Hard Mode Thorim in Ulduar (25). It is also a powerful item likely to be contested by other physical DPS. The alternatives listed are all less good but more easily obtained, including Chestguardoftherecluse from Phase 1.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Ahn’Kahet: The Old Kingdom (Heroic Plus) – Prince Taldaram | |
60 Emblemofvalor (Binds on equip) | |
The Wyrmrest Accord – Exalted | |
Halls of Lightning (Heroic) – Loken | |
The Nexus (Heroic) – Trash (Binds on equip) |
Cuffsofdarkshadows are my recommended non-raid bracer option for a fresh 80 Feral. Wristwrapsofthecutthroat are slightly better, but are bought with emblemofvalor from raid content. I include them as an alternative here because they are Bind on Equip, and can be bought on the auction house. They aren’t too expensive, but aren’t that great either. DrakeChampionsBracers are also Bind on Equip, and tend to be dirt-cheap — I recommend getting these first as they are good enough, to last you until you get a solid raid item.
Item | Source |
60 emblemofvalor (Binds on equip) | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Noth the Plaguebringer | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Maexxna |
Wristwrapsofthecutthroat are the best non-Ulduar wrists in a complete set for a Feral DPS. They are earned with 60 emblemsofvalor, but are Bind on Equip and can also be bought on the auction house.
Although Thrustingbands are actually considerably more powerful than wristwrapsofthecutthroat in a vacuum, the hit rating on them is hard to fit into a complete set. This means that the hit rating would bring you above hit cap, wasting the stat completely and making the wrists far worse than the alternatives.
However, if you are not hit-capped in your set, you should wear ThrustingBands over Wristwrapsofthecutthroat.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (25) – Flame Leviathan |
Fluxingenergycoils are the best available bracers for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. Solarbindings are equal in value individually — note that the former has hit rating, and the latter has expertise rating.
If you can use the hit rating in your set but not the expertise rating (due to hit vs. expertise caps), the Fluxingenergycoils are better. On the other hand, if you can use the expertise rating but not the hit rating, then Solarbindings are better.
In this set, Fluxingenergycoils come out ahead — not to mention they are also easier to obtatin! Mechanistsbindings are worse than both of these options, but are still a solid alternative.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic Plus) – Svala Shadowgrave | |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final boss | |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic) – King Ymiron | |
Halls of Lightning (Heroic) – Ionar |
Rapidattackgloves are the best available non raid option for a fresh 80 Feral in Phase 2. Heroesdreamwalkergrips are almost equal in value, and should be used if contributing to the 2-piece set bonus.
Item | Source |
Eye of Eternity (10/25) – Malygos | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Grand Widow Faerlina | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Sapphiron (Binds on equip) | |
Obsidian Sanctum (10/25) – Sartharion |
frostedadroithandguards are the best available non-Ulduar gloves for a Feral DPS. They drop from Malygos, but are quite rare and can be contested by other physical DPS. If you cannot get these, the alternatives are quite close in value to one another, making valorousdreamwalkerhandgrips a decent source of a tier set bonus. Note that Glovesoffastreactions are Bind on Equip, meaning you can buy them on the auction house if you have been unlucky with boss drops.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Mimiron | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (25) – Auriaya | |
Eye of Eternity (10/15) – Malygos |
Conqnightsonghandgrips are the best available gloves for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. While glovesoftheendlessdark and Glovesofthestonereaper are better individually, the hit rating on them can be difficult to fit into a complete set, and that makes Conqnightsonghandgrips an efficient source of your 2-piece set bonus. Frostedadroithandguards from Phase 1 are an OK alternative, but, again, the hit rating makes them difficult to fit in.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Utgarde Keep (Heroic) – Ingvar the Plunderer | |
Wintergrasp – 15 wintergraspmarkofhonor |
Jorachscrocoliskskinbelt is the best non-raid belt for a fresh 80 Feral. It is bought with 40 emblemofheroism, which are earned through completing heroic dungeons.
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Gluth, Heigan the Unclean | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Patchwerk, Gluth | |
Stalkskinbelt is the best available non-Ulduar belt for a Feral DPS. It is actually worse in a vacuum than Beltofthetortured, but the hit rating on the latter can be difficult to fit into a complete item set, wasting the stat and making it worse in practice. Jorachscrocoliskskinbelt bought with emblemofheroism is a very close alternative.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
Ulduar (25) – Trash | |
Leatherworking – Binds on Equip | |
Souldevouringcinch is the best available belt for Feral DPS in Phase 2. It is BiS for many classes and may prove difficult to get. The alternatives listed are all a bit worse, but close in value to each other and easier to obtain; you can pay for a deathwarmedbelt or use your emblemsofconquest(s) on a beltofthetwilightassassin.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Gundrak (Heroic Plus) – Drakkari Colossus | |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final Boss | |
Gundrak (Heroic) – Gul’darah | |
Kirin Tor – Revered |
Leggingsofdiscord are the best available legs for a fresh 80 Feral. Heroesdreamwalkerlegguards are almost equal in value, and should be used if getting a tier set bonus.
