- Author: Oxykitten
- Date: July 19, 2022
- Updated: July 29, 2023
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Professions are a crucial part of your World of Warcraft character, potentially offering a large boost to your damage, healing or survivability, while also allowing you to generate some gold.
This section will cover some of your best options for professions as a Feral Druid Tank.
Best Professions
Engineering is a very strong profession and significantly better than any other option. Jewelcrafting is the best second profession, but is close in value to most other professions. Read on below for more detail, and click on the profession links for access to profession leveling guides.
Engineering is the king of professions for PvE content, offering a lot of benefits.
The main benefit of Engineering lies in the unique glove enchants, with Feral Druids having 2 useful options. Hyperspeed Accelerators give +340 haste rating for 12 seconds, on a 1 minute cooldown. This translates into a ~10% attack speed increase with a 20% uptime. This will be great for both your threat while tanking, but also DPS when you don’t need to tank. Alternatively, you can go for the Reticulated Armor Webbing, which grants a permanent +885 armor boost; this is nifty for your mitigation but doesn’t do much for your threat or DPS.
Additionally, as an Engineer you have access to the Nitro Boosts boots enchant, passively giving +24 crit rating and coming with an-use effect which massively increases your speed for 5 seconds. This can help you move quickly in order to pick up a loose mob, which can be a life-saver.
Finally, Engineers can use powerful explosives such as Global Thermal Sapper Charges.
Jewelcrafting is the second best profession for Feral tanks. The main benefit of Jewelcrafting is the Jewelcrafter-unique gems, Dragon’s Eye, which are more powerful than regular gems, but are limited to 3 equipped at a time. Compared to normal gems, these unique gems add up to +63 stamina or +42 agility for your tank or DPS sets. These stats are higher than other professions, but more importantly are versatile to suit whichever role you play.
Additionally, Jewelcrafting provides some useful pre-raid trinkets such as monarchcrab. This is a short-term benefit, but is still worth mentioning.
Useful Professions
The following professions are considered viable, but offer a lesser benefit compared to the best professions, so they’re not recommended. If you’re not focused on making your character 100% optimal, you can use any of these professions just fine.
As a Leatherworker you gain access to the stamench bracer enchant, which provides +62 stamina over the standard enchant available to everyone, normstamench. This is a slightly stronger tank enchant than what Blacksmithing offers, but the contribution to your DPS set is weaker, with Fur Lining – Attack Power only providing +80 attack power increase over the standard enchant available to everyone, Enchant Bracers – Greater Assault.
As an Enchanter you gain access to the ringstamench enchant, which provides +60 stamina. For your DPS set, Enchant Ring – Assault provides +80 attack power. This is decent enough, but weaker in both overall stats and versatility than the professions above.
Miners gain access to the Toughness passive, which offers a +60 stamina boost. This means it ties the previously mentioned professions, while lacking the versatility of a second, DPS-focused option.
Mining is okay for gold generation, and as with Herbalism, is a great fit for a Druid. So if this character is going to be your alt, Mining is a great option.
As an Alchemist, you gain access to the Mixology passive effect, which increases the effectiveness of flasks and elixirs you consume, but only if you can craft them yourself. This results in a +650 HP increase when using Flask of Stoneblood. This is weaker than the stamina provided by other options. The DPS set contribution is a +64 attack power increase when using Flask of Endless Rage, which is also weaker than other options.
On the flipside, Alchemy is one of the best professions for gold generation, as potions, flasks and elixirs are always relevant and in high demand. This makes it a great profession for your alts to have.
As a Tailor, you gain access to the Swordguard Embroidery cloak enchant, a proc which gives you +400 attack power for 15 seconds with a 45 second internal cooldown. This translates into a possible +133 attack power bonus on average if it procs exactly every 45 seconds, or a +100 attack power bonus on average if it procs every 60 seconds. However, the benefit over the standard cloak enchant, Enchant Cloak – Major Agility, or the engineering cloak enchant, underlay, is quite minor for both a tank and a Feral DPS.
Skinners gain access to the Master of Anatomy passive, which offers a +40 crit rating boost. This is significantly weaker than other professions mentioned in this list, but it isn’t completely useless.
Skinning is generally not that good at gold generation either, so it’s overall not a great profession.
Sub-Par Professions
The following professions provide significantly fewer PvE benefits and are thus not considered viable for Feral tanks.
As a Scribe, you gain access to the Master’s Inscription of the Pinnacle shoulder enchant, which provides a +40 dodge rating increase over the standard shoulder enchant, Greater Inscription of the Pinnacle. However, Ferals do not benefit much from Defense rating and therefore prefer the glad shoulder enchant For your DPS set, the Master’s Inscription of the Axe shoulder enchant provides a +80 attack power increase over the standard enchant available to everyone, Greater Inscription of the Axe. Overall, this is a fairly weak tank profession.
Scribes also get to make Glyphs & scrolls, providing a nice source of income, but many will argue that the real benefit in Inscription comes in not having to grind The Sons of Hodir reputation for the standard shoulder enchants!
Herbalists gain the Lifeblood active skill, which heals you for 3600 over 5 seconds, with a 3 minute cooldown. This can occasionally come in handy, particularly while leveling, farming or questing, but will generally never be enough to save you in a dungeon or raid.
The only positive thing to say about Herbalism is that, like Mining, it’s a decent gold generation tool and Druids are arguably the best class for gathering professions. If your Druid is going to be an alt you rarely play, you could pick Herbalism; otherwise any other profession is a better choice.
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Looks good! 😉  😀 
Thanks! Glad you like it 😄
Can u use the Sapper in bear / cat form?
Yes, in Wrath you can use items and consumables while shapeshifted. You can kind of do it in TBC using macros to bring you out of form and back in instantly, but in Wrath it works normally like any other class.
Does it matter gnome vs goblin?
Yes, goblin is better as it allows you to make and use global thermal sapper charges.