- Author: Nevermore
- Date: June 9, 2022
- Updated: September 20, 2022
- Expansion: WotLK Classic
Professions are a crucial part of your World of Warcraft character, potentially offering a large boost to your damage, healing or survivability, while also allowing you to generate some gold.
This section will cover some of your best options for professions as a Fury Warrior.
Best Professions
Like with most other classes & specs in the game, Engineering will be your strongest profession. For the second profession slot, we recommend Jewelcrafting, though Blacksmithing is extremely close to it in performance.
Useful Professions
The following professions are considered viable, but offer a lesser benefit compared to the best professions, so they’re not recommended. If you’re not focused on making your character 100% optimal, you can use any of these professions just fine.
Sub-Par Professions
The following professions do not offer any DPS-increasing benefits and are thus not considered viable for Fury Warriors in PvE.
If I have Blacksmithing and mining on my warrior and mining would be dropped, would it be best to pickup engineering or JC to work with blacksmithing? I can’t decide and people have said either would be great.
Blacksmithing is better in my opinion. Is constant.
Engineering is effectively mandatory for end game raiding if you are trying to optimize. Rocket boots allow you to get out of all kinds of danger, as well as back into damage range faster. Grenades add a constant damage boost, and the glove enchant is a solid damage increase, especially given that you can line it up with everything else.
(340 Haste x 12 sec) : 60 sec = 4080 : 60 = 68 Haste
68 Haste Ench vs 44 attack power Ench Crusher = 24Haste
Ench Nitro Boots 24 crit and run speed 5 sec/3min CD – Greater Assault 32 attack power = 8 attack power vs run speed 5 sec/3min CD (Ench Icewalker 12 hit, 12 crit)
Saronite Bomb 1150-1500 Fire damage 10yard/1min CD vs Blacksmithing Strengh 40 (80 attack power)
1500 Fire damage : 60 sec = 19, 177 – 25 Fire damage/1 sec
19,2 – 25 Fire damage vs 40 Strengh
Blacksmithing is better for me.
You’re looking at this very incorrectly.
Calculating the average of an on-demand Haste cooldown isn’t a functional way of looking at it. The fact that it is on-demand means you can line it up with other cooldowns and buffs to maximize its value.
The move speed from Nitro Boosts can be used to increase your uptime on a boss if you for any reason are not where you need to be. It can also be used to rapidly dodge mechanics before charging back in. For example against Algalon, you can maximize your uptime on the boss during Big Bang by using Rocket Boots to sprint into a portal at the last possible moment.
They also allow you to keep up with your raid, who will likely all be using rocket boots also.
I’m not sure I understand your math here either, because you say that the comparison is 8 attack power vs run speed, but that is false. The comparison is 24 Crit + Move Speed vs 32 Attack Power. Crit is a fantastic stat for Fury Warriors, and is generally going to be worth more than Attack Power.
You counted Saronite Bombs, but neglected Sappers. Global Thermal Sapper Charges are 2188 to 2812 Fire Damage. Both Sappers and Grenades also have Area of Effect, meaning that on a lot of bosses, they do more than just the listed damage. Razorscale, XT-002, (Council), Kologarn, Auriaya, Hodir, (Thorim), Mimiron, and Yogg-Saron all have AoE components to their fight. This makes up the majority of the encounters in Ulduar.
Blacksmithing currently offers 2 additional sockets, with the best option currently being at most 16 Strength gems. This puts you down to 32 Strength, not 40.
In the end, you are more than welcome to use Blacksmithing, but your math just doesn’t check out.
A quick, and likely not optimally set up Sim shows 90 DPS loss using Blacksmithing over Engineering. Feel free to provide a sim setup that shows otherwise.