Item | Source |
Obsidian Sanctum (10/25) – Sartharion Bonus Loot (2 drakes) | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Thaddius, Gluth |
Leggingsofthehonored are the best available non-Ulduar legs for a Feral DPS. They can drop from Sartharion if two drakes are kept alive before engaging the boss, but keep in mind they are quite contested and can be difficult to obtain. Valorousdreamwalkerlegguards are a strong alternative from Naxxramas.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron | |
Ulduar (25) – Freya | |
Ulduar (25) – Razorscale | |
Obsidian Sanctum (10/25) – Sartharion (2 drakes alive) |
legguardsofcunningdeception are the best available leg option for Feral DPSs in Phase 2. They drop from Yogg-Saron in Ulduar (25), and will likely be very contested. They are far better than the alternatives, which are close in value to each other. If you cannot get legguardsofcunningdeception, then conqnightsonglegguards are an efficient source of a set bonus provided you also can’t utilise the hit / expertise found on the other alternatives.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Maiden of Grief | |
Argent Crusade – Exalted | |
Halls of Stone (Heroic) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Wintergrasp – 15 wintergraspmarkofhonor |
Bootsoftheworshipper are the best available boots for a fresh 80 Feral. Bootsoftheneverendingpath are equal in value individually, however the hit rating on them can be difficult to fit into a full set as it will be wasted over the hit cap. Additionally, reaching exalted with the Argent Crusade can take some time.
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Loatheb | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Anub’Rekhan | |
Footpadsofviledeceit are the best available non-Ulduar boots for a Feral DPS. They can drop from Loatheb in Naxxramas. They are actually worse in a vacuum than Dawnwalkers, but the hit rating on the latter can be difficult to fit into a complete item set, wasting the stat and making them worse in practice.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Leatherworking – Binds on Equip | |
Ulduar (25) – Iron Assembly | |
Ulduar (25) – Ignis the Furnace Master |
Footpadsofsilence are the best overall boots available for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. They are crafted using RunedOrbs (s) and a pattern which both drop within Ulduar, but they are Bind on Equip and can therefore be bought from others. Runedironhideboots are almost equal in value – if you cannot utilise the hit on Footpadsofsilence but can utilise the expertise on Runedironhideboots, you should use these. Otherwise, flamestalkerboots are a fine alternative, though worse than the first two.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Utgarde Keep (Heroic Plus) – Ingvar the Plunderer (Binds on equip) | |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Harold Winston – 1,250 gold and ringofthekirintor, which itself costs 8,000 gold | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip | |
“Heroic Plus” – Dungeon not yet known |
There are many ring options available for a fresh 80 Feral, the best two being surgeneedlering and Greatringofcollision. These are powerful rings contested by many other players, and surgeneedlering is Bind on Equip but very expensive to buy. The other options are viable, though I wouldn’t recommend spending 9,000 gold on a Kirin Tor ring for any reason. Titaniumimpactring is a cheaper craftable alternative.
Item | Source |
Utgarde Keep (Heroic Plus) – Ingvar the Plunderer (Binds on equip) | |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Harold Winston – 1,250 gold and ringofthekirintor, which itself costs 8,000 gold | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple bosses | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple bosses | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip |
surgeneedlering and Greatringofcollision are the two best available non-Ulduar rings for a Feral DPS. These are powerful rings contested by many other players, and surgeneedlering is Bind on Equip but very expensive to buy. The other options are solid, though I wouldn’t recommend spending 9,000 gold on a Kirin Tor ring for any reason. Titaniumimpactring is a cheaper craftable alternative.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (25) – Ignis the Furnace Master | |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron |
Branssignetring and Bandoflights are the two best available rings for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. The former drops from Algalon the Observer in Ulduar (25) via his guaranteed quest item drop, replycodealpha. While this is a guaranteed drop, he is a difficult boss to kill and it is likely to be very contested. Bandoflights drops off Algalon directly in Ulduar (10) and may be similarly difficult to obtain. Note that there are many ring alternatives in Ulduar, almost all of which are better than any Phase 1 options; I recommend grabbing whatever you can, as the best few listed here may all be difficult to get your hands on.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Darkmoon Faire – Nobles Deck | |
Azjol-Nerub (Heroic Plus) – Krik’thir the Gatewatcher | |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic) – King Ymiron | |
Drak’tharn Keep (Heroic) – King Dred |
DMCG and Mirroroftruth are the best available trinkets for a fresh 80 Feral. However, DMCG is quite expensive and is less impactful for Feral than for other classes. Indeed, DMCG can be replaced by trinkets in Ulduar, should you be lucky enough to receive them. Still, it is a strong option and easily obtained if you have the gold to spend. The listed alternatives are considerably worse, but workable.
Item | Source |
Darkmoon Faire – Nobles Deck | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple bosses | |
Azjol-Nerub (Heroic Plus) – Krik’thir the Gatewatcher | |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic) – King Ymiron |
DMCG and grimtoll are the best available non-ulduar trinkets for a Feral DPS. However, DMCG is quite expensive, and less impactful for Feral than other classes. Still, it is a strong trinket and easily obtained if you have the gold to spend. Grimtoll is also a powerful trinket, but can be quite contested by other physical DPS players.
Note that whether or not you have grimtoll changes your full set considerably, as it has a lot of hit rating which brings you to hit cap quite easily, meaning this set “dropped hit” in certain slots. If you do not have grimtoll, you should use other powerful pieces with hit rating highlighted in the other slots of this guide (e.g. wrists, belt, boots).
Mirroroftruth is an easily attained and powerful alternative. The others listed are a bit worse, but workable if you do not have access to the top two.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Thorim Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple Bosses | |
Reward for NoblesDeck – Binds on Equip | |
Ulduar (25) – Kologarn |
Mjolnirrunestone and Cometstrail are the best available trinkets for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. Mjolnirrunestone drops from Hard mode Thorim in Ulduar (10), and can therefore be difficult to obtain. However, it is a massive upgrade over all other available trinkets.
Cometstrail drops from Algalon in Ulduar (25), and as such can also be difficult to obtain. It is far less impactful, and is only a little bit ahead of the other listed trinkets.
