- Author: Amery
- Date: September 1, 2022
- Updated: September 1, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Frost Mages don’t have much of a rotation since it can be around a couple buttons, however we shall still go over them!
Single Target Rotation
Frost doesn’t have much of a rotation as it’s basically spam Frostbolt, there are only a couple exceptions to this, Deep Freeze and Brain Freeze Procs.
Deep Freeze should be used anytime it’s off cooldown and for Brain Freeze, you’ll essentially cast Frostfire bolts anytime the proc is up.
AoE Rotation
For AoE Blizzard will do more damage than pure Frostbolt spam at 3 or more targets, while they aren’t moving that is. If the mobs are moving then Arcane Explosion and Cone of Cold is the next best thing you can use
I’ts not just Frostbolt spam. There are minor adjustments in the rotation based on the procs you’ve got. There’s definitely more depth into it.
Do use Ice Lance at all or is it just FB spam even with the Fingers of Frost or whatever debuff makes targets act as if they’re frozen (never played a mage before but was thinking about it)
FB spam even with Fingers of Frost is more dps, Ice Lance sucks sadly.
Why no Ice Lance when u got the procs?