Personally, I would recommend trying your best to get Mjolnirrunestone, and settling for any other listed trinket in the second slot. Note that the hit rating on Grimtoll would mean changing other items in your set to stay within the hit cap, but that this effective cost in included in the trinket rankings here.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Ley-Guardian Eregos | |
The Nexus (Heroic Plus) – Keristrasza | |
Gundrak (Heroic Plus) – Moorabi | |
Drak’tharon Keep (Heroic Plus) – Trollgore | |
Blacksmithing – Binds on equip |
Blackice is by far the best available non-raid option for a fresh 80 Feral. Other than the Heroic Plus options, Titansteeldestroyer can be crafted or bought on the auction house, but is a bit pricy.
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Kel’thuzad | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Ley-Guardian Eregos | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Trash | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Heigan the Unclean |
Journeysend is by far the best available non-Ulduar weapon for a Feral DPS. It drops from Kel’thuzad in Naxxramas. The alternatives are very close in value to each other, but all a lot worse than Journeysend.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer and Freya Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
Ulduar (10) – General Vezax Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (10) – Yogg-Saron Hard Mode |
Dreambinder is the best available weapon for a Feral DPS in Phase 2. It drops from Algalon and HM Freya in Ulduar (25). Although Algalon is difficult to kill, Freya is one of the easiest hard modes. Also, the item should not be contested; hunters may also want it, but note that a Feral gets 3,000 more attack power from this item than a Hunter does! Darkedgeofdepravity is close in value, but is more contested. There are many other alternatives available in Ulduar which are considerably worse than these two options, but almost all of them are better than anything from Phase 1.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
There is only one relevant pre-Ulduar tanking idol. It is easy to earn with just a couple of quests in southwest Grizzly Hills.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Grand Widow Faerlina |
beast and Worship are the best available idols for a Feral DPS. They are both best in slot because Feral DPS players can swap idols in combat, which will reset your swing timer but not induce a global cooldown if done correctly. This means you can boost your rip damage with Worship and then swap your idol to also boost your shred damage once rip has been applied.
I recommend visiting the Druid Classic Discord to learn more if you want to try this out. If only using one idol, they are extremely close in value. Latest phase 2 figures put beast just ahead, but you should check with a simulation tool for your character to be sure.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
25 Sidereal essences (from Heroic ++ dungeons) | |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Gun’drak (Heroic ++) – Gal’darah | |
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (Heroic) | |
Engineering (440) – Binds on pickup |
Mimironflightgogs, previously from Ulduar (10), can now also be bought with Sidereal Essences from Heroic ++ dungeons . These are very strong and well ahead of all other pre-raid options, but may be hard to get your hands on. The other heroic options are all very good as well.
Weaknessspecs are quite a bit worse than the other listed options here. However, they are extremely cheap to craft and a good option for a fresh 80. They do require Engineering to craft and use, but I consider Engineering a “must-have” profession.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Mimiron Hard Mode, or 25 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Yogg-Saron | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Thorim |
Mimironflightgogs are the best available helm option for Feral DPS prior to Phase 3 content. They drop from 10-man hard mode Mimiron or can be bought with Sidereal Essences as mentioned above. The other two listed options from Ulduar are perfectly fine as well.
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC – 75 EmblemofTriumph + 1 TrophyoftheCrusade | |
Onyxia’s Lair (25) – Onyxia |
Malfurions is the best available helm for Feral DPS in Phase 3. The heroic version is bought with a Regalia, which drops from the Tribute chest at the end of ToGC. Note that only 2-4 Regalia drop in each chest (2 as standard, 4 if completed with fewer than 5 wipes), and that they are highly sought after.
The alternatives are all relatively close in value, but note that the hit rating on Hoodlethal and stormragecoverlet may be difficult to utilise without going over the hit cap; this makes Malfurions come out ahead.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Violet Hold (Heroic ++) – Xevozz, Moragg | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Eadric the Pure | |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip |
Seedofbuddingcarnage is the best available pre-raid neckpiece for a Feral DPS. It can be bought with Sidereal Essences from Heroic ++ dungeons and may be difficult to get immediately after hitting 80, but is a strong item and excellent piece to aim for.
As a good and slightly easier option, Ancientpendantofarathor from the new Trial of the Champion dungeon (in Heroic mode) is a solid option as well. For a quick and decent piece to buy the moment you hit 80, Titaniumimpactchoker can be crafted or bought off the auction house.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Freya Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (25) – General Vezax Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Hodir Hard Mode | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Sapphiron (via Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris) |
Seedofbuddingcarnage remains the best available neckpiece for Feral DPS until ToGC. It drops from Ulduar (10) or can be bought with Sidereal Essences from Heroic ++ dungeons. Pendulumofinfinity is very powerful, and in fact is better than seedofbuddingcarnage if the hit rating on the latter brings you above the hit cap. It drops from Vezax in Hard Mode and is likely to be very contested by other raid members. Frigidstrengthofhodir is a solid option, and drops from Hodir in Hard Mode.
The last two listed items are far easier to get and only slightly worse; Broachofthewailingnight can be bought with a few emblemofconquest from Ulduar, and favorofthedragonqueen can be earned through Heroic Key to the Focusing Iris, which is a guaranteed drop from Sapphiron in Naxxramas. Ask your guildmates for help running a Naxx skip run and you’ll be sorted!
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
ToGC (10H) – Icehowl | |
Ulduar (10) – Freya Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (25) – General Vezax Hard Mode |
Chargedemonlord is the best available neckpiece for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It drops from Lord Jaraxxus in 25-man, Heroic ToGC. This can make it relatively difficult to get your hands on. Luckily, it is only a small improvement from the Pre-ToGC options listed, so don’t worry too much about upgrading. Indeed, the normal variants of the listed neckpieces are worse than the Phase 2 alternatives here.
It is worth noting that Collarofceaslesstorment is equal in value to
Chargedemonlord in a vacuum, but it can be difficult in a full-BiS set to utilise the armor penetration on the former without exceeding the soft cap.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Halls of Lightnight (Heroic ++) – Ionar | |
Trial of the Champion – The Black Knight | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip |
Valorousnightsongshoulderpads are the best available pre-raid shoulders for a Feral DPS. However, they drop from Heroic ++ dungeons which can be difficult to clear if undergeared. Treacherousshoulderpads also drop from Heroic ++, and are excellent shoulders in a vacuum. However, the hit rating on them can be difficult to utilise in a pre-raid set.
Shouldersoftheinfamousknave are a very good option and drop from normal Trial of the Champion, making them an easy choice. Otherwise, Trollwovenshoulders are a bit worse than the others but can be bought cheaply on the auction house as a solid start.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Steelbreaker (Iron Council Hard Mode) | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Yogg-Saron |
shoulderpadsoftheintruder are the best available shoulder option for a Feral DPS before ToGC. They drop from Assembly of Iron / the Iron Council in Ulduar if you kill Steelbreaker last, which is the “hard mode” version of this boss. They are rare and sought after by other classes so may be hard to get your hands on. Otherwise, conqnightsongshoulderpads are good and should be reasonably easy to get.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
Ulduar (25) – Steelbreaker | |
ToGC – 45 EmblemofTriumph + 1 TrophyoftheCrusade | |
ToGC (10H) – Anub’arak |
Malfurions are the best available shoulder option for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. They can be bought with Regaliaofthevanquisher which drop from the Tribute chest at the end of Heroic 25-man ToGC. This makes them very difficult to get, but there are alternatives available.
.shoulderpadsoftheintruder from Ulduar are still an excellent item in Phase 3; in a vacuum, they are the best option. However, the hit rating on them can be difficult to utilise and the set bonuses on tier pull them ahead. Still, while they may not feature in a full BiS set, they are a very good option to have.
Otherwise, the normal version of tier ( Malfur) may be a good use of your emblems while waiting for a Regalia.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ahn’khahet: The Old Kingdom (Heroic ++) – Herald Volazj | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
Trial of the Champion – The Black Knight |
Drapeofthefacelessgeneral is the best non-raid cloak for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It can be bought with 15 Sidereal Essences from Heroic ++ dungeons. However, Heroic ++ dungeons may be difficult to run without already having some gear on board.
As a slightly easier option, cloakofmastery from Heroic Plus Oculus is still a strong cloak, though quite a lot weaker than Drapeofthefacelessgeneral.
Finally, Drapeoftheundefeated is worse still than the other options, but is easily attainable in normal Trial of the Champion and probably the best option to aim for as soon as you hit 80.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – General Vezax Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (25) – Hodir Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Iron Council |
Drapeofthefacelessgeneral from Ulduar 10 / Sidereal Essences is still the best cloak available for a Feral DPS until ToGC. DrapeofIcyIntent is equal in value individually, but the hit rating is difficult to utilise in a full set. The other two options have the same issue, but are also a bit weaker.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (10H) – Tribute Chest | |
Ulduar (10) – General Vezax Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
ToGC (25H) – Icehowl | |
Ulduar (25) – Hodir Hard Mode |
Vereesas is the best available cloak for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It is an incredibly strong item that can drop from the Tribute chest at the end of a heroic 25-man ToGC run if there have been no wipes throughout the run. This makes it extremely contested and difficult to get. The 10-man version of the same cloak is your next best alternative. Otherwise, Drapeofthefacelessgeneral is still a very good cloak and better than the other two listed.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Heroic ++ | |
The Culling of Stratholme (Heroic Plus) – Chrono-lord Epoch | |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final Boss |
Valorousnightsongraiments is the best available non-raid option for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It likely drops from any final boss of a Heroic ++ dungeon, which may be difficult to clear or get into groups for while undergeared. The slightly easier Heroic Plus dungeons have some decent options as well.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Thorim Hard Mode | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Hodir | |
Eye of Eternity (10/25) – Malygos | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Hodir |
Embraceofthegladiator is the best available chestpiece outside of ToGC for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It is a very powerful item which drops from Thorim Hard Mode in Ulduar, and is likely to be quite contested by other players in the raid. If this proves difficult to obtain, the alternatives listed should be easier and are still solid choices.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
ToGC (10H) – Fjola Lightbane | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Ulduar (25) – Thorim Hard Mode |
Malfurions is the best available chest for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It can be bought with a Regalia from the Tribute chest in 25-man, heroic ToGC, making it very difficult to get. The other options listed are still excellent — in fact, several of them are individually better than
Malfuri, but the set bonuses from tier are worth picking up.
Knightbanecarapace is a very powerful option, which individually is better than the rest but has a lot of hit rating which can be challenging to make use of. It can be crafted or bought on the auction house, but does require Crusaderorbs from ToGC to craft. If you have access to orbs or a lot of gold, I recommend getting this as early as possible.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Eadric the Pure | |
The Nexus (Heroic) – Binds on equip |
Fluxingenergycoils are the best available pre-raid bracers for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. They can be bought with Sidereal Essences from Heroic ++ dungeons. Before then, Heroic Trial of the Champion gives you access to Armbandsofthewarylookout which are an excellent option.
While a bit worse than the other options, DrakeChampionsBracers from trash mobs in the Nexus (Heroic) are bound on equip, and therefore available cheaply on the auction house right when you hit level 80.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Eadric the Pure |
Solarbindings are the best bracer option outside of ToGC for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. They drop from Algalon in Ulduar so could be tricky to get. The alternatives listed may be more accessible and are still strong options.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Anub’arak | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Ulduar (10) – XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences |
bracersdetermination are the best available bracers for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. They drop from Anub’arak in ToGC (25H). If you are not clearing heroic, then SolarBindings are still excellent. In fact, if you struggle to utilise the hit rating on
bracersdetermination, then SolarBindings are your best option.
Alternatively Bracersofswiftdeath can be crafted or bought on the auction house, but do require Crusaderorbs from ToGC to make. Again, if you have access to orbs or a lot of gold, I recommend getting these straight away.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
24 Sidereal Essences | |
Heroic ++ – Multiple dungeons | |
Trial of the Champion – Eadric the Pure |
Valorousnightsonghandgrips are the best pre-raid gloves for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. They drop from final bosses in Heroic ++ dungeons, which may be difficult to clear if you are undergeared. glovesoftheendlessdark are extremely strong individually, but have a lot of hit rating which is hard to use in a full gear set. Additionally, the tier bonuses from Valorousnightsonghandgrips are good to pick up if you can.
For a more easily attainable alternative, Glovesoftheargentfanatic from normal Trial of the Champion are an excellent starting piece.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10/25) – Mimiron | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 24 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Auriaya |
Conqnightsonghandgrips are the best pre-ToGC glove option for a Feral DPS. They drop from Mimiron in Ulduar so should be reasonably easy to get. Again here, glovesoftheendlessdark are individually stronger if you can use the hit rating, but tier gloves are a good source of a set bonus. Otherwise, the pre-raid options listed above are still close in value, so don’t worry if you haven’t had any luck in Ulduar.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (10H) – Faction Champions | |
ToGC – 45 EmblemofTriumph + 1 TrophyoftheCrusade |
malfurions are the best gloves available for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. They are bought with Regalia from the heroic tribute chest, making them quite contested early on.
silverassassin are also excellent; in fact, if you cannot utilise the hit rating on
malfurion, then the former are better. However, the set bonuses from tier are powerful and should be prioritised.
You can either choose to get your 4 piece bonus here (by choosing malfurions over
silverassassin), or in your leg slot (by choosing
malfurionslegstriumph over legguardsofcunningdeception). The difference is negligible; I have gone with the first option in this guide. Depending on the option you go for, you may need to juggle hit rating around to stay under the hit cap.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
19 Sidereal Essences | |
Leatherworking – Binds on Equip |
Souldevouringcinch is the best available pre-raid belt for a Feral DPS. Previously from Ulduar (10), it will now drop from Heroic ++ dungeons. It may be difficult to get your hands on.
Luckily, Deathwarmedbelt is now reasonably cheap to buy on or craft with materials from the auction house. It is an excellent item and could last you well into ToGC, so I definitely recommend going for this as soon as you hit 80.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light), or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Zone drop | |
Leatherworking – Binds on Equip |
As above, Souldevouringcinch is the best available pre-ToGC belt for a Feral DPS. The only relevant belts Ulduar gives you access to are relichunterscord and Beltofthetwilightassassin.
However, I would still recommend going straight for a Deathwarmedbelt. The three alternatives listed here are all very close in value, so Souldevouringcinch is the only belt I would recommend going out of your way for.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Fjola Lightbane | |
Ulduar (10) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light), or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
ToGC (25N) – Fjola Lightbane |
mercilesskiller is the best available belt for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It drops from Fjola Lightbane in heroic, 25-man ToGC. Souldevouringcinch is still the second best belt you have access too, and in fact can even be best if you cannot utilise the hit on
mercilesskiller. If you have no luck with either of these, then the Normal variant
mercilesskiller is an upgrade from other Phase 2 options.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Heroic ++ | |
Trial of the Champion – Eadric the Pure |
valorousnightsonglegguards are the best available pre-raid option for a Feral DPS. They drop from any final boss in a Heroic ++ dungeon. They are strong, but Heroic ++ dungeons can be tough to clear for a new level 80.
Leggingsofbrazentrespass are a very solid option, and are much more easily attainable from normal Trial of the Champion.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Freya | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Razorscale | |
Obsidian Sanctum (10/25) – Sartharion (2 drakes) |
legguardsofcunningdeception are the best pre-ToGC leg option for a Feral DPS. They drop from Yogg-Saron in Ulduar when killed in hard mode – i.e. with only 1 Light. leggingsofwaveringshadow and conqnightsonglegguards are a lot worse, but your best alternatives and generally easier to obtain. Protohideleggings and Leggingsofthehonored are close in value to these as well, though less good if you would otherwise get a set bonus from the tier legs.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute chest | |
ToGC (25H) – Icehowl |
legguardsofcunningdeception are my recommended leg option for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. All three legs are roughly equal in value, so let me explain:
In a vacuum, leggingsbeast are the strongest leg item for a Feral DPS. However, the hit on them can be difficult to utilise. This makes legguardsofcunningdeception better in certain set-ups (including mine).
malfurionslegstriumph are equal in value individually to legguardsofcunningdeception, but again are difficult to fit the hit for. However, if they get you a tier set bonus, then their value increases and you should drop hit rating elsewhere to accommodate them, making them the best leg option.
In a full set, you should aim to have 4 pieces of tier. The deciding slots are between your gloves and legs. You can either choose to get your 4 piece bonus in your glove slot (by choosing malfurions over
silverassassin), or in your leg slot (by choosing
malfurionslegstriumph over gguardsofcunningdeception). The difference is negligible; I have gone with the first option in this guide, so I recommend gguardsofcunningdeception as the BiS leg option. Ultimately, you may need to choose which 4 pieces of tier to go for based on the alternatives you already have available in each slot. Keep in mind that, depending on the option you go for, you may need to juggle hit rating around to stay under the hit cap.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Grand Champions | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Heroic ++ |
Treadsofdismalfortune are the best available pre-raid boots for a Feral DPS. They drop from Heroic Trial of the Champion. Although Footpadsofsilence are better individually, the hit rating on them can be difficult to fit into a full set.
However, they are also easily bought or crafted with materials from the auction house, and it is unlikely that you will be struggling with hit cap early on, so I highly recommend getting Footpadsofsilence as soon as you hit 80 and farm a bit of gold.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10/25) – Iron Assembly | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Grand Champions |
Runedironhideboots are the best pre-ToGC boot option for a Feral DPS. They drop from the Iron assembly in Ulduar. However, as mentioned above, Footpadsofsilence are very easy to get and are almost as good (if you can use the hit rating) – I recommend getting these first.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Faction champions | |
ToGC (10H) – Icehowl | |
ToGC (25N) – Faction champions | |
ToGC (10N) – Icehowl |
treadsice are the best available boots for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. They drop from heroic 25-man ToGC.
acidmawboots are quite a bit worse, and about on par with the normal variant of
treadsice. After those, the normal variant of
acidmawboots is your next best option.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Drak’tharon Keep (Heroic ++) – The Prophet Tharon’ja | |
Utgarde Keep (Heroic Plus) – Ingvar the Plunderer – Binds on Equip | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip | |
Trial of the Champion – The Black Knight |
There are many pre-raid ring options for a Feral DPS, most of which come from Heroic ++ dungeons. The best two are Bandoflights (which is incredibly good and will likely last you until Phase 4, but is highly sought after), and loopoftheagile.
Before trying Heroic ++, your easier options are Surgeneedlering from Heroic Plus (or more likely for a good chunk of gold on the auction house), TitaniumImpactband relatively cheaply on the auction house, and Urukasbandofzeal from Normal Trial of the Champion.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon (via Replycodealpha) | |
Ulduar (10/25) – Ignis the Furnace Master | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon (via Replycodealpha) | |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
Ulduar (10) – Steelbreaker, or 15 Sidereal Essences |
Bandoflights and Brannssignetring are the best available pre-ToGC rings for a Feral DPS. Ulduar gives a few more ring options like cindershardring, though sealofthebetrayedking is probably better left for other classes.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Faction Champions | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon (via Replycodealpha) | |
ToGC (10H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ringofcallousaggression and Brannssignetring are my recommended ring options for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. Although
and Bandoflights are better individually, the hit rating on these two rings can be difficult to utilise in a full set. However, they are all extremely close in overall value so I recommend picking whichever two of these suit your gear set the best. Dexterousbrightstonering is a solid alternative as well.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
19 Sidereal Essences | |
24 Sidereal Essences | |
Darkmoon Faire – Nobles Deck | |
Azjol-Nerub (Heroic Plus) – Krik’thir the Gatewatcher | |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic) – King Ymiron | |
Drak’tharn Keep (Heroic) – King Dred |
Mjolnirrunestone and Darkmatter can be bought with Sidereal Essences from Heroic ++ dungeons and are by far the best available pre-raid trinkets for a Feral DPS. They will be highly sought after and difficult to get early on. If you have a lot of gold to spend, then DMCG is an excellent starting piece. However, if you aren’t loaded I would not recommend spending too much on it as it is far less powerful for Ferals than for other classes (who drive up the price).
Mirroroftruth and the other listed trinkets are quite a lot worse than the previous ones listed, but represent some of the few decent trinkets to aim for right when you hit 80.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Thorim Hard Mode, or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
Darkmoon Faire – Nobles Deck | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple bosses |
Mjolnirrunestone and Cometstrail are the best available pre-ToGC trinkets for a Feral DPS. I recommend trying your best to get Mjolnirrunestone and settling for any of the listed trinkets as your second slot.
Note that you should not use Mjolnirrunestone and GrimToll, as their proc effects are very similar and having both will quickly bring you above the armor penetration cap when they proc. GrimToll is an excellent trinket if you happen to have it, but Mjolnirrunestone is the direct upgrade you should aim for.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Ulduar (10) – Thorim Hard Mode, or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
ToGC (25H) – Fjola Lightbane | |
ToGC (25N) – Fjola Lightbane | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple Bosses | |
Reward for NoblesDeck – Binds on Equip |
Mjolnirrunestone and Deathsverdict are the best available trinkets for a Feral DPS. While
Deathsverdict is an excellent trinket, it is rare and extremely contested. Furthermore, it is likely even better for most other classes than for a Feral. Because of this, the Phase 3 list does not change much from Phase 2, and most Ferals should aim for Mjolnirrunestone and any other trinket they can get their hands on (except Grimtoll, which as mentioned above should only be considered if you do not have Mjolnirrunestone).
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
38 Sidereal Essences | |
The Oculus (Heroic ++) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
The Culling of Stratholme (Heroic ++) – Salramm | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Ley-Guardian Eregos | |
Argent Tournament – 25 Championsseal |
TorturedEarth is the best available pre-raid option for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It can be bought with Sidereal Essences from Heroic ++ dungeons, which may be difficult to clear or get a group for if undergeared. There are several other Heroic ++ options which are all close in value so I have not listed them all here.
Blackice is a strong option and drops from Eregos in the Oculus (Heroic Plus), so if you manage to get a group for it this may be a slightly easier option to aim for.
For an easy and decent option right when you hit 80, you could go for Silversylvanstave.
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Freya Hard Mode, Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
Ulduar (10) – General Vezax Hard Mode, or 38 Sidereal Essences | |
Ulduar (10/25) – General Vezax |
dreambinder is the best available pre-ToGC weapon for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It drops both from hard mode Freya and from Algalon in Ulduar. Darkedgeofdepravity is also an excellent option from Yogg-Saron if killed with only 1 light active, though it is better for tanking than for DPS. If your group can manage hard modes, these shouldn’t be too difficult to get your hands on. The alternatives listed are all fine, but quite a bit weaker than these two.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Fjola Lightbane | |
ToGC (25H) – Anub’arak | |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute chest | |
Ulduar (25) – Freya (Hard Mode), Algalon the Observer |
Lupinelongstaff is the best available weapon for a Feral DPS in Phase 3. It drops from Fjola Lightbane in 25-man Heroic ToGC. Alternatively,
Archonglaive off Anub’arak is almost identical in value, so I recommend using whichever you get your hands on first.
Catastrophe from the tribute chest at the end of 25H ToGC is also a decent option, but may be more difficult to get than the others. It is also very close in value to dreambinder, so I wouldn’t recommend going out of your way to get it.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Idoloftheravenousbeast is bought with emblemsofheroism and is the best Feral DPS idol until Phase 3.
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Phase 3 has introduced Idolofmutilation, which is now the best available idol for a Feral DPS. It is a significant upgrade from the previous idoloftheravenousbeast and is worth getting once you’ve gathered enough EmblemofTriumph for it.
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic The Forge of Souls – Devourer of Souls | |
25 Sidereal essences (from Heroic ++ dungeons) | |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (Heroic) | |
Engineering (440) – Binds on pickup |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
Onyxia’s Lair (25) – Onyxia |
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Heroic Discarded Bag of Entrails | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Professor Putricide |
Heroic Geistlord’s Punishment Sack | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Blood Prince Council |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Bind on Equip | |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Heroic Pit of Saron – Forgemaster Garfrost | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Eadric the Pure | |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Bind on Equip | |
Korralin Hoperender – 60 Defiler’s Scourgestone |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Sindragosa’s Cruel Claw | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Sindragosa |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Sindragosa | |
Heroic Rimetooth Pendant | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Sindragosa |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Sindragosa | |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
Korralin Hoperender – 60 Defiler’s Scourgestone | |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Bind on Equip | |
Heroic Precious’s Putrid Collar | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Festergut |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Festergut |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic Halls of Reflection – Falric | |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Halls of Lightning (Heroic ++) – Ionar | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Heroic Skinned Whelp Shoulders | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Valithria Dreamwalker |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper | |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ahn’khahet: The Old Kingdom (Heroic ++) – Herald Volazj | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (10H) – Tribute Chest | |
Ulduar (10) – General Vezax Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (10H) – Tribute Chest | |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Heroic Shadowvault Slayer’s Cloak | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Gunship |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Gunship | |
Heroic Shawl of Nerubian Silk | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lord Marrowgar |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Lord Marrowgar |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Heroic ++ | |
The Culling of Stratholme (Heroic Plus) – Chrono-lord Epoch | |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final Boss |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
ToGC (10H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper | |
Heroic Ikfirus’ Sack of Wonder | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Gunship |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Eadric the Pure | |
The Nexus (Heroic) – Binds on equip |
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Ulduar (10) – XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang | |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Sindragosa | |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Sindragosa |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
24 Sidereal Essences | |
Heroic ++ – Multiple dungeons | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Aldriana’s Gloves of Secrecy | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Rotface |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Heroic Scourge Stranglers | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
19 Sidereal Essences | |
Leatherworking – Binds on Equip | |
Heroic ++ Dungeons (Former Ulduar10) | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
Ulduar (10) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light), or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
ToGC (25N) – Twin Val’kyrs |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Astrylian’s Sutured Cinch | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Professor Putricide |
Heroic Soulthief’s Braided Belt | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic Pit of Saron – Scourgelord Tyrannus | |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Heroic ++ | |
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute chest | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Heroic Ivory-Inlaid Leggings | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Blood-Queen Lana’thel |
Heroic Gangrenous Leggings | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Festergut |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Festergut |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Heroic Halls of Reflection – The Lich King | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Grand Champions | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Heroic ++ |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25N) – Faction champions | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Frostbitten Fur Boots | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Lord Marrowgar |
Heroic Taldaram’s Soft Slippers | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Blood Prince Council |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Lord Marrowgar | |
ToGC (25H) – Faction champions | |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Drak’tharon Keep (Heroic ++) – The Prophet Tharon’ja | |
Utgarde Keep (Heroic Plus) – Ingvar the Plunderer – Binds on Equip | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Faction champions | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon (via Replycodealpha) | |
ToGC (10H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
The Ashen Verdict – Exalted | |
Heroic Band of the Bone Colossus | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Lord Marrowgar |
Heroic Frostbrood Sapphire Ring | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Valithria Dreamwalker |
Heroic Saurfang’s Cold-Forged Band | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
19 Sidereal Essences | |
24 Sidereal Essences | |
Darkmoon Faire – Nobles Deck | |
Azjol-Nerub (Heroic Plus) – Krik’thir the Gatewatcher | |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic) – King Ymiron | |
Drak’tharn Keep (Heroic) – King Dred |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
ToGC (25N) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple Bosses | |
Reward for NoblesDeck – Binds on Equip |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Deathbringer’s Will | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang |
Heroic Whispering Fanged Skull | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
38 Sidereal Essences | |
The Oculus (Heroic ++) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
The Culling of Stratholme (Heroic ++) – Salramm | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Ley-Guardian Eregos | |
Argent Tournament – 25 Championsseal |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute chest | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic The Lich King | |
Heroic Distant Land | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Festergut |
Heroic Cryptmaker | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Blood Prince Council |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Item | Source |
Best in Slot
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic The Forge of Souls – Devourer of Souls | |
25 Sidereal essences (from Heroic ++ dungeons) | |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
The Black Knight – Trial of the Champion (Heroic) | |
Engineering (440) – Binds on pickup |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
Onyxia’s Lair (25) – Onyxia |
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Heroic Discarded Bag of Entrails | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Professor Putricide |
Heroic Geistlord’s Punishment Sack | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Blood Prince Council |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Bind on Equip | |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Heroic Pit of Saron – Forgemaster Garfrost | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Eadric the Pure | |
Halls of Stone (Heroic Plus) – Sjonnir the Ironshaper | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Bind on Equip | |
Korralin Hoperender – 60 Defiler’s Scourgestone |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Sindragosa’s Cruel Claw | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Sindragosa |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Sindragosa | |
Heroic Rimetooth Pendant | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Sindragosa |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Sindragosa | |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
Korralin Hoperender – 60 Defiler’s Scourgestone | |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Bind on Equip | |
Heroic Precious’s Putrid Collar | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Festergut |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Festergut |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic Halls of Reflection – Falric | |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Halls of Lightning (Heroic ++) – Ionar | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Heroic Skinned Whelp Shoulders | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Valithria Dreamwalker |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper | |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Ahn’khahet: The Old Kingdom (Heroic ++) – Herald Volazj | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (10H) – Tribute Chest | |
Ulduar (10) – General Vezax Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Shadowvault Slayer’s Cloak | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Gunship |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Gunship | |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (10H) – Tribute Chest | |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Heroic Shawl of Nerubian Silk | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lord Marrowgar |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Lord Marrowgar |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Heroic ++ | |
The Culling of Stratholme (Heroic Plus) – Chrono-lord Epoch | |
Any Dungeon (Heroic Plus) – Final Boss |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
ToGC (25H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
ToGC (10H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper | |
Heroic Ikfirus’ Sack of Wonder | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Gunship |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Eadric the Pure | |
The Nexus (Heroic) – Binds on equip |
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Ulduar (10) – XT-002 Deconstructor Hard Mode, or 15 Sidereal Essences |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Umbrage Armbands | The Ruby Sanctum (25) – Heroic Halion |
The Ruby Sanctum (25) – Halion | |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Sindragosa | |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang | |
Icecrown Citadel (10) – Sindragosa |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
24 Sidereal Essences | |
Heroic ++ – Multiple dungeons | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute Chest | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Aldriana’s Gloves of Secrecy | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Rotface |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Heroic Scourge Stranglers | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
19 Sidereal Essences | |
Leatherworking – Binds on Equip | |
Heroic ++ Dungeons (Former Ulduar10) | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
Ulduar (10) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light), or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
ToGC (25N) – Twin Val’kyrs |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Astrylian’s Sutured Cinch | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Professor Putricide |
Heroic Soulthief’s Braided Belt | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Heroic Pit of Saron – Scourgelord Tyrannus | |
Any dungeon (Heroic ++) – Final boss | |
Heroic ++ | |
Item | Source |
Ulduar (25) – Yogg-Saron (1 Light) | |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute chest | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 264 Piece | |
Vanquisher’s Mark of Sanctification & 251 Piece | |
Heroic Ivory-Inlaid Leggings | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Blood-Queen Lana’thel |
Heroic Gangrenous Leggings | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Festergut |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Festergut |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Heroic Halls of Reflection – The Lich King | |
Trial of the Champion (Heroic) – Grand Champions | |
Leatherworking – Binds on equip | |
Heroic ++ |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25N) – Faction champions | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Frostbitten Fur Boots | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Lord Marrowgar |
Heroic Taldaram’s Soft Slippers | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Blood Prince Council |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Lord Marrowgar | |
ToGC (25H) – Faction champions | |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
15 Sidereal Essences | |
Drak’tharon Keep (Heroic ++) – The Prophet Tharon’ja | |
Utgarde Keep (Heroic Plus) – Ingvar the Plunderer – Binds on Equip | |
Jewelcrafting – Binds on equip | |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Faction champions | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon (via Replycodealpha) | |
ToGC (10H) – Lord Jaraxxus | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 15 Sidereal Essences | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
The Ashen Verdict – Exalted | |
Heroic Signet of Twilight | The Ruby Sanctum (25) – Heroic Halion |
Heroic Band of the Bone Colossus | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Lord Marrowgar |
The Ruby Sanctum (25) – Halion | |
Heroic Frostbrood Sapphire Ring | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Valithria Dreamwalker |
Heroic Saurfang’s Cold-Forged Band | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
19 Sidereal Essences | |
24 Sidereal Essences | |
Darkmoon Faire – Nobles Deck | |
Azjol-Nerub (Heroic Plus) – Krik’thir the Gatewatcher | |
Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic) – King Ymiron | |
Drak’tharn Keep (Heroic) – King Dred |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
ToGC (25N) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
Ulduar (25) – Algalon the Observer | |
Ulduar (10) – Algalon the Observer, or 19 Sidereal Essences | |
Naxxramas (10/25) – Multiple Bosses | |
Reward for NoblesDeck – Binds on Equip |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Heroic Sharpened Twilight Scale | The Ruby Sanctum (25) – Heroic Halion |
Heroic Deathbringer’s Will | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Deathbringer Saurfang |
The Ruby Sanctum (25) – Halion | |
Heroic Whispering Fanged Skull | Icecrown Citadel (10) – Heroic Lady Deathwhisper |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
38 Sidereal Essences | |
The Oculus (Heroic ++) – Drakos the Interrogator | |
The Culling of Stratholme (Heroic ++) – Salramm | |
The Oculus (Heroic Plus) – Ley-Guardian Eregos | |
Argent Tournament – 25 Championsseal |
Item | Source |
ToGC (25H) – Twin Val’kyrs | |
ToGC (25H) – Tribute chest | |
Best in Slot
Item | Source |
Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic The Lich King | |
Heroic Distant Land | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Festergut |
Heroic Cryptmaker | Icecrown Citadel (25) – Heroic Blood Prince Council |
Fresh 80
Item | Source |
Item | Source |
Best in Slot
About the Author